Executive Committee Minutes 9/18/02

Minutes – Meeting no. 1 – September 18, 2002


LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Sept. 18, 2002

10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Stone Room, Bancroft Library


>Present: M. Cochran (Chair), B. Anton, M. Mahoney, L. Cushing, D. de Lorenzo, B. Quigley, A. Urbanic, B. Bohl (recorder), S. Koskinen


>Absent: S. McMahon, M. Snow, N. Kobzina


>Guests: J. Berry, T. Dean



·Entertainment Request Form

·“Rebellion on the Border”




· The Ethnic Studies Library will be holding a chili cookout sometime in November – date to be announced.

· An exhibit of labor photographs, called “Rebellion on the Border” will be on display at the Center for Labor Research and Education/Institute for Labor and Employment Sept. 7, 2002 – Jan. 15, 2003. A reception and presentation will be held on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002, 5:30-7:30 p.m.



II. Reports:>


A. Treasurer’s Report (M. Mahoney)


· It is necessary to fill out an “Entertainment request form” in order to be reimbursed for LAUC expenses. The form is available on the Library Web – print form off the web, fill out through the Signature /Date area and send the form to Mary Ann Mahoney, who will approve expenses and send the form to Library Business Services. Expenses for candidate lunches do not require this form; receipts should be sent to Brian Quigley, along with a list of attendees. Receipts for lunches as part of the mentoring program should go to Sue.


·LAUC-B has a balance of $47,444.04(as of August). The exact amount of the travel allocation will be determined once official information is available on the total number of affiliated and non-affiliated librarians.


B. Meeting with University Librarian (M. Cochran/ A. Urbanic)

· Budget – The year ahead will be difficult, with the possibility of a mid-term cut in November.

· T. Leonard will meet with Esther Grassian (LAUC president) when she visits the campus.

· Discussion of letter from Pres. Atkinson regarding the Academic Enrichment Program and whether there might be a way to obtain similar funding for librarians.


Action item: M. Cochran will fax letter to Esther to see if she would like to follow-up on this issue.


C. Senate Library Committee (A. Urbanic)


>           Committee has not yet met – a meeting is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27, 2002.


D. AUL, Collections Recruitment (A. Urbanic)


>            Last day of interviews is Sept. 17th, on Sept. 27th the screening committee will meet to                    

>            discuss the next steps, formal comments from CAPA, etc. Comments are due by Sept.

>             27.


>           E . Candidate Lunches (B. Quigley)


No lunches have been scheduled.


F.   Affiliated Assembly (A. Urbanic/L. Cushing)


Elaine Tennant was the featured “listener”  The group discussed how the affiliated libraries fit into the system and some of the issues that are of concern to them. Among the topics discussed were the history of the affiliated libraries, the role of NRLF, PI status and the exclusion of the affiliated libraries from the Digital Projects Call.


III. New Topics>



A. Diversity Fellow (J. Berry)


J. Berry discussed concerns that the demographics of the Library are not diverse, and do not reflect the demographics of the state. Last year a diversity fellowship was approved, modeled on a similar position established at UCSB. The position was subsequently cancelled due to current budget considerations.  This position is critical considering the difficulties we have recruiting and filling UCB librarian positions, especially at entry levels.


· Action item:  M. Cochran will draft a letter to support funding of a permanent position for diversity fellow(s). J. Berry will find out how Santa Barbara funds their position.


B. LAUC-B Conference in 2004 (T. Dean)


T. Dean was invited to offer advice as a member of the task force for the last LAUC-B     conference. The first step is to identify a topic that will draw people to the conference from both the Faculty and from the larger community outside the University. We need to find a speaker who is nationally known, and sponsors from outside to help fund the Conference. Planning for the conference will take a year, and we need to form a Committee to begin work on the conference organization.  Suggested topic: Scholarly Communication.>


· Action item:  M. Cochran in consultation with  B. Anton and M. Mahoney will draft a paragraph on the topic to submit with the budget request. We will re-visit the topic and select a committee to begin work on the conference.


      Additional items discussed:>


Principal Investigator (PI): The inability of librarians to get grants without faculty to write off on the grant is a state-wide issue. The University Librarian has authorization as a P.I.          

>           There will be a special vote on the by-laws changes so that recommended changes, if 

>           passed, will be in place for next year.


>           Welcome letters have been sent out to new LAUC-B committee members, although                         

>           some transition meetings have not yet taken place.



>The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be October 9 at 10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in the Krouzian Room, Bancroft Library.