Executive Committee Minutes 11/09/2022

LAUC-B Executive Committee Minutes
November 9, 2022, 10-11:30am

Present: Jesse Silva, Jennifer Dorner, Susan McElrath, Lara Michels, Kristie Chamorro, José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez. Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar

Guest:Gisele Tanasse

  • Announcements
    • No announcements
  • Reports
    • Treasurer (L Michels)
      • LBS is down 2 analysts. Heidi Hallett is working on providing the most recent financial report. Because of staff shortages, receiving financial reports may be a bit more irregular than usual for a while.
      • Working with Heidi Hallett and Ramona Collins on financials for the Distinguished Librarian Award. 
    • Meeting with UL (J Silva)
      • No meeting with the UL this month. Next meeting is in early December.
    • LIBR (J Barragán-Álvarez)
      • Reported on the October meeting.
    • LAUC Statewide (J Silva)
      • The next meeting is Nov 14th. Jesse will share anything pressing with ExComm via email and will provide a full update in December.
    • EIC Update (J Gosselar) EIC will be appointing subcommittee conveners and determining how they are going to coordinate their work. They will be sharing information at the November town hall.
  • Continuing Business
    • LAUC-B Fall Assembly (G.Tanasse) 
      • The Assembly is scheduled for 10-11:30 on December 1st.
      • Discussed possibly engaging a campus facilitator, possibly from the Restorative Justice Center, the Othering and Belonging Institute, or the Ombudsman’s Office.
      • A facilitator could be useful in managing the conversation between libraries and administrative leadership.
      • Since the Strategic Plan seems stalled as the administration deals with the morale issue, it seems useful to have the Assembly address morale, rather than the strategic planning process. 
      • Jesse shared with Gisele the message he sent to Jeff, which compiled some common concerns. 
      • Discussed whether staff should be invited to the Assembly. That was not resolved.
      • Jesse volunteered to assist with the Assembly planning. 
      • The Assembly will not be recorded.
      • Planning should include creating a structure that gives people who don’t want to participate in Zoom meetings to give their opinion. 
  • LAUC-B Email list - ExComm agreed that the list should be called libvoices. The list will be opt-in and open to all Library employees.  Moderation rules and documentation should be resolved before the list is created. José Adrián will follow up with Kate and Sine to finalize the code of conduct and moderating rules. 
  • New Business
    • Funding request ($100-150) from SDC for the Dec 6 SDC/LAUC-B networking event.  The request for $150 was approved. Lara will determine how to give them the funds.
  • Future Business
    • Possible ExComm/Library Cabinet joint meeting in the spring
    • 2025 LAUC-B Conference and volunteer form  – this will be tabled until next year.