Executive Committee Minutes 12/13/2017

LAUC-B Executive Committee

December 13, 2017, 10:00-11:30

303 Doe Library


Present: Brandt, Eason (recorder), Knabe, Nelson, Quigley (chair), Rosario, Rowan, Shih

Guest: Hatheway


I. Announcements

  • Reminders:
    • New(ish) Librarians’ presentations, 3-4 tomorrow, Dec. 14.
    • LAUC-B happy hour tomorrow, Dec. 14, 4:30 to 6:30.
  • A new librarian on the roster: Gisele Tanasse, Film & Media Services Librarian. 
  • Statewide Assembly will be March 23, at the UCSF Mission Bay campus. All members are encouraged to attend.
  • LAUC-B has submitted a proposal for the Campus Climate Speaker, Affirmation & Empowerment Series, with the hope of inviting Nicole Cook from University of Illinois to present a workshop on diversity in libraries. Decisions should be known before the winter break.


II. Reports

a. Treasurer (R. Brandt)

Balance of Nov. 2017:  $94,656.00. 


b. Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley)

Monday of this week. Discussed allusers versus libstaff and affil-all email lists. Agreed LAUC-B chair will monitor libstaff for messages on which affil-all is not copied and forward as appropriate. Updated the UL on draft charge for the proposed task group on social justice in academic libraries and the campus climate proposal, and discussed MOUs with Affiliated Libraries, which are still in-process.


c. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario) – no December meeting.


d. LAUC statewide conference call (B. Quigley/J. Rosario)

Two calls since Nov. ExComm meeting.

  • November call: an Open Educational Resources CKG is under development. Preliminary discussion of topics for LAUC assembly.
  • December call: A call will be issued for members to assist with List of Abbreviations. Evaluation of shared ILS. Group looking at electronic thesis and dissertations (ETDs). Discussion of role of CKGs, with clarification forthcoming. Research Grants report made. Assembly will be about the role of the Academic Librarian and professional status within UC (see Position Paper 5).


III. Continuing Business

a. Task Group on Social Justice in Academic Libraries update (B. Quigley)

Draft charge prepared. UL supports recruitment of 2 staff people to join LAUC-B members on group. Will discuss with Committee on Diversity before finalizing the charge and calling for volunteers. 

b. LAUC-B Conference debrief (H. Hatheway)

Final written report submitted. Discussed successes and recommendations for future conference logistics. Recording tech and uploading of presentations discussed. Discussion of launching 2019 conference planning and committee appointments.


IV. New Business 

a. Program and lunch budget request pre-approval process (R. Brandt)

  • Catering requests for programs has a budget allocation, but has not increased with prices over years. The Treasurer (Brandt) can pre-approve expenditures for program catering.
  • For mentor lunch requests, blanket approval has been requested and granted, so the mentor program coordinator (Knabe) can approve directly.
  • Librarian interview candidate lunches are also pre-approved, so the coordinator (Shih) can approve.

b. Bylaws revisions (B. Quigley/D. Rowan)

Article IV, V, and VI of the LAUC-B bylaws are under revision, and changes will be on the Spring 2018 ballot. Further discussion at our next meeting.