Executive Committee Minutes 10/12/2022

LAUC-B Executive Committee Minutes
October 12, 2022, 10-11:30am

Present: José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Kristie Chamorro, Jennifer Dorner, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar, Lara Michels, Michele Morgan, Jesse Silva

Guests: Jennifer Nelson, Kate Peck, Naomi Shiraishi, Giselle Tanasse

  • Announcements
    • No announcements.
  • Reports
    • Treasurer (L Michels)
      • Because of staffing changes in Library Business Services, Lara did not receive a financial report for September. She has not yet been informed who will be the new contact for LAUC-B. 
      • ExComm approved the budget. The professional development allocation was $1703 for the combined 2023-2024 years. It is expected that the funding allocation from Library Administration will be $600/year.
    • Meeting with UL (J Silva) 
      • Discussed the Strategic Plan.and who would be involved in the process. 
      • Shared decision to cancel the 2023 LAUC-B conference and discussed budget implications of this. LAUC-B could submit a proposal for additional funding for the conference in 2025, though additional funding is not guaranteed. 
      • In future, Jeff believes the budget for LAUC-B will not be reduced, but cannot promise that. 
      • A lot of information is coming out from the Library about various service and space changes. Library Administration is relying on librarians to help share this information with their departments.
      • Cabinet is aware of morale issues. Jeff asked if LAUC-B could help diagnose this. This last point generated a lot of discussion about work that has already been done to identify morale issues. Jesse will write up a response to Jeff relating to this query.
    • LIBR (J Barragán-Álvarez) Meeting is tomorrow so there is no report for today. The minutes will be presented at the next meeting.
    • LAUC Statewide (J Silva) This was the first statewide meeting after the transition meeting. Task Force on academic status is moving forward and is focusing on PI issues. San Diego has put together a toolkit on how to get PI status and that will be shared. Nominating and Elections will be putting out a call for nominees to the northern campus because the positions have been most recently been primarily filled by southern campus librarians.
    • EIC update (J Gosselar) EIC has been soliciting membership from undergraduates. One of these was able to attend the most recent meeting. The main focus of the last meeting was the racial justice task force. Sheehan discussed the report and the recommendations. Discussed how EIC could align its priorities with the recommendations of the task force. Finalized community agreement for EIC.
  • Continuing Business
    • LAUC-B Fall Assembly (G.Tanasse) 
      • In order to make time for the strategic planning process, ExComm agreed to cut down the LAUC-B business part of the fall assembly as much as possible, limiting it to an introduction and CAPA report. All the other reports will be submitted electronically and sent out after the meeting.
      • Gisele indicated that Susan Swarts will be putting out a call for volunteers for the data gathering phase and suggested that LAUC-B members might want to volunteer. 
      • Discussed the timing of the assembly. Jesse suggested that it take place before December 9 and said he would put out a Doodle poll for ExComm members to indicate their availability. Gisele will follow up with Susan Swarts about whether this proposed Assembly date works with their data collection schedule and will get back to us about timing.
      • Jesse will contact Sine about the date of the Affiliated Libraries Assembly.
    • LAUC-B email list (K Peck)  Kate contacted Lynne Grigsby about creating the list. There may have been some confusion about list ownership that needs to be cleared up.  Kate shared the proposal for the list and asked for suggestions about what to call it. Would like to come up with something distinctive, as a lot of the library-wide lists sound the same. 
  • New Business
    • LAUC-B Sponsored Event (from RPD) (J.Nelson and N.Shiraishi) (10:45a) Naomi and Jennifer are tasked with the logistical planning around the CAPA review meeting, which has been moved online. The type of event planning required in the past is no longer necessary for an online meeting. CAPA needs to discuss whether the planning procedures should be removed from their committee guidelines. 
    • Because this meeting is no longer a social event with food and drink, they suggested hosting another type of event, such as going to Freehouse after the New Librarians Event.  Naomi and Jenifer will flesh out the ideas for the spring events and will bring this back to ExComm. 


  • Future Business
    • Possible ExComm/Library Cabinet joint meeting in the spring