Executive Committee Minutes 12/14/2022

LAUC-B Executive Committee Minutes

December 14, 2022, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Present: Jesse Silva, Jennifer Dorner, Susan McElrath, Lara Michels, Kristie Chamorro, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar,Sine Hwang Jensen

Guests: Gisèle Tanasse, Kate Peck

Continuing Business 

  • LAUC-B Fall Assembly Debrief (G. Tanasse)
    • Very positive feedback and Cabinet was so impressed that they scheduled a similar session for the next Town Hall. A concern was expressed that the focus on morale deflects concern from underlying structural problems at the institution. Question about what is LAUC-B going to do with this data? Point was made that Jeff needs to publicly acknowledge this work.
  • LAUC-B Email List update (K. Peck)
    • 65 subscribers so far, with a good mix of librarians and staff.

Announcements - no announcements


  • Treasurer (L. Michaels) 
    • Still working with Library Business services to get a readable monthly report. 
    • Finalizing financials for Distinguished Librarian event.
  • Meeting with UL (J. Silva)
    • UCB is one of the few campuses with a regular meeting with the UL.
    • Would like to provide Jeff with examples of retribution, because it has come up frequently as a topic of concern, but there is no evidence that it has happened. 
  • LIBR - No report this month
  • LAUC Statewide (J. Silva)
    • Nov and Dec Meeting Summary - There is a call for a social media coordinator for LAUC Statewide. Discussion around the task force on Academic status - agreed to send a message to UCOP about how to proceed with getting PI status for librarians. Looking for an April date for the Statewide Assembly at UCSC. Susan suggested having our spring assembly in early May, which works best in terms of our election schedule. 
    • January meeting is canceled.
    • Action item: Add a link to the statewide minutes from the LAUC-B website. (Jennifer)
  • EIC Update (J. Gosselar) 
    • December meeting. Status report on recommendations of the Task Force on Racial Justice. Working on developing a process on how to address the recommendations. Discussion of how to get representative membership in subcommittees and how to scope the subcommittees’ work so that it is not too burdensome.
  • Continuing Business
    • SDC/LAUC-B Event - Positive feedback received. They did not require the funds promised to them by LAUC-B.

New Business

  • Possible LAUC-B panel/presentation: At a recent New Librarians Coffee, a few exchanged tips/ideas about new tech tools we use for work and/or personal organization and productivity. (K. Chamorro)
    • The Library used to host lightning talks – possibly resume these?
    • Kristie will reach out to R&PD and SDC about co-sponsoring this.
  • ExComm agreed to send a letter of thanks to Gisele, Nicole, and Susan for their work on the spring assembly. Jesse will draft and will ask for input by this Friday.
  • Christina needs volunteers for the LAUC-B meetings with candidates.
  • ExComm agreed to cancel the January meeting.


Future Business

  • Possible ExComm/Library Cabinet joint meeting in the spring
  • 2025 LAUC-B Conference and volunteer form