LAUC-B Executive Committee
December 18, 2019, 10:00-11:30 AM
303 Doe Library
ExComm: Ramona Collins, Jianye He, Susan McElrath, Stacy Reardon, Jane Rosario, Naomi Shiraishi, Emily Vigor
Guests: K. Levine, M. Stoner, C. Emmelhainz
Regrets: Jim Church
I. Announcements (5 min)
II. Reports
a. Treasurer (J. He) (5 min)
- $13,952.78 is current cash balance. Most was spent on conference. Other expenses are LAUC-B members’ travels, training workshop, Fall Assembly, as well as candidate lunches.
- Naomi will check with LAUC statewide about reimbursement process for the LAUC statewide assembly. Ramona will report estimates of money to pay upfront to Jianye.
b. Monthly UL meeting (N. Shiraishi) (5 min)
- Professional development budget: UCLA affiliated librarians were denied use of LAUC funding. Jeff reports that UC Berkeley may head in this direction, and will ask affiliated libraries to fund their own librarians.
- Article 3 treats professional development. Paragraph D sets minimum campus professional development fund pools with a table. It sets a minimum amount but not how it is to be distributed.
- Funds were historically contributed by UCOP, but funds have at this time devolved to library units.
- Campus libraries may optionally supplement this minimum amount.
- LAUC-B administers the funds.
- Consider writing a letter with LAUC-B's position and possible inequities, especially when affiliated librarians go up for review.
c. LIBR meeting (R. Collins) (10 min)
d. LAUC statewide conference call (R. Collins) (10 min)
Announcement of new academic freedom section in the APM. Effective Feb. 1, 2020.
Discussion topic: Grievances since April 1, 2019: would have to be presented within 30 days of the issuance of the new policy. LAUC should develop some best practices regarding librarians and academic freedom. Marty Brennan will be the contact for this topic.
Division vice-chairs added to the Executive Committee's Box and listserv.
Some reports from R&PD, CPG and Diversity standing committees.
Election calendar is TBD.
Copyright policy comment period has passed.
Short reports from standing committees. Professional development committee is reviewing 20 grant proposals. Diversity committee looking for members.
CPG met on Dec. 2 and working on 3 charges.
Updates from Nominating Committee: nominate yourself or others for Statewide by contacting Roger Smith.
Assembly planning updates: March 12, venue made, rooms at Bancroft Hotel. Website and registration TBD.
SLASIAC working on a policy regarding research data. PI status is an issue not treated equally on all campuses.
SCLG: official minutes available. Questions should go to Brian Quigley.
Library Facilities Board: vacant and looking for someone, appt in process.
Council of University Librarians: no updates
Professional development: report on the funding situation for UCLA affiliated librarians. UL sent them a letter to ask them to fund their own professional development. They are preparing a grievance. General discussion of professional development funding might be a good topic for the statewide assembly.
III. New Business
a. LAUC-B member survey (J. Rosario, C. Emmelhainz)
Shared a draft.
Clarification on what new vs mid-career vs later-career librarian might be
Free-form text boxes are helpful.
Introduction to the survey should clarify who is administering the survey, its purpose, and what will be done with the data.
b. Monthly brown bag discussions (J. Rosario, C. Emmelhainz)
Hold regularly, same place and time, perhaps once a month.
Topics can be suggested by the membership.
Research and professional development group will collaborate on this.
IV. Continuing Business
a. LAUC-B Conference report (K. Levine, M. Stoner)
Estimated spending: $12, 774. Finalized budget forthcoming once we hear back from Library Events.
Found the David Brower Center to be a good venue and experienced with working with the Library. Close to BART, which was a convenience to participants. 185 attendees max. They had more tech support than they did in 2017.
Attendance was on par with previous two conferences. 25% gap between registrants and attendees, which was in line with previous conferences. Not necessarily recommending charging to increase attendance given the amount of overhead required. We had many participants from outside of CA and also from public libraries.
Recommended continue allowing people to have lunch on their own. Poster session worked well in conjunction with this.
Plan for informal happy hour after, but there was a high profile competing event and it was difficult to find space to eat or drink.
Town Kitchen: catering. More options for diet types. Fit in with themes of the conference. Had good experience with the company. Planned details in August and it worked well.
Invite the UL as soon as possible
Build more time for finding keynote speakers, going through rejections, planning for honoraria and travel.
CFP in July: unique to this year (rather than committee-planned). Made for an interesting mix of sessions.
Posters: offered to pay for posters. Good to budget for as it can help people, especially travelers.
Swag: used standard library tote bags, which could return to the library for future re-use. Good choices are things that can be repurposed by the library later if there are leftovers.
Recommendation for follow-up from conference: start a social justice reading group or working group
Recommendations for next conference: explicit budget planning and collaborating with treasurer. Budget has been flat for the last several years, while costs are going up. May be wise to increase the funding for the budget. Additionally, at least one co-chair should be from The Library.
b. Diversity Librarian Task Force (R. Collins)
Ramona sent out the charge
Received some responses of 6-7 people interested, including diversity committee
Ramona will coordinate with interested group
Reiterate that we're focusing on librarian job descriptions (LAUC has no input on staff descriptions)
Will include looking at diversity fellowship.
Goal is to report something at the Spring assembly
c. LAUC Statewide Assembly (N. Shiraishi)
Conference room in the Hearst Memorial Mining Building Banatao room. Permit application ongoing. Required to reserve the space. (Engineering Event Services)
Plans for catering TBD. Possible contact for estimates: Meilan.
Bancroft Hotel has a reduced rate available for 10 rooms.
D. LAUC-B Spring Assembly
Conference topics