LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1998/99 (3)
11 Nov. 1998
9-11a.m., Stone Room, The Bancroft LibraryMINUTES
Present: Michaelyn Burnette (secretary), Barbara Glendenning, Marlene Harmon, Chuck James, Phoebe Janes, Jim Larrabee, Michael Levy (treasurer), Andrea Sevetson (chair), Virginia Shih, Deborah Sommer, Jack von Euw
Absent: Ann Jensen
Guest: Mari Miller
Handouts: Agenda, draft minutes (Meeting no. 2, October 14, 1998), LAUC archives policy, organizational chart of Systemwide Library Planning (7/1/98) and the University Librarian's Advisory Structure, sample timetable for selection of the Distinguished Librarian, draft memo on LAUC-B proposed bylaw changes, G. Lowell questionnaire sent to unit heads
I. Introductions
II. Announcements
A. Sevetson
1. The LAUC-B Fall Assembly will take place on December 2. Reports from all committees are due to Burnette by November 25.
2. The LAUC Assembly will take place at UCSF on December 11, 1998. The meeting is open to all who wish to attend; those wishing further information may consult the Assembly website ( Attendees from LAUC-B are the chair, secretary, affiliated library representative and the vice-chair/chair elect.
3. The chair repeated some of the many compliments LAUC garnered as the result of the success of Alternative Models of Scholarly Publishing in Higher Education, held November 6. At least four members of the Academic Senate Library Committee attended.B. Miller
Reminded ExComm members of two upcoming RPD programsIII. Minutes were approved as amended. D. Sommer will sent Burnette a revision for the paragraph on the Distinguished Librarian Award.
IV. Reports
A. Levy
Levy had a preliminary verbal report of the amount in the LAUC-B account at the end of August. He expects a paper report to follow as soon as the new accounting system is completely in place. The new reports will have a separate travel budget line. Discussion ensued about best uses for the funds.B. Sevetson
All statewide LAUC reports are due in late November.
Handed out chart indicating the relationship between various systemwide committees and the University Librarians.C. Glendenning
Reported on meetings of the Academic Senate Library Committee and library-related activities of its members.D. Burnette
Working on updating the LAUC-B membership roster. Harmon will review for Affiliated membership before the list is posted on the web.V. Old Business
A. Final steps toward revision of the LAUC-B Bylaws; Sevetson handed out a draft letter to LAUC-B members. Still need to add changes to the section on membership of the Affiliated Committee.
B. Shih reported that she has matched four new librarians with mentors and also helped the mentors decide what information to provide to the new librarians.
VI. New Business
A. Distinguished Librarian Award Committee: Sommer handed out a timetable drawn up by a previous DLC chair. Sommer pointed out the lack of a process to bring proposed procedural changes to ExComm. Discussion ensued about the timing of the next award and composition of the committee.
Sommer will look through existing documentation and prepare draft guidelines for the December ExComm meeting. Glendenning will ask M. Constable for a list of potential faculty members. Harmon will find an Affiliated librarian willing to serve. Sevetson will develop the composition of the rest of the committee.
B. Sevetson handed out copies of the questionnaire Jerry Lowell sent to unit heads. Discussion about LAUC-B information for Lowell; Sevetson will draft a letter expressing our short and long-term concerns and sent to members of ExComm for vetting. Members discussed the need for an atmosphere of trust and a shared vision; the activity of creating this vision might engender cooperation and trust.
C. 1999 meetings. Sevetson will send ExComm members a list of 1999 meetings; von Euw will try to reserve the Stone Room for these meetings. The LAUC-B Spring Assembly will take place on May 5; the LAUC Spring Assembly will be May 26.