Minutes -- Meeting No. 5 – Jan. 15, 2003
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
January 15, 2003
10:10-12 noon
Stone Room, Bancroft Library
Present:M. Cochran (chair), B. Anton, S., B., M. Mahoney, A. Urbanic, D. Delorenzo, B. Bohl (recorder)
Absent:L. Cushing, M. Snow
Handouts:List of new librarians, Letters from M. Burnette and T. Leonard regarding CAPA involvement in the emeritus librarian process, Sections of APM-120 and Appendix A which refer to the emeritus title.
I. Announcements
S. McMahon (alternate representative) has resigned her position on ExComm.It was decided that since there are 2 alternate positions it is not necessary to replace her position on the committee.
LAUC-B ExComm is planning a reception in March to welcome all “new librarians” hired since Jan. 1, 2001.
Action item: B. Bohl will compare the list of new librarians to the roster on the LAUC-B website and update the roster and LAUC-B reflector as needed.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer’s Report(M. Mahoney)
The current balance in the LAUC-B treasury is $99,949.51. Mary Ann is still working on developing standard procedures for use of the UC travel services for LAUC-B members. The travel service will handle both airline tickets and hotel reservations.Until the procedures are established, LAUC-B members may e-mail Mary Ann if they have questions about using the UC travel service.(mmahoney@library.berkeley.edu)
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (M. Cochran, A. Urbanic)
The agenda for today’s ExComm meeting was reviewed, and T. Leonard confirmed his meeting with LAUC-B and E. Grassian during her visit to the Berkeley campus.The University Librarians are meeting Feb. 12-13, usually a LAUC issue is on their agenda. The University budget problems were discussed, including the impact it may have on the LAUC-B budget for next year. SIMS has begun a search for a new dean. The deadline for receiving applications is February 1, 2003
C. Senate Library Committee Report (A. Urbanic)
Alan Urbanic reported on the following issues discussed at the Dec. 11 meeting.Dana Peterson (Graduate Division student representative) reported on his investigations into how UCB dissertations are handled. Graduate students are allowed to get waivers if they do not want their theses presented to UMI Proquest. They can just choose to display only the abstract, and not the full thesis.This means that the Library’s claim that all Berkeley dissertations are available in the full text version is not necessarily the case. D. de Lorenzo brought up the concern that Berkeley dissertations are submitted to the Library, but not to the Archives.A campus committee will be formed to look into how the electronic versions of theses are handled.
L. Castillo-Speed and Ron Heckart attended the meeting in order to explain affiliated libraries to the committee.
D. Candidate Lunches (B. Quigley)
No candidate lunches have been scheduled at this time.
E.LAUC-B Spring Assembly (M. Cochran)
ExComm discussed a list of possible dates and speakers for the LAUC-B spring assembly. The following names were proposed as possible speakers: Paul Duguid, Bruce Miller and Beth Burnside. Possible dates for the assembly are the weeks of April 19th , April 28th and May 12th.
* Action item: M. Cochran will send an invitation to P. Duguid requesting that he be the guest speaker at the Spring Assembly.
III. Continuing topics
A.DLA Committee appointments
The by-laws require that the DLA Committee include at least four members, one representative each from the library, faculty (appointed by the Academic Senate), affiliated libraries, and “a representative of a major function that is not already represented on the committee”. The Committee has proposed that one of the previous winners of the DLA should also serve on the DLA Committee. It was decided that further discussion on the make-up of the Committee will take place via e-mail.
Action item: A. Urbanic will look into the Academic Senate appointee
Action item: M. Snow and L. Cushing will suggest possible representatives from the affiliated libraries.
Action item: M. Cochran will review the charge for the time-line
M. Cochran has contacted S. Calpestri (Nominating and Elections Committee) regarding the special election on the by-laws.We are still waiting for some action on this – the election will have to be soon in order for the new by-laws to go into effect next year.
B.Emeritus Librarian procedures (B. Anton)
Members of ExComm have been reviewing the procedures by which librarians may be granted emeritus status. While emeritus status is automatically granted to academic appointees who are members of the Academic Senate, non-Academic Senate members must meet the three criteria listed in APM 120-10 in order to be considered for the emeritus title.The procedure to attain emeritus status is described in APM 120-80. For librarians, either the University Librarian or the Director of Affiliated Libraries must send a letter to the Vice Provost recommending that a candidate be considered for emeritus status. CAPA members have agreed that they are content to be left out of the review procedure.
ExComm will continue to discuss the question of what privileges, if any, may be granted to emeritus librarians.
*Action item:B. Anton will ask whether emeritus faculty have access to the UC databases.
IV. New Topics
A.ExComm invitation to LAUC-B Committee Chairs (M. Cochran)
ExComm will invite chairs of the committees to attend the February meeting of ExComm. The chairs will update ExComm on current activities, future plans and whether ExComm can supply any help to their committee work.
A suggestion was made that the meetings become an annual event, and be added to the master calendar.
B.LAUC CPG Report follow-up discussion and plans for library-wide input
ExComm discussed various ways to get feedback from the membership regarding E. Grassians e-mail about the CPG report.It was decided that the best way to handle this was an e-mail straw poll of the membership.The email will include text clarifying the issues we are voting on and the implications for accepting or rejecting recommendation # 3 (the proposed revisions to Position paper #1).
*Action item:M. Cochran will contact G. Irving to ask if she is willing to write a preface to the straw poll explaining the implications of the vote.
The next regularly scheduled Executive Committee Meeting will be held
Wednesday,February 12 in the Krouzian Room, Bancroft Library
A special, working meeting of the Executive Committee is scheduled for 12 noon January 22, 2003 in the Optometry Library conference room.