September 12, 2001
10:10 am - 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Present: B. Anton (chair), M. Cochran, J. Gallwey, C. Lee (recorder), J. McKenzie, N. Kobzina, S. Koskinen, B. Ogden, M. Phillips, B. Quigley, N. Robinson, M. Snow
Absent: none
- packet of materials on the proposed reclassification of archivists to librarians
- copy of July 12, 2001 e-mail from T. Leonard on CAPA and Librarian Reviews
- packet of materials on the issue of librarians as principal investigators for grants
I. Meeting facilitation
- M. Cochran and N. Robinson will alternate as timekeepers/facilitators.
II. Announcements
- As Chair of the Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs, J. Gallwey has a nominee for a 5th member for the committee. He was referred to the Nominations Committee (D. Sommer, chair).
- B. Anton has the LAUC-B banner.
- The LAUC (Statewide) turnover meeting was August 17 in Oakland.
III. Reports
A. Treasurer’s Report (J. McKenzie)
- LAUC-B has a balance of $64,880. It is not clear whether all travel reimbursements have been paid yet for 2000-2001 travel.
- Reimbursement for professional development travel conducted after July 2001 can be applied for now. Members should send in the paperwork to the Library Business Office, which will reimburse expenses up to the base, MOU-driven allocation. The base allocation amount is being determined now; a supplemental allocation has not yet been made.
- Action: The Secretary will update the LAUC-B roster so that the Treasurer can supply a list to Library Business Office of LAUC-B members eligible for travel support.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (B. Anton/M. Cochran)
- The issue of Librarian status for archivists was discussed. The Research and Professional Development committee will also be scheduling the annual workshop on peer review, featuring T. Leonard.
C. Academic Senate Library Committee (M. Cochran)
- Tony Newcomb is the chair. The first meeting will be September 19, 12-2 pm.
D. Candidate Lunches (M. Phillips)
- There will be many interviews in October, resulting in the need for many volunteers to have lunch with the candidates.
- M. Phillips will continue to coordinate candidate lunches through October; N. Robinson will start coordinating them in November.
E. Mentorship Program (M. Phillips)
- There have been nine new librarians since February; all but two have been paired with a mentor. LAUC-B pays for the first lunch between mentor and new librarian.
- S. Koskinen volunteered to take on the coordination of the mentorship program.
F. LAUC-B Conference, "Forging Library Partnerships…" (N. Robinson)
- T. Dean and N. Robinson are co-chairs of the planning committee. The conference has received generous sponsorship from UC Berkeley Extension, the Librarian's Office, SIMS, the Townsend Center for the Humanities, and others.
- Program and registration information is available at ../Partner
- Those wishing to receive the UCB discount must enroll by mail, phone or fax; the web site is unable to give the discount.
- Action: the Executive Committee asked to see a budget and an accounting of expenditures.
IV. Continuing Action Items
A. Changes to LAUC-B Guidelines for Peer Review (N. Kobzina)
- CAPA is working on updating the binder of documents each CAPA member uses. They are removing outdated materials. CAPA is also working with B. Roberts of the University Archives to identify what materials need to be retained for the LAUC-B Archives.
B. T. Leonard’s 12 July 01 message to LAUC-B on Librarian Reviews
- The Executive Committee discussed the e-mail sent by University Librarian T. Leonard to LAUC-B members on July 12 concerning peer review.
- Action: B. Anton will work with N. Kobzina to draft a summary of the discussion and a list of issues to present to T. Leonard as discussion points for the peer review workshop (draft to go to Executive Committee first).
- Action: Executive Committee will ask the Professional Development committee to sponsor an Early Bird featuring librarians who have renewed their careers in interesting ways.
- N. Kobzina and another CAPA member will meet with the AULs to discuss peer review issues.
C. Reclassification of Archivists
- C. Faulhaber has sent a proposal to reclassify four Bancroft archivists as librarians (see attachment). This issue also has broader ramifications, as there are Library Assistants working in the campus libraries who have MLIS degrees and do professional level work. Discussion is ongoing.
V. New Topics
A. LAUC-B Assembly
- The Statewide LAUC Assembly will be November 16 at UC Davis.
- Executive Committee is planning the LAUC-B assembly for a date shortly before the Statewide Assembly.
- Action: Executive Committee members are urged to suggest names of speakers.
B. Budget request
- B. Anton and B. Ogden will prepare this year's budget request to be submitted to EVC Gray.
C. Librarians as Principal Investigators (M. Snow)
- Introduction of the topic and brief discussion.
Next meeting: October 10, 2001, 10:10 am - 12 noon in 303 Doe Library.