LAUC-B Ex Comm Meeting Minutes
9/9/20 10am-Noon
Present: Sherry Lochhaas, Ramona Collins, Jianye He, Susan McElrath, Anna Sackmann, Kate Peck, Tim Vollmer, Joe Cera
Regrets: Naomi Shiraishi
Guests: Corliss Lee, Jennifer Nelson, Jane Rosario
I. Announcements and introductions
- Question about Library Rep responsibilities: Forwarding emails sent to libstaff email list but not sent to affiliated libraries email list is a responsibility of the Library Reps. Examples to send to affiliates: if it represents an event or significant information, services within the library, holidays, announcements that apply to all librarians
II. Reports
A. Treasurer (J. He)
- Had trouble accessing CalAnswers, which has the latest financial reports. Will report back when it is accessible.
- Contacted Mei-lin Huang to know when the new FY budget can be approved. Mei-lin will talk to Susan Swarts and confirm soon.
B. Meeting with UL (R. Collins)
- Question to UL: Where are we on forming the Library’s Task Force on Racial Justice? Jeff emailed staff recently with an update on forming the task force and choosing members.
- How can LAUC-B be involved? Will there be a place for the Good Idea task force report? LAUC-B members on the task force can keep us updated.
- Any ballpark on the LAUC-B 2020-2021 budget?
- The library is close to submitting a revised budget, budget defense is 9/21, with final numbers in October. The LAUC-B budget makes up a small portion of the library’s overall budget. UL wants to support LAUC-B activity. UL is comfortable with giving us a planning budget for the conference next fiscal year.
- Supplemental professional development funding are not shown in the LAUC-B budget, Jianye to look into this.
- Distinguished Librarian Award committee is considering how to spend their funds without an in-person award ceremony.
C. LIBR meeting (S. McElrath)
- Met Sept 3, introducing new members & discussion of library budget
- Chair will send a letter to CAPRA (Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation) about concerns over potential cuts to the budget. Committee supports preserving the budget.
- Jeff provided an update on the Elsevier negotiations, which have been restarted. They had a workshop in July. Aiming for a new agreement in January 2021.
D. LAUC statewide conference call (R. Collins)
- No report, will update at next meeting
III. Continuing/Outstanding Business
A. Berkeley-specific statement to follow up on the LAUC-B endorsement of Equity and Access in Higher Education and Academic Libraries …
- A Berkeley-specific statement has not been written. LAUC-B members can voice their support throughout the library as needed. What else can LAUC-B do in this area?
- Upcoming Selector Forum might be a good place to voice concerns
- CSC is adding a DEI statement to their charge. Anna will take concerns to CSC.
IV. New Business
A. Library Task Force on Racial Justice. How can/should LAUC-B be involved?
- There are several LAUC-B members on this task force.
- LAUC-B ExComm (Ramona) will reach out to the Task Force and offer collaboration and request for updates
B. Choosing a different date to meet in November. (2nd Wed is 11/11, campus holiday)
- Ramona to email ExComm with proposed dates for November meeting.
C. Solidifying the LAUC-B Conference budget (S. Kealey and C. Lee)
- Planning has started for the LAUC-B conference in the Fall of 2021. It will be a Virtual Conference. The planning committee includes members from other UCs as well.
- Budget: UL guaranteed budget amount ahead of time last conference, and this has not been a problem in past years. Hoping to get a guaranteed amount again to help plan the conference this year. UL has committed to a ‘planning budget’ this year for the conference.
- LAUC-B requests a tentative budget from the Conference Planning Committee by December, to present to Jeff for planning.
D. Distinguished Librarian Award - can we make 3 awards this time around? (J. Rosario)
- Due to extraordinary circumstances this year, the usual in-person reception to celebrate awardees will not take place. Rather than having unspent funds in the budget, the DLA committee proposed using the reception funds to confer an additional award. ExComm approved the suggestion.