Executive Committee Minutes 12/09/2015

LAUC-B Executive Committee

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

10:30 a.m. - noon


Members: Barbara Bohl, David Eifler, Rita Evans, Jeffery Loo, Michele Morgan, Jennifer Nelson, Emily Vigor, I-Wei Wang (Chair)




I.            Announcements (I. Wang)

    a.       This was R. Evans final ExComm meeting! I. Wang thanks her for service as Chair and Past-Chair.

    b.      Early Bird on December 10, 2015: J. Mackie-Mason, Campus strategic planning and re-alignment for future excellence


II.            Reports

    a.       Treasurer (D. Eifler)

            i.      $98,358 balance; spent $3,966 last month.

    b.      Monthly UL meeting (I. Wang, J. Nelson)

            i.      Last month’s UL meeting summary in November minutes.

            ii.      December 9, 2015 meeting: We will be working with the UL's office to establish a standing meeting through at least August 2016.

                     We discussed initial planning for the Spring Assembly as part of the library's strategic planning process. Jeff MacKie-Mason set December 1, 2016 as an outside deadline for completing the process. Assuming that timeline, LAUC-B's Spring Assembly                            could be scheduled in the March/April timeframe to focus on the mission/vision/values development stage of the process. ExComm will explore details of the assembly format in upcoming meetings.

                     Jeff also noted that he would like ExComm's input on productive ways to engage with LAUC-B membership and other library and affiliated staff during the strategic planning process which, given the timeline , will need to be streamlined, but balanced with                      as much opportunity for participation and input as possible.

    c.       LIBR meeting (J. Nelson)

            i.      UL Mackie-Mason spoke to LIBR on 11/19/15 about the Library’s financial situation.

            ii.      He discussed UCB’s structural deficit and shared his understanding that UCB Admin will tackle any necessary cuts strategically rather than across the board. UL Mackie-Mason will be focusing Library strategic planning so resources can be allocated in                          line with UCB strategic priorities.

            iii.      The Library has many committed donors and patrons, including many alumni. The UL is optimistic about the potential for Library development efforts; these will be part of the overall UCB retooling of its development initiatives to make them more                                   coordinated.

            iv.      LIBR asked the UL to share data regarding Librarian recruitment and hires; he subsequently provided the committee with numerical data from August 2015 summarizing active Library recruitments.

    d.      LAUC statewide conference call (I. Wang)

            i.      Systemwide LAUC conference call (12/3/2015): The Statewide Committee on Research & Professional Development will be announcing grant awards on December 18.  Deadlines have been adjusted for the second call for proposals (look for more news                       on that from the divisional committee, LAUC-B Committee on Research). The statewide RPD committee will be producing a short online video tutorial about the application process.

                    The California Digital Library's search for a new Executive Director is proceeding well.

                    Regarding the revised UC Library Advisory System ("UCLAS 2.0"): the Direction & Oversight Committee taking over for the Strategic Action Groups (SAGs 1, 2 and 3) will act as the project management body for the Council of University Librarians.  It                           anticipates responding to well-developed proposals from throughout the system and, to this end, is investigating using a wiki style collaboration platform, Confluence (an Atlassian product), that would be open to librarians systemwide.

III.            Old Business

    a.       Communication with non-Librarian Series academic appointees/offices (I. Wang)

            i.      We hope to reestablish a formal relationship with CDL and begin a new relationship with the yet-to-be-hired Scholarly Communications Officer to share news on library related developments and news. I. Wang proposed that LAUC-B’s Affiliated                                       Representative could be the liaison with Jayne Dickson at CDL. Points of interest could be shared with LAUC-B members through ExComm minutes.

                            ACTION - B. Bohl will reach out to Jayne Dickson to establish communication.

            ii.      We would like to invite the Scholarly Communications Officer to future ExComm meetings once an incumbent has had a chance to get acclimated; perhaps on an annual basis.

    b.      Communications to email lists (I. Wang)

            i.      Affiliated members were not included on a couple of recent mailings.  The problem appears to be related to the establishment of the libstaff list (that does not include staff from affiliated libraries) and an obsolete affil list (that has been replaced by affil-all)                     recipients).  ExComm will monitor this situation to ensure that all appropriate parties are informed in the future and a number of possible ways to do this were discussed.

                        ACTION: J. Nelson will sort out issues between the affil and affil-all lists.

                        ACTION: I. Wang and J. Nelson will raise the issue of libstaff and affil-all lists with J. Mackie-Mason in their monthly meeting.


IV.            New Business

    a.       Conference planning (J. Nelson & D. Eifler)

            i.      Holly Hatheway and Mary Elings have agreed to serve as co-chairs for the 2017 LAUC-B Conference on digital humanities and scholarship, and will begin planning in early 2016.

    b.      Spring Assembly planning (I. Wang & J. Nelson)

            i.      LAUC-B’s joint Spring Assembly with Library and Affiliated Librarians will likely be in March or April with J. Mackie-Mason and will serve as part of the strategic planning process, likely in March/April. 


    ●     DLA Committee

    ●     LAUC-B Bylaws cleanup – Past Chair vacancy, misc.