LAUC-B Executive Committee
March 8, 2017, 10:30-12:00
303 Doe Library
Attendance: J. Nelson, B. Quigley, I. Wang, C. Marino, D. Faulds, D. Eifler, S. Teplitzky, S. Powell
Announcements (J. Nelson)
Registration is now open for LAUC Statewide assembly to be held at UC Irvine on 4/20.
Registration deadline is 4/6. Link.
Berkeley delegates will be: B. Quigley, J. Nelson, C. Marino, S. Teplitzky
- Treasurer (D. Eifler)
$155,744 remains in the budget and includes the next 16 months of professional development funding.
Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley)
B. Quigley and I. Wang met with J. MacKie-Mason in February and discussed Spring Assembly plans, Affiliated Libraries matters, and the Task Force on the Professional Status of Librarians at Berkeley report.
NRLF expansion: Feasibility and design studies have been completed. CoUL is working with UCOP on funding levels and scale, then will need to ask for approval from the Regents.
LIBR meeting (B. Quigley)
Met on March 2 with Jeff MacKie-Mason as an invited guest.
Tom Shannon provided a summary of the UCOLASC meeting: Catherine Mitchell reported that the Symplectic Elements project has been successful but UCOP is no longer willing to fund it; the group also discussed concerns about political interference in scholarly communications, open access, and open data and noted there have been initiatives to download and preserve at-risk data. UCOLASC members were asked to get feedback on OA 2020; impact of increased enrollment on library facilities; and how to encourage faculty to deposit OA articles.
Jeff reported that UCOP has agreed to commit funding to the NRLF expansion if approved by the Regents with construction likely in 2018/2019. He also reported that library budget news is not good and shared the presentation he will be giving to the Provost & CFO to argue that the Library is being impacted disproportionately and should have a reduced cut.
LIBR raised the issue of the Research Data Management Program. While the committee agrees that the Library has expertise and should support RDM, they questioned whether it should be a burden on the Library's budget. Jeff mentioned that the Provost has appointed him to chair a group on funding models for public goods units like the Library, IS&T, and Facilities Services. One faculty member noted that it will be important to strengthen the connection between the Library and the Data Science Initiative, especially after the new Dean is appointed.
LAUC statewide conference call (J. Nelson)
Thursday, 3/2/17.
Statewide Research & Professional Development Committee is on track to spend out research grants.
J. Dorner’s 2/23 email (on behalf of Statewide R&PD Committee ) requested that members vote for best LAUC funded research projects to highlight. Bill Benemann's project "The Freedom of the Frontier: Documenting Male-Male Intimacy in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade" (2006-07) and Lily Castillo-Speed's “Revision of the Chicano Thesaurus” (2005-6) were selected.
Preparations underway for LAUC 50th anniversary celebration at Statewide Assembly.
Statewide nominating committee reported that their slate for the upcoming election is taking shape
Statewide Executive Board voted to make a change to Standing Rule 600.1.H (under elections procedures) so members have 14 days (instead of 40) prior to the election to submit additional nominations for statewide office (this would include nominations from the floor at the Statewide Assembly). Updated Standing Rules can be seen here:
Continuing Business
Spring Assembly Planning (J. Nelson) – 10:55
Tuesday, May 16th, from 8:30 to 10 am, Morrison Library.
Speaker will be Nancy Goldman, Head of the Film Library and Study Center at the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA)
Affiliated Spring Assembly Planning (C. Marino) – 11:05
Thursday, March 16, 8:30-10 am, Morrison Library
Topic is: Creative Programming in Libraries and Archives. See 3/1 email from C. Marino for full program
CLOSED meeting with UL – 11:15