November 15, 2001
Morrison Library
1. Welcome
LAUC-B Chair Bette Anton called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM and welcomed the membership.
2. Announcements and Introductions
New LAUC-B members were welcomed:
Jerry McGovern (OEHL)
John Berry (Native American Studies)
David de Lorenzo (BANC)
Ardys Kozbial (Environmental Design Archives)
Mikyung Kang (EAL)
John Kupersmith (RRC)
Lincoln Cushing (IIRL)
Ruth Girill (CEB - Continuing Education of the Bar)
Barbara Bohl (Law)
Amy Kautzman (RRC)
3. Minutes of the Spring 2001 Assembly
Spring Assembly minutes were approved with minor corrections.
4. Reports
Chairs Report (B. Anton)
LAUC-B activity since the Spring Assembly:
- The Executive Committee appointed a task force to review the LAUC-B Guidelines for Peer Review. The updated Guidelines have been posted to the LHRD web site.
- LAUC-B co-sponsored the successful conference, Forging Library Partnerships in the Networked Age, on November 2, 2001.
- The Distinguished Librarian Award was given to Norma Kobzina.
- Travel procedures have been somewhat streamlined.
- The Executive Committee was asked for and gave advice to the University Librarian on the issues of hiring new librarians at the upper ranks of the series, and on the proposal to convert Bancroft archivists positions to the librarian series.
- The Executive Committee sent suggestions to University Librarian Thomas Leonard regarding issues he might want to address at the LAUC-B peer review workshop on November 9. The suggestions were mostly in response to issues raised in T. Leonards 12 July 2001 e-mail regarding peer review.
- Opportunities still exist to participate in LAUC-B committees. The membership was reminded of the fact that the University Librarian mentioned LAUC-B committee work favorably during the November 9 peer review workshop.
- Executive Committee members lunched with many, many candidates for librarian positions.
CAPA Report (N. Kobzina)
- Continuing CAPA members are: Michaelyn Burnette, Ron Heckart, Norma Kobzina, Phyllis Bischof
Outgoing members: Joe Barker, Chris Tarr
Incoming members: Chuck James and Barbara Glendenning
Yu Lan Chou resigned and was replaced by Margaret Phillips. - CAPA participated in interviews with 19 candidates, reviewed 23 job descriptions, and reviewed 50 dossiers. N. Kobzina thanked C. Tarr for coordinating the interviews, and thanked J. Barker for coordinating reviews of job descriptions.
- Dossiers are much more timely now, and also more concise. CAPA requested however that LAUC-B members use readable font sizes.
- The transition to the new steps in the Librarian Series seems mostly to have a positive effect, allowing librarians to come up for review who had not been able to in awhile.
Cultural Diversity (S. Koskinen)
- The committee sponsored an Early Bird in May featuring University Librarian T. Leonard and ALA Diversity Officer Sandra Balderama.
- The committee participated in the ALA Diversity Fair in the summer of 2001, distributing job postings, bookmarks, and other materials.
- A visually appealing Cultural Diversity bookmark is now available for distribution via Library Human Resources Office and the Librarians Office.
- The committees web page has been updated.
- The new chair is John D. Berry.
Nominations and Elections (D. Sommers)
- The committee ran 2 elections (including a special Bylaws election)
- There are still openings on some LAUC-B committees.
Research and Professional Development (J. McKenzie)
- The committee sponsored three well-attended programs and the successful conference, "Forging Library Partnerships".
Statewide Diversity Committee (L. Castillo-Speed)
- The Committee has been working on merging the recommendations of the "Many Voices of Diversity report" with those of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the "Many Voices of Diversity" Report" with Regards to Sexual Orientation Issues.
- The Committee wrote a proposal for a 25% FTE Diversity Coordinator position, to be filled by a LAUC member.
- The new LAUC-B representative to the Statewide committee is John D. Berry.
Additional reports submitted in Writing:
Statewide Committee on Professional Governance (G. Irving)
Statewide Committee on Scholarly Communication (D. Fortner)
Statewide Committee on Research and Professional Development (M. Miller)
Speaker: Mary Ann Mason, Dean of the Graduate Division and Professor of Social Welfare
Professor Mason discussed the internationalization and feminization of graduate education; 25% of UCB graduate students are international students; 51% of UCB graduate students are women. She suggested that campus librarians conduct outreach to the international students in particular, who may come from countries without an extensive tradition of library service.
Professor Masons recent research concerns the impact of family formation on doctoral candidacy and post-doctoral job prospects. Women were more likely than men to take non-tenure track teaching positions; women in tenure track positions were less likely than other women to marry or have children. The timing of family formation also had an impact on male PhDs; those who began families early were more likely to go into industry than into academia.
Professor Mason referred to post-docs as a hidden tribe, but one which is growing. There are approximately 900 post-docs at UCB, in addition to 500 at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Post-docs are now here longer, sometimes as long as 4-5 years. Professor Masons research shows that female post-docs with children were less likely than male post-docs to go into academia. Female post-docs who were married (though without children) were more likely than those with children to go into research, but they tended to go to wherever their husbands found jobs. Even single female post-docs were less eager to go into research or academia, citing lifestyle issues. Mason feels that although the humanities and social science seem more flexible the situation may actually be more sinister since the rules about how doctoral students spend their time are not as clear.
Professor Mason talked about her efforts to increase graduate financial support, especially in the humanities and social sciences. She is also turning her attention this year to the problem of housing. Asked about information literacy for graduate students, she suggested starting with the Deans and added that she had never been contacted by a librarian though she had contacted librarians herself.
B. Anton thanked the members of the Executive Committee: Myrtis Cochran, Barclay Ogden, Corliss Lee, Jean McKenzie, Sue Koskinen, Margaret Phillips, Brian Quigley, Nick Robinson, John Gallwey, Maryly Snow
The Assembly was adjourned at 9:45 am.