Executive Committee Meeting 10/21/97

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (2)
21 October 1997
10:00 - 12:45 pm, 109 Moses Hall


Present: T. Dean, R. Moon, A. Sevetson, V. Shih, D. Sommer (Chair),
C. Tarr, B. Weil, L. Vida

Absent: Jack Von Euw

Handouts: Agenda; LAUC-B Budget Memo; CAPA 1996/97 Annual Report;
Draft Roster

I.Announcements -- D. Sommer
a) John Ober will speak at the Affiliated Librarians' Fall
Assembly on Thursday, October 30, 1997.

b) C. Tarr reviewed UCLA's Divisional minutes from last year. 
UCLA held workshops on how to prepare Research & Professional
Development proposals.  They also discussed travel allotments and
have a two-hour assembly with a one-hour reception at the end.

c) At the Fall LAUC Executive Board meeting, it was announced
that P. Inouye, LAUC Statewide Secretary, will notify division
secretaries when minutes are available on divisional websites,
gophers or via email.  L. Vida will then email the Executive
Committee member responsible for reviewing the minutes.  D. Sommer
reviewed the divisional assignments: 
UCLA - C. Tarr
UCSD - R. Moon
UCI  - V. Shih
UCSB - J. Von Euw
UCSF - T. Dean
UCD  - L. Vida
UCR  - A. Sevetson
UCSC - B. Weil

d) A. Sevetson met with Tony Newcomb of the Blue Ribbon
Committee (BRC).  T. Newcomb had specific questions that he wanted
to discuss about Library communication with the user community; how
the Library receives feedback on new initiatives; review and
resource allocation; measuring user satisfaction.  The BRC also
asked P. Lyman for 2-3 sentence job descriptions for all
librarians.  To ensure that undergraduate (UG) issues are brought
to the committee, he is asking the ASUC for UG focus groups to give
the BRC feedback.  All BRC members are meeting with their
respective departments in order to receive comments.

e) Marianne Constable, Chair Academic Senate Library
Committee, suggested that LAUC-B request that a librarian be 
appointed to the campus-wide Computing Review Committee.

ACTION: D. Sommer will draft a letter to The Vice Chancellor
suggesting committee members and distribute via email.

The Committee then met in executive session.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.  The next LAUC-B Executive
Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 4 from 9;00 -
11:00 am in 109 Moses Hall.