Executive Committee Minutes 12/09/10

LAUC-B Executive Committee 
Thursday, 9 December 2010
10:00 a.m. -- 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library

Members present: Lucia Diamond, Kathleen Gallagher, Susan Koskinen, Ramona Martinez, Margaret Phillips, Nick Robinson, Monica Singh, Shannon Supple, and I-Wei Wang
Guests: Debbie Jan and Lynn Jones


I. Announcements

  • Sue Koskinen thanked Bette Anton for agreeing to work with UCSF on their CAPA
    reviews in March.
  • Fall Assembly with Brewster Kahle was a success. Some UCB librarians are interested in
    working with the Internet Archive on new projects.
  • Distinguished Librarian Award reception was a success as well, with Chancellor Birgeneau
    and many library colleagues in attendance. ExComm thanks the DLA committee for their
    hard work!

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang):

  • The balance is $135,084.91, reflecting both expenses for the DLA award and
    reception and income from this year's budget allotment. 

B. Meeting with the University Librarian, Tom Leonard (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson):

  • Ongoing talk about the library planning task force of the Systemwide Library and
    Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC). Their webpage is live:
    http://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/planning/taskforce/ and includes
    agendas and reports. T. Leonard suggested offering input via the University
    Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) and library
    committee of faculty senate (LIBR). 
  • The Librarian Distinguished Status working group -- Lynn Jones and Susan Wong
    are members of the group and are hard at work. (See report, below.) 
  • Next Gen Tech Services: There will be a comment period on this report. Shared
    services is part of Operational Excellence, phase II. 
  • UC Online Instruction Pilot Project: LAUC will send a letter to the Council of
    University Librarians (UL group's new name) about potential points for library
    involvement in this project.
  • The Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG) is working
    on a project management skill development program. 
  • Mass digitization is moving forward. Google is finishing one of their projects with a
    university partner and may be looking for others.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson):

  • Open Access was once again on the agenda. The LIBR chair will write to Academic
    Senate, expressing that open access is a broader issue, not just for the library
    committee but for the entire senate to discuss. 
  • The committees name was also discussed. Committee consensus was to table the
    issue until next semester, but that LIBR should have two subcommittees: one for
    libraries and one for computing. More to come. 
  • T. Leonard gave his report on SLASIAC's library planning task force. LIBR felt it
    was important to provide input, via UCOLASC. 
  • T. Leonard also reported on the staff reduction in library over the past 30 months:
    More than 80 career staff and academic personnel have left, with no restored
    positions, so money saved. Reporting lines have changed, specifying reductions in
    certain units. 

D. LAUC Statewide Assembly & Executive Board Meeting (S. Koskinen):

  • Michael Yonezawa, LAUC Statewide President, submitted a budget but hasn't
    heard back yet. 
  • Distinguished Status Working Group mentioned briefly. 
  • Next Gen Tech Services mentioned briefly too.
  • Talk about Spring Assembly for LAUC Statewide: Want to know how we're
    getting to UCSB.
  • UC Online Instruction Pilot: M. Yonezawa composing a letter to group working
    on this with LAUC's view; currently, no librarians involved and we believe
    librarians should be incorporated into any planning for online courses. See website
    for this pilot project. (S. Koskinen will send URL to their website.) Proposal form
    posted for faculty who want to propose online courses. M. Yonezawa will send the
    final letter to Council of University Librarians and pilot committee and vice
  • Librarians as instructors not in APM. Committee on Professional Governance had
    reviewed this a few years ago -- report on the LAUC website. The conclusion was
    that there is enough leeway in APM that librarians can include instruction. 
  • The various statewide committees and advisory groups noted. 
  • M. Yonezawas president's report sent out by S. Koskinen yesterday. 

