Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023,
- Present:
- José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Jen Brown, Kristie Chamorro, Misha Coleman, Cyrana Dowell, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar, Michael Sholinbeck, Jesse Silva; Sam Teplitzky (CAPA Chair).
- Announcements
- Sam Teplitzky (CAPA Chair) notified ExComm that CAPA will nominate a new member to replace Mark Hemhauser for a three year term. ExComm approved CAPA's nomination of Anna Sackmann via email on December 15, 2023.
- José Adrián expressed regret at being unable to attend LAUCB social last week.
- Jesse: He and Kristie are on the search committee for the Director of the Law Library.
- Reports
- Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)
- Info/reports has been added to the appropriate folders on Drive.
- Final budget also now available in Drive.
- Request to fund CAPA turnover lunch: this has not been covered in past, so declined.
- LEIC Report (Jackie)
- Met 12/4/23:
- Call for vice-chair; clarification of subcommittee conveners; got update on UL search (interviews had not yet occurred).
- Discussion of staff development proposal for Bryant Smith. Fee is quite high, thus some concerns; perhaps there are lower cost options on campus or used by other campus entities.
- Met 12/4/23:
- LIBR Meeting (Christina)
- Met 12/7/23:
- Report on CAPRA meeting. They will move forward on recommendation for $4.2million in one-time funds. There is a sense that there are just no additional funds available.
- Jo Anne provided details on serials reduction. Although completed, not all titles get canceled at the same time, so some still arriving. Faculty were complimentary toward librarians who reached out to them; some conversations resulted in titles not being cut in the end. Faculty concerned about selector budgets, selector expertise, etc.
- JMM shared draft of strategic plan. Plans are to share with Library community next week.
- Computer security also came up: British Library, UCOP: recent breaches. (Jackie mentioned there’s a whole team in the Library devoted to this, as well as campus-wide initiatives).
- Much more detail behind the link above.
- Met 12/7/23:
- Affiliated Libraries (Kristie)
- Starting to think about Spring Assembly; see also Fall Assemblies recap, below.
- Meeting with the UL (José Adrián)
- Met JMM (with Christina): Plan to broadly share strategic plan very soon. Roundtable discussing this week.
- Updates desired from Jay on DEI-related plans. Appreciate that HR is keeping him busy, but we hope for some information in the near future. JMM said he would be doing something at a town hall. General feeling that having one person in this role places that person in a difficult position.
- We can also bring this up in our meeting with cabinet.
- If any of us have anything to bring to JMM, please tell José Adrián or Christina.
- LAUC Statewide (José Adrián)
- Refer to minutes for details, reports, etc.
- Hope was to recruit an alternate parliamentarian. Lots of discussion. Long history of this.
- Reports from other campuses included 2 failed searches at UCLA.
- DEI Statewide planning another survey, focusing on issues and concerns. José Adrián will send to LAUCB (with reminders) when it comes out.
- Statewide assembly: Will likely be in March. [Note: We have since been told it will be March 18]. More info coming on how many folks are funded by Statewide LAUC to attend from each campus. From LAUC-B usually Chair, Chair-elect, and Secretary are funded to attend. If additional funds are available from statewide, others can attend via travel grants provided by statewide, though any LAUC member can attend using their professional development funds.
- Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)
- UL Search updates (Jesse/José Adrián)
- 3 candidates came last week. Final announcement by February.
- Question about the lack of library staff town hall. Unknown if candidates didn’t agree, or what. Inquiry will be made.
- Continuing Business
- Fall Assemblies Recap:
- Affiliated Assembly went well. Several brief presentations by librarians.
- Thanks ensued for the folks attending the social event.
- LAUCB assembly: Much of the Assembly was discussion of the values document. Having incorporated feedback from listening sessions, including language to contextualize the LAUC-B values statement, Jen & Misha will halt work on it. Current draft will be sent to project initiators (Lara M & Susan M) to see if they want to revise the updated version to have a life outside of LAUC-B Google drive.
- Fall Assemblies Recap:
- New Business
- Distinguished Librarian Award
- Committee needs to be appointed this coming year.
- Maybe we can open this recognition up more, ie open to staff to receive an award since we have many non-librarian staff who go above and beyond to serve UCB. This will probably require a bylaws change. (see page 6 for the section on the DLA committee). LAUC-B should probably add a staff person to the committee, and run the idea by JMM since it would involve staff. Ex Comm has the power to draft changes to bylaws (spelled out on page 7 of the bylaws). Jesse and Christina will start work on this.
- January meeting
- Postponed till Feb.
- Distinguished Librarian Award