Minutes – Meeting No. 3 – November 13, 2002
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Nov. 13, 2002
10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Dean’s Conference Room, Boalt Hall
Present: M. Cochran (Chair), B. Anton, S. Koskinen, A. Urbanic, L. Cushing, M. Mahoney, B. Quigley, D. De Lorenzo (facilitator), M. Burnette, S. McMahon, M. Snow, B. Bohl (recorder)
Guests: N. Kobzina, S. Hinojosa
· Appointment Review (Berkeley Procedures)
· Career Partners Program (UCI, Office of Academic Affairs)
LAUC Fall Assembly Friday, Dec. 6, at UCSF. All LAUC members are welcome to attend the open sessions. Information about the Assembly can be found at:
There is an additional procedure for those seeking reimbursements for luncheons/meetings. When turning in your receipts, you must also supply a list of the attendees. The list may be sent with the form or as a separate e-mail. If you are claiming reimbursement for a large number of people, it is permissible to say “a group of 50” without supplying individual names.
A. Urbanic suggested that the Executive Committee arrange an event to welcome new librarians to LAUC-B, to be held sometime in the spring. No official business would be conducted, it would be an opportunity to meet and greet new members.
Action: A. Urbanic and S. Koskinen will plan spring meeting.
Treasurer’s Report (M. Mahoney)
The LAUC-B Treasury has a balance of $37, 427.75.
We will supplement the travel allotment up to $625.00. The Research and Professional Governance Committee requested funds to sponsor speakers and provide refreshments, M. Cochran says we can cover those costs.
M. Cochran proposed that the Executive Committee invite the chairs of the LAUC-B committees to a future meeting in order to update us on the work they are doing, and to inquire whether ExComm can do more to support their work.
Action: M. Cochran will invite LAUC-B committee chairs to a future ExComm meeting.
Meeting with the University Librarian (M. Cochran/A. Urbanic)
A $950,000 cut from the operation’s budget has been absorbed. The Library has been successful in protecting the collection’s budget. Two upcoming issues are: 1) campus units have been asked to identify a 5% one-time cost to give back to campus. This amount will impact the Library’s ability to do some things; 2) campus units have been asked to participate in a planning exercise to identify 5% that could be taken from their permanent budgets. The deadline is January 2003. This is just an exercise and the money would come from the operations budget. One question remaining is whether or not there will be mid-year cuts for the current budget.
Staff classifications are being studied with a goal of decreasing the number of classifications.
E. Grassian will visit the Berkeley campus March 12, 10:10-12 noon, to meet with ExComm and other LAUC-B members. Esther will focus her comments on Information Literacy. UL Tom Leonard will join the meeting during the second hour to talk about the ULs approach to Information Literacy.
Action: M. Cochran will e-mail an invitation to attend this meeting to all LAUC members.
Senate Library Committee Report (A. Urbanic)
Two meetings were held since the last report. In October, the annual report of the committee was submitted, and staffing and salary issues, especially regarding the library assistant series, were discussed. A fund-raising advocacy group is to be created. Discussion of the registration of Berkeley dissertations with UMI was tabled for the December meeting.
At the Nov. 8 meeting, Patty Iannuzzi delivered a report on the collections budget, and discussed inflation models and budget reduction strategies. A search is underway for the AUL for Collection Development. Several offers were made, but the financial package was not substantial enough to attract the candidates.
The UCB Strategic Academic Plan was presented to the committee. The committee decided to insert more mention of library issues, and the plan will be sent to Dean Webster to approve the additions. The report should soon be available on the web.
Hiring partners of new librarians for positions within the Library (S. Hinojosa)
S. Hinojosa reported that, like most other UC campuses, Berkeley does not have a policy regarding recruitment issues such as offering employment to spouse/partners, loan programs for housing, child care and elder care. Due to the lack of such a policy at Berkeley, each case seems to be handled differently within the hiring unit. She proposes that LAUC-B should raise these issues with HR, emphasizing that we need to be more pro-active in the early stages of recruitment in presenting a package to the job applicants.
Action: A task force will be created to gather information and develop recruitment materials, possibly emulating the faculty program that already exists.
Announcing promotions in CU News (N. Kobzina/M. Burnette)
We would like to reinstate the policy of announcing promotions and distinguished step
awards in CU News. CAPA would be given the information at the end of each review cycle, and the chair of CAPA would then send the announcements to CU News.
Action: N. Kobzina will send the promotions for the last recruitment cycle to CU News.
Policy stipulation for MLS in job descriptions (N. Kobzina/M. Burnette)
M. Burnette reports that there is inconsistency in the language used in writing job descriptions for the library. There is also some question as to whether an MLS should be listed as a requirement for all applicants for librarian jobs. When the requirement is listed as an “MLS or equivalent” what do we accept as “equivalent?”
Action: LAUC will recommend a policy to include the MLS requirement in job descriptions.
Action: M. Cochran will write a letter to Susan Wong, the new head of Library Human Resources Dept., including information about the MLS requirement.
LAUC Archives (CAPA room)
Due to renovations in the library, LAUC may lose the “CAPA room” in which the LAUC-B archives are stored. This would create a hardship, and would change the way CAPA conducts peer review and mentoring. T. Leonard will bring this issue up with the Administration Group in their Nov. 13 meeting. Ex Comm will wait to hear what happens at the Administration Group meeting.
Action: D. De Lorenzo and M. Cochran will look into this matter and explore solutions to the problem.
Candidate Lunches (B. Quigley)
Six lunches were held for three positions. Brian will ask members of the general LAUC membership to host the lunches for the federal documents position.
LAUC-B Web Site Update (B. Bohl)
The membership roster has been updated, and the Ex Comm. Minutes have been posted. The roster for the 2002/03 Executive Committee has also been updated, C. Lee has updated the roster archives to include the missing years.
The Policy and procedures manual, which is still in draft form, needs to be updated.
Action: Officers are to review their duties before the next meeting of the Executive Committee and, if appropriate, recommend changes for their positions in the PPM.
Action: S. Koskinen and B. Quigley will send any information they have about the Mentor Program and the Candidate Lunches to the Secretary.
LAUC Executive Board Meeting
M. Cochran will e-mail her notes to ExComm.
The next meeting of the LAUC-B Executive Meeting will be held Dec. 11, 2002 at 303 Doe Library.