Executive Committee Minutes 11/14/2012

LAUC-B Executive Committee

November 14, 2012
10 am 12 pm
Room 303 Doe Library

Members present: Susan Edwards (chair), Lynn Jones, Julie Lefevre, Teresa Mora (recorder), Jim Ronningen, Nick Robinson, Hilary Schiraldi, Susan Xue

I. Announcements

  • the Distinguished Librarian Award event will be held on Wednesday, November 28.
  • the Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly was held on November 13 and was a success.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)

  • The LAUC-B balance as of November 13 was $21,929.11
  • S. Edwards has submitted the 2012-2013 budget proposal to the Chancellor

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Edwards, L. Jones)

  • S. Edwards and L. Jones discussed plans for the Fall Assembly with T. Leonard

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (L. Jones)

  • The committee hasn't met since the last report

D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Edwards, N. Robinson)

  • The tentative dates for LAUC Spring Assembly in Southern California are May 2-3 or May 9-10.
  • Topics for the Spring Assembly were discussed, there is a lot of interest in the role of Librarians and LAUC in light of departmental and campus reorganization.
  • K. Botello would like input from the divisions as to what they consider the goal of the assembly.

III. Continuing Business

A. LAUC-B Fall Assembly planning (S. Edwards, L. Jones, H. Schiraldi, T. Mora)

  • L. Jones distributed a list of those questions she'd received in response to her query, nothing that those who had submitted questions do not want to ask them in the forum.
  • Discussion of format of the assembly: There will be a brief business meeting (10-15 minutes) followed by brief introductions. We will begin questions with those submitted ahead of time and then open the floor for additional questions. S. Edwards will moderate and H. Schiraldi will introduce Commission chairs.
  • N. Robinson asked if affiliated libraries are being discussed by commission. H. Schiraldi said that, although not specifically charged with looking at the affiliated libraries, the Commission members dont want to exclude them. The Commission is hoping to hear from the affiliated libraries in its discussions with LAUC-B.
  • L. Jones will send out a second call for questions to the membership; N. Robinson will push the Affiliated Librarians to submit questions.
  • H. Schiraldi will send program information and submitted questions to the Commission co-chairs ahead of time and offer to clarify points for them if needed.
  • T. Mora, H. Schiraldi and L. Jones will meet next week to finalize questions to be submitted ahead of time.

B. Planning for LAUC ExComm's meeting with the Commission (S. Edwards, H. Schiraldi)

  • ExComm has been invited to present to the Commission on January 8, from 8:30-10. They will compile specific questions for us which we will probably receive in early December.
  • There was a discussion of possible topics to bring up; H. Schiraldi noted that we should be sure to relate our comments to the Commission's charge.
  • ExComm members were assigned areas of focus to develop before our next meeting on December 12, which will be devoted to finalizing the presentation.

IV. New Business

A. Library reorganization proposal from Beth Dupuis.

  • S. Edwards asked if there is any role for LAUC-B in discussions of this proposal.
  • Due to time constraints the matter was not discussed in depth.


  • Will LAUC-B and the Library have a role in Accreditation process?


  1. L. Jones will send out a second call for questions to the membership; N. Robinson will push the Affiliated Librarians to submit questions
  2. T. Mora, H. Schiraldi and L. Jones will meet on 11/19 to finalize questions to be submitted ahead of time.
  3. H. Schiraldi will send program information and submitted questions to the Commission
    co-chairs ahead of time and offer to clarify points for them if needed.
  4. ExComm members to develop specific talking points for Commission presentation by December 5 for discussion at December 12 meeting.