LAUC-B Executive Committee
September 11, 2019, 10:00-11:30 am.
303 Doe Library
ExComm: Jim Church, Ramona Collins, Jianye He, Susan McElrath, Stacy Reardon, Jane Rosario, Naomi Shiraishi, Emily Vigor
Guests: Kendra Levine
I. Continuing Business
a. LAUC-B Conference (guest: K. Levine) (10 min)
October 4th, 2019
Registration almost at 150. Will close the form at 170.
Two keynote speakers confirmed. 10 breakout sessions. 5 posters.
No plans to record.
Stickers will be distributed; presenters will receive tote bags.
Call for volunteers will go out at the end of September.
II. Announcements (N. Shiraishi)
December meeting date has moved. bCal updated.
LAUC research grants have been announced. There is a new template by statewide. Mini-grants still available. There may be less awareness of these latter. Consider doing a boost. These can also be applied retroactively as long as it the application comes in before the deadline.
Upcoming interviews. Hosts for most lunches covered. Hosts can invite other LAUC-B members.
Diversity Statewide Rep: Adam Clemons is departing. José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez has volunteered. Motions to appoint him moved, seconded and unanimously approved.
Mentors have been matched with new hires.
III. Reports
a. Treasurer (J. He) (5 min)
Submitted budget request in March, but has not been approved yet.
The figure for total librarians was previously 65, and currently 67.
Budget was previously $85,132. This time requested $84,039. The reduction is driven by the change of number of librarians. This year we do not have Distinguished Librarian Award, but we do have the conference.
Funding proposals for Social Justice Task Force Brown Bag event ($120) and CAPA workshops ($190.10) have been approved.
The actual expenditure of LAUC-B fund by this month is $38,555.27.
b. Monthly UL meeting (N. Shiraishi) (5 min)
Chair and Vice Chair met with UL. Topics: LAUC-B conference, Status of HR academic specialist position (still unfilled), Diversity librarian/fellows 2 year position proposal - there is interest. Review what UC Davis has done. UCLA funded a diversity residency in libraries program. C3 consortium program. Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. University of Wisconsin has a diversity resident program. Ramona will head up the task force, work with diversity committee.
c. LIBR meeting (R. Collins) (10 min)
Academic Freedom for university librarians: the impression was that it was resolved. Working group is still working on this in actuality.
Elsevier contract: Addressed how the library is responding. Demand is being met so far.
Embargos on open access dissertations: pushback on uniform policy
NRLF construction making progress
Ithaka Faculty Survey discussed. Interested in disciplinary differences. Discussed print vs digital books. Lecturers participated strongly in the survey. How to report.
d. LAUC statewide conference call (N. Shiraishi) (10 min)
Barriers to engagement -- closely related to LAUC values. Better communication and transparency needed. Social media coordinators appointed.
LAUC Connect program. Started last year. Connecting UC librarians across campuses. Statewide mentoring program has just started.
Academic Freedom Working Group on privileges, protections, obligations, and responsibilities of non-faculty academic appointees: working on a new APM 011 that will articulate what is covered under academic freedom, including collection development.
Professional Development fund distribution: varies from campus to campus.
Revised position paper #5 on the role of academic librarians. Final version is out now.
Looked into academic review procedures. What we do at Berkeley is different from other UC campuses. Specifically, we're the only campus who appoints rather than elects.
Orientation for incoming members
Spring Assembly: will be at Berkeley. Request to set date and place first.
Search and Hiring process: time-consuming, transparency. Looking into local practices. MLS requirement.
IV. New Business
a. Fall Assembly (15 min)
Considering week of Nov. 18th. N. Shiraishi will check on Morrison availability for 8:30-10am.
M Rose from Exhibit Committee interested in presenting. Consider asking other committees to also present. Free Speech Committee, Diversity Committee. Consider framing in terms of projects in initiatives. Possible alternative is brown bag in the Spring.
S. Teplitsky had suggested speaker on blockchain.
Librarian skills, digital skills. Digital Lifecycle program might shape some skills.
Discussed the possibility of a monthly brown bag.
No plans yet for affiliated assemblies. Sometimes we do joint assemblies.
b. LAUC Statewide Assembly (N. Shiraishi) (15 min)
Propose Friday (or Thursday could also work) March 6 or 13. Spring Break is the last week of March. Possibility of pushing to April. April 24-26 is an archives conference. Consider avoiding religious holidays (e.g., Passover, Easter).
Venues: alumni house: Ramona will ask.
Anticipated number: 50 attendees