Executive Committee Minutes September 12, 2018

LAUC-B Executive Committee

September 12, 2018, 10:00 – 12:00

303 Doe Library


ExComm:  Randal Brandt, Marlene Harmon (Recorder), Cody Hennesy, Brian Quigley, Jane Rosario (Chair), Kiyoko Shiosaki, Melissa Stoner

Guests:  James Eason, Rebecca Miller, Jennifer Nelson, Jeremy Ott, Virginia Shih, Jesse Silva

Absent:  Kortney Rupp

I. Announcements (J. Rosario)

a. J. Rosario welcomed the Fall 2018 ExComm Committee.

b. Dean Rowan has agreed to be the Berkeley representative to the LAUC Statewide Committee on Professional Governance.  

II. Reports

a. Treasurer (R. Brandt)

Balance as of Sept. 10, 2018:  $38,518.78

No Budget yet received for 2018.  Budget doesn’t usually come out until October.

b. Monthly UL meeting (C. Hennesy and J. Rosario)

September Meeting

Items Discussed:

  • Upcoming journal negotiations with Elsevier and open access issues.
  • Best methods for communicating status of negotiations with Elsevier to librarians.
  • Status of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Library and the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.
  • LAUC-B’s role in advising Library Administration.
  • UL granted request of $150 for snacks at the events proposed by the Social Justice Task Group.  
  • UL asked that a sum covering such small expenses be included in future budgets.

c. LIBR Meeting (C. Hennesy)

Items discussed:

  • UL discussed negotiating strategy for the Elsevier renewal.  Prepared not to renew with Elsevier if UC’s terms are not met.  Faculty expressed concern with this strategy, not all faculty favor open access.
  • Academic Freedom for Librarians and Union Negotiations.  Faculty expressed support for academic freedom for librarians and discussed providing comments to DIVCO.  
  • ITHAKA Faculty Survey

d. LAUC Statewide Transition Meeting and Conference Call (J. Rosario)

  • J. Rosario attended the LAUC Statewide Transition Meeting on August 30, 2018 at UC San Diego, and the statewide conference call on September 6th.
  • Research and Professional Development Committee reported on grants given.  There were not many applications for grants from non-represented librarians, and there is money left over.
  • Position Paper Number 5.  This important LAUC document that has been under revision for some time.  Jean Dickinson is on the committee charged with revising it. Among other issues, the Position Paper addresses academic freedom. The membership should pay attention to this.
  • Discussion of issues surrounding use of temporary appointments to fill permanent positions.  Concern expressed that this sets a bad precedent, not good for the institution or for the careers of temporary librarians.
  • The spring statewide assembly will be held at UC Riverside. A date has not yet been set.

III. New Business

Fall Assembly

  • Ideally, the theme should complement next year’s LAUC-B Conference theme of Social Justice.
  • Possible speakers were discussed. C. Hennesy will follow up by contacting potential speakers.
  • No date yet for the fall assembly.

IV. Continuing Business

a. Presentation of Professional Development Survey Report (R. Miller, J. Ott)

  • Discussion of Survey Results.  Approach to professional development changes over the course of a career.  Number of librarians spend their own money on PD. Survey assessing rather than making recommendations.
  • (Action:  J. Rosario will send Survey Report to LAUC-B membership. R. Miller and J. Ott will send copy to S. Wong.)

V. CLOSED SESSION:  Presentation of LAUC-B Working Group on Academic Reviews Report (J. Eason, V. Shih and J. Silva [chair]).