February 13, 2002
10:10 am - noon
303 Doe Library
Present: B. Anton (chair), M. Cochran, J. Galwey, S. Koskinen, C. Lee (recorder) , J. McKenzie, B. Ogden, M. Phillips, B. Quigley, N. Robinson, M. Snow
Absent: no absences
I. Announcements
- The March Executive Committee meeting date will be changed [after this meeting, the March meeting was moved to Tuesday, March 12 in the Optometry Library conference room).
- The Spring Assembly will be held on April 26 in the Morrison Library. Christina Maslach, Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education, will be the speaker.
- The LAUC-B Affiliated Assembly will be May 9. Christina Campbell of CDL will be the speaker.
- The Statewide Assembly will be May 3 at UCLA.
- LAUC Statewide Chair Debbie Murphy will visit UCB on April 10. She will attend the second half of the Executive Committee meeting on that day and have lunch with the Executive committee members.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (J. McKenzie)
- The current balance in the treasury is $6,410. Payments have recently been made to reimburse members for travel, for the Distinguished Librarian Award, and for honoraria to conference speakers.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (M. Cochran)
- M. Cochran asked T. Leonard about the delay in receiving the LAUC-B budget. T. Leonard asked M. Rancer to look into the situation. T. Leonard reported that Cabinet is prioritizing which librarian recruitments should go forward and intends to take swift action on Technical Services positions. T. Leonard is very interested in continuing to have a librarian among the Townsend Fellows; he feels this is an excellent way to keep up with trends in academia.
C. Senate Library Committee Report (M. Cochran)
- At the January 25 meeting it was reported that the Library Planning Board met with representatives of the Senate Library Committee (T. Newcomb, T. Leonard, L. Duhl) and invited guest M.
Rancer. Both groups agree on the importance of rectifying Library Assistant salaries. There was also discussion of the need for programmatic and seismic improvements for The Bancroft
- On the issue of Library Assistant salaries, the Senate Library Committee is drafting a memo to the SISC (the committee charged with implementing the Compensation Advisory Committee
Report). The Library Planning Board was informed of the postponement of Phase 3 of the NRLF project, and of the fact that the Haas School of Business is proposing to create a
distance-learning laboratory that would make use of some space currently used by the Business/Economics Library.
- February 8 meeting: The Committee toured the Business/Economics Library. The draft of the memo to the SISC was endorsed and will go forward. P. Iannuzzi will attend some future meetings of the Committee to discuss Doe/Moffitt selectors and the academic departments they serve.
D. Candidate Lunches (N. Robinson)
- The Library Business Office requires receipts from lunches hosted by members of the Executive Committee for candidates interviewing for librarian positions, as well as a list of all those present at the lunch. The information should be sent to N. Robinson.
III. Continuing Action Items
A. Committee recruitments (B. Anton)
- B. Anton will draft a charge for a task force to review the by-laws in order to make committee recruitments more feasible. The task force may look at committee charges and the number of members on each committee, among other things. It was suggested that after the by-laws have been revised, calendars and guidelines be created for each committee.
B. Policy for late dossiers (B. Anton)
- Discussion continued about the rare peer review situation in which self-evaluations had not been submitted for some years. B. Anton will consult further with N. Kobzina.
C. LAUC-B laptop (C. Lee)
- Guidelines and laptop information will be sent out to the LAUC-B membership.
IV. New Topics (B. Anton)
A. Townsend Center Fellowship
- The Townsend Center would like to see multiple applications for the librarian Fellow position. It was noted that there might be more librarian applicants if librarians, like faculty, were given release time to participate as Fellows. It was also noted that there are far fewer librarians on campus than faculty, resulting in a much smaller potential pool. B. Anton will discuss with T. Leonard.
B. "Hot topic" for future LAUCB conferences - discussion deferred
C. Travel Guidelines (J. McKenzie)
- J. McKenzie drafted a new version of the guidelines for LAUC-B funding for professional development travel. [Note: the final version is now available at ../#research]
The next Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday, March 12 in the Optometry Library conference room.