III. Continuing Business

A. LAUC-B Conference: Fiat flux. (M. Phillips, I. Wang):

  • The committee sent a request for proposal (RFP) to the LAUC membership on
    poster sessions and presentations.
  • They have secured the keynote speaker, Law School Dean Chris Edley, who will
    speak about online education and other big trends in education. Panel discussion
    participants include UCSD UL Brian Schottlander and Stanford Professor of
    Education John Willinsky (http://ed.stanford.edu/faculty/willinsk). The
    committee is still working on securing speakers, so stay tuned.
  • October 21, 2011 is the target conference date, but this is not yet confirmed. The
    location could be the David Brower Center in downtown Berkeley -- accessible,
    green building, and free wi-fi.
  • The committee is exploring recording sessions. Co-chairs I-Wei Wang and
    Margaret Phillips will consider asking LAUC President Michael Yonezawa if either
    LAUC has funding to share of if he can request funding from the Council of
    University Librarians on their behalf. 

B. Distinguished Status Working Group (L. Jones):

  • Stemming from LAUC-B's task force report and the UCLA UL's task force report.
    The Council of University Librarians charged a working group to recommend if
    there could be a uniform policy across campuses and create a list of issues that
    should be addressed in local procedures. There are eight members of group:
    Jenifer Abramson, HR/UCLA; Gloria Robledo, HR/UCLA; Helen Henry, acting
    UL/Davis; Tammy Dearie, HR/UCSD; Susan Wong, HR/Berkeley; Rita
    Costello, LAUC/UCLA; Heidi Hutchinson, LAUC/Riverside; Lynn Jones,
    LAUC/Berkeley. The Council of University Librarians confirmed their support for
    a distinguished step in general. The charge is long and inaccurate in certain points.
  • The working group's charge is as follows:

"At the 15 September meeting of the University Librarians, the ULs
unanimously confirmed their support for the distinguished step for
librarians. That discussion affirmed clear consensus that specific review
processes are the purview of the University Librarians and LAUC and that
individual campus procedural variance is specifically the purview of each
University Librarian. We also agreed that there should be a systemwide
policy statement regarding the distinguished step.

We concluded that we would benefit from guidance regarding such a
policy statement and specific issues that should be addressed in local
procedures to better articulate the process details associated with the
distinguished step.

The UC Libraries Heads of HR are charged to create a working group that
includes LAUC representation to develop draft recommendations for this
policy statement and related specific procedural issues for review by the
University Librarians. The ULs will develop consensus regarding the
recommendations and will provide the results of that consensus to LAUC
for comment.

The draft report is due to the ULs by 1 January 2011."

  • The group's report is meant to be completed by January 1st but could be done
    sooner. When complete, it will be submitted to Bruce Miller, convener of the
    Council of University Librarians. 

IV. New Business

A. Committee on Diversity (D. Jan):

  • Committee on Diversity Chair Debbie Jan updated ExComm on the committee's
    work and feedback requested. There are three ongoing programs to help develop
    and support library staff:
    • Job shadowing program (continuing from last year) -- staff can shadow
      a librarian. The application deadline is December 20th and they need more
      librarian volunteers. Encourage and support your staff to participate. It
      will be happening in the spring.
    • Conference mentoring program -- available to library staff who are
      going to a professional conference and would like a librarian's help
      navigating the conference. 
    • Mentorship program -- Also for library staff. This requires an academic
      year commitment. Staff are matched with a librarian for longer-term
      mentoring. The application deadline will be in February and the program
      will likely start in March or so. Application forms for both mentor and
      mentee including interests and background to make useful matches.
      Encourage and support your staff to participate! 
  • Outreach locations besides Allusers? No mailing list makes it to all of the library
    staff. Could also discuss these opportunities at various meetings, such as the staff
    development committee (SDC) meeting and Round Table. Committee members
    are also encouraged to talk to staff about these programs. 

B. LAUC-B Spring Assembly (S. Koskinen):

  • Potential speakers: Janet Broughton, incoming Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
    and Faculty Welfare, or Nick Jewell, incoming chair of LIBR. 
  • Dates: sometime within mid-March to April, given the LAUC election calendar.