Executive Committee Minutes 10/11/2017

LAUC-B Executive Committee

October 11, 2017, 10:00-11:30

303 Doe Library


Present:  James Eason (recorder), Ian Knabe, Brian Quigley (chair), Jane Rosario, Dean Rowan, Virginia Shih. Absent:  Jennifer Nelson, Randal Brandt

Guests: Margaret Phillips, Jesse Silva



I. Announcements (B. Quigley)

  • A new librarian has started this week: Chan Li (Assessment Program Librarian)
  • ExComm plans to call an informal LAUC-B happy hour later in semester.

(Action: Eason to organize.)


II. Reports

a. Treasurer (R. Brandt, emailed report)

  • Balance of Sept 2017: $101,761.00.
  • $6,580 for FY 2018 will be posted to the October ledger

b. Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley)

Sept 21st meeting:

  • Preview of our upcoming topics and issues.
  • BIOS/PUBL merger comment process discussion. LAUC-B’s comments were received. Beth, Jeff, LIBR, and affected Deans will see them and discuss.
  • The MVZ Archives has submitted a formal request for Affiliated status, but this awaits action until new agreements are finalized with existing Affiliated Libraries.

c. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario)

  • First LIBR one month ago. The next will be Oct. 12.
  • Recent reliable minutes have been a problem due to budget cuts.
  • The committee is passionate about Library issues.
  • Jeff and Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez spoke to the committee.
  • Beth Dupuis will attend October meeting.
  • Discussion included NRLF expansion, the BIOS/PUBL merger, and reduction in collections budgets.

d. LAUC statewide conference call: no report

October call will be reported at ExComm’s November meeting.


III. Continuing Business

a. LAUC-B Assemblies start time (B. Quigley)

  • Morrison is only available until 10:00, and 180 Doe only until 11:00.
  • That gives up to one hour of flexibility for later start times if we move to 180 Doe, and none if we remain in the Morrison.
  • An informal opinion poll of the membership will be made.

(Action: Quigley to initiate.)

b. Evaluating the two-year professional development funding pilot

  • ExComm plans to solicit feedback from membership.
  • Library is willing to continue the two-year model.
  • LBS will also be queried about any challenges.
  • Survey should be completed by December, to assess prior to February budget submission.

(Action: Knabe, Rosario, and Rowan to draft.)

c. Following up on Safiya Noble’s talk


  • Are there ways to promote continuing discussion around issues raised, and perhaps develop actions?
  • Could existing committees engage with these issues, or perhaps a separate interest group?
  • What local efforts or events might we pursue? Possible future LAUC-B conference topic?

(Action: Nelson, Rosario, and Quigley to develop charge for an ad hoc group to conduct an Environmental Scan and organize a brown bag series.)


IV. New Business

a. Membership report at Assemblies (Eason)

In future, at the Assemblies, we will report all librarian departures as well as retirements and welcomes to new members.

(Action: Eason to update Secretary documentation.)


b. CAPA update (M. Phillips/J. Silva) – CLOSED SESSION