LAUC-B Ex Comm
Meeting minutes
10/13/21 10 am -12 pm
Present: Abby Scheel, Susan McElrath, David Eifler, Haiqing Lin, Ramona Collins, Celia Emmelhainz, Kate Peck, Lara Michels, Sine Hwang Jensen, Ann Glusker, I-Wei Wang
I. Announcements
- UC Libraries Forum Conference, October 26-29. Conference theme is 'Leading with Innovation, Stronger through Collaboration.'
- Abby will send out announcement listing Berkeley presenters
II. Member questions/concerns - Ideas for encouraging member participation
- Question: affiliated libraries typically offer fall and spring assemblies/fora. Should we skip this fall given the number of library events already happening? Idea: combine affiliate assembly with LAUC-B assembly or push to spring. There is no requirement to hold an affiliate event in fall.
- Question: for the mentor program, how do we find out about new LAUC-B members?
- Current practice: annual update of LAUC-B roster from APO records by secretary; rely on new hire announcements on listserv
- Ideas:
- ask HR to notify CAPA and Mentoring chair of new librarian hires
- Action: Susan M. will contact HR about this possibility
- Ask Roundtable about how best to connect new hires with mentoring
- ask HR to notify CAPA and Mentoring chair of new librarian hires
III. Reports
- Treasurer (L. Michels)
- September expenditures: $577.91
- Employee development and training: $0
- Conferences: $0
- Memberships: $286.00
- Out-of-State Travel: $464.71
- Total September Expenditures: $750.71
- Total expenditures FYTD: $1993.86
- 2021/2022 budget still awaiting approval
- September expenditures: $577.91
- Meeting with UL (S. McElrath)
- Please bring up workload issues with your manager. Non-represented employees whose role has changed greatly can bring requests for title, classification, or pay adjustments to HR.
- LIBR meeting (September) (October) (C. Emmelhainz)
- A September report from the library to the LIBR committee suggested that we may be lower on reference librarians for a while.
- LAUC statewide conference call (S. McElrath)
IV. Continuing/Outstanding Business
- Fall Assembly Planning
- Confirm date (poll results?)
- 11/17 10:30am-12pm
- Abby will send out a save-the-date ASAP
- Logistics
- 30 min. For business meeting
- Abby will send out call for reports and ask if they need time on the agenda
- 60 min. For sessions
- Two 15 min. Break-out sessions (with 5 min. Break to switch people between rooms)
- 20 minutes for group report back - facilitator reports out
- Abby will reach out to Library Events for Zoom set up
- Ask about best way to set up breakout sessions
- Susan will create draft agenda for approval at November ExComm meeting
- 30 min. For business meeting
- Breakout sessions
- Session topics: Burnout (C. Emmelhainz); Onboarding (K. Peck); Mentoring/Career Development (A. Glusker); CAPA Review Process (L. Ngo, D. Eifler, J. Eason)
- Need brief (1 sentence) description of the scope for each of these breakout sessions - session leaders
- Discussion Questions - suggestions?
- Put in Google doc for notes, do not share before session
- Ground Rules
- Input on notes will be kept confidential (without names)
- Setting common expectations for participation (i.e. use raised hand feature?) - breakout group facilitators will determine these expectations to keep consistent between rooms - Susan will add this to the Google notes document
- Note takers - seeking volunteers
- How to solicit feedback anonymously? Padlet? Jamboard? Google Doc?
- Create notes document(s) in LAUC-B Google folder that is open to the notetaker as well as all attendees
- Ramona, Lara, Susan, Abby volunteered as notetakers
- Session topics: Burnout (C. Emmelhainz); Onboarding (K. Peck); Mentoring/Career Development (A. Glusker); CAPA Review Process (L. Ngo, D. Eifler, J. Eason)
- Business meeting
- Confirm date (poll results?)
V. New Business
- Members’ questions from survey re: overlapping responsibilities between LAUC, Union and LHRD responsibilities. How to address?
- Idea to develop a matrix to direct to people to best group for a question
- Follow-up survey in early 2022 asking for the types of questions they’ve had and been confused where to go
- For December meeting: revisit how we want to go about this