Executive Committee Minutes 09/13/2017

LAUC-B Executive Committee

September 13, 2017, 10:00-11:30

303 Doe Library

Present: Randal Brandt, James Eason (recorder), Ian Knabe, Jennifer Nelson, Brian Quigley (Chair), Jane

Rosario, Dean Rowan. Absent: Virginia Shih

Guests: Holly Hatheway, Nick Robinson

I. Announcements (B. Quigley)

a. Addition to agenda: Assembly speaker (III. e., below)

b. Numerous new librarians to welcome at Assembly

c. Note regarding ExComm agendas: Proposals from membership for possible ExComm

agenda items must be received by the Chair by the Friday preceding the meeting date.

II. Reports

a. Treasurer (R. Brandt)

Balance of $107,110.00. Chair confirmed with Library Business Services that budget was

approved with one change: DLA budget was shifted from FY18 to FY19 since they would

prefer to allocate funds in the same year they will be spent. DLA funding will need to be

part of our budget request for FY19 and conference funding part of the request for FY20

though that means conference planning will have to start before funding is confirmed.

b. Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley)

First meeting will be Thursday Sept. 21. Email any discussion suggestions to Quigley.

c. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario)

First meeting of the Academic Senate Library Committee will be Thursday Sept. 21.

d. LAUC statewide conference call (B. Quigley)

Two meetings have taken place: a transition meeting and the September meeting have

now been held.

i. Transition: past year review and look forward to coming issues. Expect to assign

group to review Position Paper 5 (on the academic librarian at UC.)

ii. September meeting:

● Call by LAUC web manager for updated rosters.

● SLASIAC Rep. from LAUC will be Jennifer Chan from UCLA.

● There will be a LAUC Rep. appointed to the Direction and Oversight

Committee (DOC): individual not yet named.

● Call for volunteers are forthcoming: LAUC Social Media Manager, Rep.

to Shared Libraries Facilities Board, and in future the LAUC Website

Usability Task Force.

III. Continuing Business

a. LAUC-B conference update (H. Hatheway)

Planning for October conference is on track.

● $3,000 contributed from Statewide for tech (recording).

● “Lunch on your own”(this is different from past conferences)

● Call for volunteers just went out.

● Brian Quigley will do introduction.

● 143 registrations to date, with cap at 160.

b. Additional committee appointments (B. Quigley)

i. David Faulds will serve on the LAUC statewide Diversity Committee.

ii. Kiyoko Shiosaki will serve on the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity.

iii. Distinguished Librarian Award Committee appointments approved: Jennifer

Nelson (Chair) and members: Julie Lefevre (Affiliated Rep.), Susan Xue (Library

Rep.), Imadeldin Abuelgasim (At Large). Will also seek a Faculty member by


iv. ExComm discussed and agreed that the two members of the Committee on

Diversity appointed by the SDC may include Affiliated Library staff, even though

the SDC itself has no Affiliated members. One current member is staying on, so

SDC will be appointing one additional member in accordance with recent bylaw


c. LAUC-B @ 50 working group (B. Quigley)

LAUC at 50 was this past year for Statewide. 2018 will mark LAUC-B at 50.

Discussed possible dedicated web page with timeline like UCSC site has. Intend

to form a working group to review the Bill Whitson history, circa 1992, and

review the LAUC-B archives for 1992-present for events to highlight.

d. LAUC-B Assemblies start time (B. Quigley)

Discussed possible change from usual early bird time slot for Assemblies.

e. Fall Assembly speaker

Quigley approached a potential speaker based on our previous discussion.

Discussed the feasibility of possible dates for the assembly, which Quigley will

explore further.

IV. New Business

a. Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library proposal

A proposal was circulated last week, with an Oct. 6 comment deadline.

ExComm will draft comments from LAUC-B, in its advisory capacity, and solicit input

from members. Rosario and Quigley will initiate.