August 14, 2002
1:15 - 3:00 pm
303 Doe Library
Present: B. Anton (chair 2001-2002), B. Bohl, M. Cochran (chair 2002-2003), L. Cushing, D. de Lorenzo, N. Kobzina, C. Lee (recorder), M. Mahoney, J. McKenzie, B. Ogden, B. Quigley, N. Robinson, M. Snow, A. Urbanic
Absent: J. Galwey, S. Koskinen, S. McMahon, M. Phillips
I. Introductions and Announcements
- Incoming, outgoing and continuing members of the Executive Committee introduced themselves. Incoming members include: Barbara Bohl (Law, Secretary), Lincoln Cushing (Affiliated
Representative and Vice-Chair, Affiliated Libraries Affairs Committee), David de Lorenzo (Bancroft, Library Alternate), Mary Ann Mahoney (Chemistry, Treasurer), Suzanne McMahon
(South/Southeast Asian Library, Library Alternate), Allan Urbanic (Doe-Moffitt, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect).
- The new Doe Library reference desk opened August 14 at 9 am.
- The LAUC Statewide turnover meeting was scheduled for Friday, August 16 in Oakland.
- A new format was introduced for Executive Committee agendas, which includes "Future Discussion Issues" including issues brought to the Committee by LAUC-B members, and "Parking Lot" items which have been discussed by the Executive Committee - action is continuing but there is no current report.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (J. McKenzie)
LAUC-B has a balance of $59,317, partly because some members' travel expenses have not yet been reimbursed.
Action item: M. Mahoney will send a message to LAUC-B members asking for the submission of any outstanding travel reimbursement requests.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (B. Anton)
B. Anton apprised the University Librarian of forthcoming issues of interest to LAUC-B. T. Leonard mentioned that Library Administration was not informed in advance of the fact that new central campus parking permits are no longer available to librarians (those who already have such permits will not be affected). He feels that this could be an issue in recruiting new librarians.
Action item: the change in parking policy will be a future agenda item.
C. AUL for Collections recruitment (B. Anton)
Five candidates for AUL of Collections will be interviewed (see A. Urbanic's allusers message dated August 2 for more details). CAPA will be meeting with the candidates to discuss the AUL's duties as a supervisor of librarians.
III. Continuing Action Items
A. Bylaws review (M. Snow)
The proposed changes to the By-laws have been reviewed by the Executive Committee and the LAUC Statewide Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdiction. C. Lee will post them to the web and M. Snow will work with the incoming Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee to create a ballot and hold a special election.
The Executive Committee thanked the By-laws revision task force (M. Snow, chair, T. Dean, M. Harmon) for their excellent and expeditious work on this project.
IV. New Topics
A. Transition to new LAUC-B Executive Committee (M. Cochran)
M. Cochran took over chairing the meeting and thanked B. Anton for her excellent work as Chair for 2001-2002, noting that the Executive Committee will continue to work on many of the issues brought up in the previous year.
B. Plans for 2002-03 meetings (schedule, facilitation, etc.) (M. Cochran)
M. Cochran discussed her personal leadership style and stated her belief that the Executive Committee's role is to serve the LAUC-B membership, while the Chair's role includes being liaison to LAUC Statewide. She encouraged members to bring issues to the Executive Committee and reminded everyone that most meetings are open to all LAUC-B members. She expressed an interest in opening professional development events, especially programs of broad interest, to all staff.
Handout: Article III of the By-laws, Duties and Responsibilities (of LAUC-B), also available at ../laucby.html#3
Meetings will continue to be the second Wednesdays, 10:10 am - 12:00 noon.
Action Item: B. Bohl will reserve a room and send out the dates of all 2002-2003 meetings.
The job of meeting facilitator will rotate among Executive Committee members (except Chair and Secretary). The facilitator will function as timekeeper and keep discussions on target.
C. Changes to LAUC-B web page (C. Lee)
C. Lee proposed some changes to the LAUC-B web site, as follows:
- add a section for policies
- add a section for conferences and add in a description of each previous LAUC-B conference
- remove some of the UCB and UC links (outdated)
- remove Public Service Task Force materials
- a slight aesthetic makeover
The LAUC-B calendar will be maintained with dates of Executive Committee minutes, assemblies, programs, research and professional development deadlines, etc.
The proposal to remove minutes and documents from the LAUC-B Public Services Task Force (1998-1999) led some members to ask about policies for the LAUC-B archives. Although LAUC-B sends materials to the University Archives on a regular basis, there are no guidelines for doing this.
- Action item: C. Lee will continue to update and slightly re-design the LAUC-B web page, with a draft to go to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Action item: The Executive Committee will discuss the creation of policies and procedures for the LAUC-B Archives.
- Action item: The Executive Committee will discuss the creation of an "About LAUC-B" text for the LAUC-B web page and of a shortened form of the LAUC-B history.
- Action Item: The Executive Committee will discuss the fate of the Public Service Task Force materials.
- Action item: N. Kobzina will look through boxes of LAUC-B materials currently stored in the CAPA room.
D. CAPA Issues (N. Kobzina)
- CAPA representatives met with members of the Human Resources Department about the peer review process. LHRD will keep the librarian review page up to date and the LAUC-B web page will
link to LHRD's materials.
- Action item: N. Kobzina and C. Lee will work with LHRD on updating the historical list of CAPA members.
- Action item: In the future, minutes of peer review workshops will be put up on the LAUC-B web site.
- Action item: CAPA will create a CAPA FAQ for the new Policy and Procedures manual (currently in draft form).
- Action item: N. Kobzina will coordinate with the incoming chair of the Research and Professional Development committee regarding setting up the next peer review workshops.
E. LAUC-B Policy and Procedures Manual - B. Anton, M. Cochran
Work on the Policy and Procedures Manual began in 1998; it is still in draft form.
Action item: A subcommittee will be charged to work with outgoing and incoming chairs of each committee on that committee's section of the manual. Each committee should develop a calendar.
F. Lunch Coordinator's Position (N. Robinson)
N. Robinson outlined his duties as the Coordinator of the Candidate Lunches. B. Quigley volunteered to be the next Coordinator as N. Robinson is leaving the Executive Committee. The Committee thanked Nick for his excellent work as Coordinator.
G. Esther Grassian's visit (M. Cochran)
The Committee discussed various possible formats for a visit from LAUC Statewide President Esther Grassian.
VI. Future Discussion Issues
A. Diversity Fellow (J. Berry)
B. Workload Issues
C. Hiring partners of new librarians for positions within the Library (S. Hinojosa)
Other future agenda items include:- A deadline for submitting travel reimbursements
- Librarians as principal investigators
- Librarians and central campus parking
- Conference planning
- The Distinguished Step
VII. Parking Lot (items discussed, action continuing, no current report)
A. Emeritus Librarian (B. Anton)
B. DLA nomination process (B. Ogden)
C. Fall Assembly (M. Cochran)
The LAUC-B Fall Assembly will take place November 8 from 8:30 - 10:00 AM at the Morrison Library. Daniel Greenstein, Head of CDL, will be the speaker.
M. Cochran and B. Anton thanked outgoing Executive Committee members for their hard work: C. Lee, J. McKenzie, M. Phillip, N. Robinson.
The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be September 11 at 10:10 am - 12:00 pm in 303 Doe Library.