Executive Committee Minutes 4/9/03

Minutes – Meeting No. 8 – April 9, 2003


LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

April 9, 2003

10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

303 Doe Library


Present: M. Cochran (Chair), A. Urbanic, S. Koskinen, B. Quigley, B. Anton, M. Mahoney, D. De Lorenzo, B. Bohl (recorder)


Absent: M. Snow, L. Cushing



Draft Emeritus Procedures – LAUC-B

 SLA guidelines for division archives




Affiliated Library Affairs Assembly will be held Thursday, April 24, 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Goldberg Room, Boalt Hall.  Guest speaker: Beth Burnside, Vice-chancellor for Research


LAUC-B Spring Assembly will be held May 16, 8:30-10:00 a.m., Morrison Room, Doe Library.  Guest speaker: Bruce Miller, University Librarian, Merced Campus


LAUC (Statewide) Spring Assembly will be held May 30, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., UC San Diego. Guest panelists: University Librarians Tom Leonard (UCB), Gerry Munoff (UCI) and Brian Schottlaender (UCSD)


NRLF status report as of April 8, 2003: The project is currently on schedule for completion by November 2004.  If the full construction funding is not received until July, completion will be delayed an additional two months.


II. Reports


A. Treasurer’s Report – M. Mahoney


As of March 31 2003 LAUC-B has a balance of $88,262.06.


B. Meeting with the University Librarian – M. Cochran/A. Urbanic


The following issues were discussed at the meeting with T. Leonard.


Townsend Center Fellowship applications: Five applications were received, which we believe to be the most ever in a given year, and submitted to the Townsend Center.

The Distinguished Librarian Award Committee is now in place, the faculty appointee is Dan Wilson, German Dept.

The new librarians’ reception was a great success, we hope to hold a similar reception next year. The March 12 meeting with Esther Grassian was well attended, the topic of discussion was Information Literacy.

START (Staff and Academic Reduction in Time) program: All full and part-time non-probationary career status and academic appointees will be eligible for the program, but participation will be dependent upon the approval of the department head. 

There will be two Roundtable Plus meetings in April to discuss budget strategies; general meetings, open to all library staff, will be held in May.


C. Senate Library Committee Report – A. Urbanic



The Academic Senate is setting up a self-review of their committees; the Library Committee must submit a response by April 25.  A focus group of faculty has been set up to look at the library website which is under development. There is an initiative to update the APM section about academic freedom, which was last revised in 1934.  Professor Post of the Law School sent a report regarding this topic to Atkinson, and J. McNulty is crafting the library committee’s  response to that report.  E. Tenant discussed her visit to the Affiliated Library Assembly and is working with I. Stirling to arrange tours of some of them. The committee is also discussing whether the Office of the President Archives should continue to be stored at Berkeley or whether they should create their own archives.  Plans to hire a new University archivist and two assistant curators are on hold because of the budget situation.

D.Candidate Lunches – B. Quigley


LAUC-B hosted three lunches last month for two archivist positions in Bancroft.

E. Executive Board Meeting, 3/7 – M. Cochran


The LAUC Executive Board Meeting was held March 7 as a conference call.  Plans for the Spring Assembly were discussed.  The University Librarians of the Berkeley, Irvine and San Diego campuses will form a panel and discuss the issues raised at their retreat and answer questions posed by LAUC on a variety of issues.


*Action item:  Send questions for ULs to M. Cochran


The LAUC position paper Review Task Force is still in place, their terms have been extended to a month after the Spring Assembly; their report will be delivered at the Fall Assembly, with the final report due at the 2004 Spring Assembly.


The Nominations Committee is having a difficult time finding candidates for the position of LAUC Vice President


*Action item:  Send names of willing candidates to M. Cochran


The LAUC Research and Professional Development Committee received only three proposals.  The Executive Board discussed whether the time line for submitting proposals should be revised, and whether local divisions should develop programs on how to write grants.


*Action item:  Please read the forthcoming minutes for other discussion topics


III. Continuing Topics


A.LAUC-B Archives – D. De Lorenzo, M. Mahoney

D. De Lorenzo and M. Mahoney are working on developing a policy for the maintenance of the LAUC-B archives.  Once a policy is developed it will be added to the LAUC-B procedures manual.


*Action item: M. Mahoney will check to see if there are LAUC statewide    archival policies


B.Emeritus Librarian Procedures – B. Anton, S. Koskinen


LAUC-B is putting into effect a new emeritus procedure which mirrors the faculty emeritus procedure. A slight change in wording of APM 210 under section IV (Privileges) was suggested. 


*Action item:  S. Koskinen and B. Anton will write a brief introduction to the procedure and send it to T. Leonard for approval. 


C. Future Discussion & Parking Lot issues, next steps – M. Cochran


Diversity Fellow: A letter to T. Leonard has been drafted to support funding of a permanent position for diversity fellow(s).


*Action item: M. Cochran will consult with John Berry, Committee on Diversity chair


LAUC-B is drafting a letter to S. Wong regarding hiring partners of new librarians as part of our recruitment package.  We are also continuing discussion of the language to be used in job descriptions for the “MLS or equivalent” requirement in APM 210.


* Action item:  M. Cochran will talk to M. Burnette about the wording.


Workload issues:  Due to the budget crisis, this discussion will be shelved until a future date.


IV. New Topics


A. Spring Assembly


The LAUC-B Spring Assembly is scheduled for Friday, May 16, 8:30-10:00 a.m., Morrison Room, Doe Library.  The scheduled speaker is Bruce Miller, University Librarian for the Merced campus.


· Action item:  M. Cochran will solicit update reports from the LAUC-B committee chairs


       B.  Poll/election results:


Straw poll on Position Paper no. 1:  the majority of responses were in favor

of all 5 proposed changes.


By-laws election:  all changes were approved


Faculty status poll: The majority of respondents were not in favor of

having LAUC investigate the issue of faculty status for librarians in the

UC’s.  Results from the other campuses are not yet known.




The next Executive Committee meeting will be held May 14, in Room 303 Doe Library