LAUC-B Executive Committee
June 14, 2017, 10:30-12:00
303 Doe Library
Attendees: J. Nelson, B. Quigley, I. Wang, D. Eifler, D. Faulds, C. Marino, S. Teplitzky
Announcements (J. Nelson)
Reminder: Retirement party from 3-5 pm, today 6/14
Election results: Congratulations to the winners!
Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Jane Rosario
Secretary: James Eason
Treasurer: Randal Brandt
Library Representatives: Virginia Shih & Ian Knabe
Affiliated Representative-Elect: Melissa Stoner -
Both bylaws amendments passed
Statewide results will be announced by June 28.
Summerfest is today, 6/14, 11:30-1:30 pm. Librarians are welcome!
Treasurer (D. Eifler)
$128,301 remains in the budget.
Monthly UL meeting (J. Nelson)
Goals in review self-evaluations:
ExComm was asked to clarify with the UL an item from the February 8 2017 minutes (item that mentioned CAPA having a role in addressing goals. Specifically, CAPA assesses cases based on the APM & MOU, neither of which mentions goals.
The UL agrees with ExComm and CAPA that goal-setting is a management tool and is outside the purview of CAPA.
The UL agrees with ExComm and CAPA that CAPA looks to the APM & MOU to evaluate cases.
The UL will address goal-setting at the annual review workshop.
ExComm confirmed that Affiliated Librarian review cases will not be viewed adversely should RIs for such librarians not require goals.
The UL and ExComm agreed that goals are nevertheless a useful tool for measuring success.
LIBR meeting (B. Quigley) – no report
LAUC Statewide conference call (J. Nelson)
Statewide is still seeking volunteers for SLASIAC (Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Committee) and DOC (Direction and Oversight Committee). Contact outgoing reps with questions, S. Koskinen (Berkeley) for SLASIAC and C. Nelson (UCSB) for DOC.
C. Lee (Berkeley) reported that Statewide Diversity Committee is drafting a statement in support of undocumented students at UC that will be presented at the July LAUC Executive Board meeting.
The Committee on Professional Governance (CPG) has proposed that LAUC Statewide make a statement on the issue of Open Access. M. Yonezawa (UCR) and D. Peterman (UCLA and LAUC President) will draft a statement to present at July LAUC Executive Board meeting.
Continuing Business
Bylaws review update (C. Marino)
Process of updating bylaws for joined Research and Professional Development committees continues.
LAUC-B 2017 Conference AV funding update (J. Nelson)
Statewide has approved $3,000 for the recording of the conference.
New Business
LAUC-B Assemblies start time
The issue of the 8:30 start time of LAUC-B Assemblies was raised. 2017-18 ExComm will assess this issue further.
Adding to LAUC-B’s contribution to LAUC @ 50 division contributions
Thanks to J. Rosario and A. Sackmann for organizing Berkeley’s contributions to the LAUC @ 50 website.
Look for forthcoming announcement regarding activity related to LAUC-B’s 50th anniversary in 2018.
LAUC-B turnover meeting
August turnover meeting will take place August 24, 2017, 10-12 in 303 Doe.