LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting no. 1996/97 (1)
7 October 1996
8:30-11:00, Harris Room, 119 Moses Hall
Present: W.Benemann (Secretary), R.Brandt, T.Dean (Chair), D.Jan, C.Lee,
G.Peete, A.Swartzell, D.Sommer, C.Tarr
Absent: R.Moon, K.Vanden Heuvel
Guests: C.Campbell, G.Irving, C.Wanat, P.Vanderberg
Handouts: Agenda, Minutes of last meeting, LAUC-B Ex Comm roster, LAUC-B
committee roster, Reprint of Berkeleyan article on Chancellor selection
committee, Copy of letter to Peter Lyman
I. Minutes of meeting for 12 September 1996 were approved, with corrections.
II. CAPA (Closed session)
Two candidates for CAPA were proposed and approved. The CAPA Annual
Report was presented by C.Wanat, reviewed and discussed.
ACTION: Ex Comm members will review the CAPA recommendations further, and
be prepared to decide on how to proceed at the next meeting.
ACTION: T. Dean will send copies of the CAPA Annual Report
to Peter Lyman, Grace Mills, Patti Owen and Janice Dost.
III. LAUC-B Fall Assembly
T.Dean has invited Vice Chancellor Carol Christ to speak at the Fall
Assembly, which will be held Wednesday, 30 October 1996, probably in the
Morrison Room.
IV. LAUC-B Spring Conference
Michael Levy is chairing the committee that will present the Spring
Conference on Saturday, 10 May 1997, in conjunction with UC Extension.
The working title of the Conference is, "A License to Kill: Copyright
Ownership and Fair Use in an Age of Licensing " and it will focus on
copyright issues.
V. Travel Forms
D.Jan led a discussion of the design and use of the forms submitted to
request financial support for travel to professional meetings. It was
felt that the current form needs to be redesigned to reflect the fact that
Sue Rosenblatt does not sign off on th ose being submitted from the
Affiliated Libraries.
ACTION: D.Jan will redesign the form, following suggestions made by Ex
ACTION: D.Jan will redesign the procedures for routing the completed
forms, to be sure that Sue Rosenblatt receives informational copies of the
Affiliated Librarians' forms, even though she does not need to approve
V. LAUC-Statewide Fall Assembly
C.Campbell reported on the plans for the LAUC-Statewide Fall Assembly. It
will be held Thursday and Friday, 7-8 November 1996; the Executive Board
meeting on the 7th will be held at the Haas School of Business, and the
Assembly itself will be held in th e Lipman Room of Barrows Hall on the
Berkeley campus. Keynote speaker will be Richard Lucier, University
Librarian at UCSF, and Special Assistant for Library Planning at UCOP.
His talk will be titled, "The Library Planning and Action Initiative."
VI. Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly
R.Brandt reported on plans for the Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly. It
will be held 6 November 1996, and the speaker will also be Richard Lucier.
VII. LAUC-Statewide Fall Meeting
G.Peete and T.Dean reported on the LAUC-Statewide meeting of 3 October
1996. The main topic of the meeting was developing charges for the
statewide LAUC committees. Other topics included the addition of steps to
the Librarian Series, the inclusion of ot her academic institutions in the
review of librarian salaries for the purpose of determining parity, and
the changing role of librarians, particularly in light of the increasing
use of library assistants and temporary appointments to perform work
traditio nally done by LAUC members. The Committee on Scholarly
Communication was reorganized to become an editorial board with Lee Jaffe
as the editor-in-chief. Their web page will now be treated as an
e-journal. LAUC is monitoring the development of plans for
a technology conference to be held at UCLA in March 1997.
VIII. Chancellor Search Committee
T.Dean is concerned that there are no non-faculty academics on the
committee assembled to select a replacement for Chancellor Tien.
ACTION: T.Dean will write a letter on behalf of LAUC-B to the chair of
the search committee.
IX. Academic Senate Library Committee
D.Sommer added that the Academic Senate Library Committee is also
concerned about the lack of representation of library issues on the
Chancellor search committee, and they will be writing a letter to search
committee member Carol Clover, who has been a st rong library supporter in
the past. She added that Senate Library Committee Chair Leon Litwack
welcomes comments and suggestions on all issues from LAUC members, and is
investigating ways of improving communication.
X. "Future of Librarianship"
T.Dean proposed in concept an on-going series of discussions, programs and
papers on the topic of the future of librarianship.
XI. Future meetings
LAUC-B Ex Comm will meet on the first Wednesday of each month, from
9-11:00 AM in the Harris Room, Moses Hall, with the exception of the
November meeting. Because of a conflict with the Affiliated Libraries
Assembly, Ex Comm will next meet on Wednesday 20 November 1996, at the
usual time and place.