LAUC-B Executive Committee
October 10, 2012
10 am 12 pm
303 Doe Library
Members present: Susan Edwards (chair), Lynn Jones, Julie Lefevre, Teresa Mora (recorder), Hilary Schiraldi, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
- ExComm approved the nominations of Ramona Martinez (Affiliated Representative) and Susan Xue to serve on CAPA through October 2015.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- The current LAUC-B balance is $27,151.39.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian of Month XX, 2011 (S. Edwards, L. Jones)
- T. Leonard reported on the meeting of the Council on University Librarians.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (L. Jones)
- L. Jones presented librarians survey to the committee. LIBR is very supportive and plans to write a resolution in support of librarians.
- Discussed the Commission on the Future of the Library. LIBR wants a very inclusive discussion. LAUC-B can request to make a presentation to the Commission. Commission wants its report completed by the start of the new chancellors tenure.
- The ASUC representative to the committee voiced the students desire for longer hours at Moffitt Library, especially nights, weekends and summer sessions. ASUC would like the Library to loan laptop and cell phone chargers, and has gotten approval from T. Leonard and E. Dupuis.
- There was also discussion about Open Access which remains an issue of concern among faculty. At this point, the faculty are not favorably inclined toward the UCSF Open Access policy, voicing concern about the effectiveness of the opt-out provision, and the applicability of Open Access to the humanities and social sciences.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (L. Jones)
- The system-wide LAUC Assembly will be held in the Spring. Discussion of the program to begin in November.
- There was discussion about what LAUC Professional Development Funds can be used for. There are clearly a number of different models throughout the campuses.
III. Continuing Business
A. Affiliated Fall Assembly (J. Lefevre)
- Program ideas are being discussed. A date has yet to be set.
B. LAUC-B Fall Assembly planning (S. Edwards)
- ExComm agreed to use the Fall Assembly as an opportunity to communicate librarian concerns, issues and questions to the Commission.
- Waiting to set date based on scheduling of the Affiliated Assembly.
- There was discussion of how best to facilitate the program. L. Jones, S. Xue, T. Mora and H. Schiraldi will work on this in the next few weeks.
- S. Edwards has a meeting set with Jim Midgley from the Commission and will officially invite him and his co-chair, Carla Hesse, to participate in the program.
C. Further exploration of LAUC-B additional funding for professional development
or research committees. (S. Edwards)
- H. Schiraldi reported that she and Randy Brandt (co-chairs of the Professional Development Committee) had discussed the idea of funding beyond existing LAUC grants (as discussed at September Executive Committee meeting) and are concerned about developing yet another process for application for and administration of funds.
- There was discussion of how else carried over funds might be spent down. There is an interest in making funds available to the Professional Development Committee to bring someone to campus for a workshop. Funds could be used to pay honoraria or for travel.
- S. Xue noted that LAUC-B does need to maintain a cushion to adequately provide for upcoming fiscal year. She will speak with the Business Office to determine the specific amount we need to carry over.
IV. New Business
A. Use of LAUC-B's video recorder (N. Robinson)
- S. Edwards reported that N. Robinson is drafting guidelines for use of the video recorder.
B. Notification of new LAUC-B hires (S. Edwards)
- There is concern that LAUC-B is not being notified of new-hires in the Librarian series. S. Edwards will ask CAPA to follow up with hiring body after the interviews to see who was hired. CAPA will send the LAUC-B Secretary the new hire information so she can update the roster and ask the hiring supervisor to send a message of introduction to the LAUC-B listserv.
C. Reminder about LAUC-B wiki, including password (S. Edwards)
- S. Edwards distributed the wiki address and password to the Executive Committee.
- L. Jones, S. Xue, T. Mora and H. Schiraldi will work to develop topics for discussion with the Commission on the Future of the Library at the Fall Assembly.
- Schedule Fall Assembly
- S. Xue will speak with the Business Office to determine minimum of funds needed to be carried over by LAUC-B from year to year.
- S. Edwards will ask CAPA to inquire about hiring decisions and pass information onto Secretary.