10 am - 12 pm
303 Doe Library
Members: Barbara Bohl, David Eifler, Rita Evans, Jeffery Loo, Michele Morgan, Jennifer Nelson, I-Wei Wang (Chair)
Guests: Jean Dickinson, Elliott Smith (recorder pro tem)
I. Announcements (I. Wang)
- No announcements were made.
II. Reports
a. Treasurer (D. Eifler)
- Current balance: $114,525
b. Monthly UL meeting of September 8 (I. Wang, J. Nelson)
I. Wang & J. Nelson met with E. Dupuis and E. Mitchell, interim co-directors of the University Library. E. Mitchell noted some developments from the Council of University Librarians (CoUL):
- A LAUC Statewide representative to the Shared Library Facilities Board, which will oversee policy for shared facilities such as the regional library facilities, has been chosen, but the name is not public yet (this was not shared during the part of CoUL attended by LAUC Statewide representatives)
- The UC Policy on Open Access proposal that extends open access rights and responsibilities to all non-Senate members of the UC community who are authors of scholarly articles (including librarians) has been approved; plans for rolling out the policy have yet to be developed
We also discussed the status of the proposed revisions to the Berkeley Procedures governing the peer review process. After the meeting, E. Mitchell followed up with Susan Wong and learned the document has been approved and is pending finalization for posting; he emphasized the need to get the document ready for release by October 1, in light of the CAPA Review Workshop scheduled for October.
c. LIBR meeting (J. Nelson)
LIBR held its first meeting for the current (2015-16) academic year on 8/18/2015. The new committee Chair is George Starr (English). Chair Starr and immediate past chair Margaretta Lovell met with Jeff MacKie-Mason (new UL) the week of 8/24/2015. In advance of that meeting, Chair Starr solicited ideas from LIBR members regarding possible items for the committee to address this year, and concerns to be conveyed to the new UL at that meeting. The issues that came out for further discussion were the following:
- Concern about a perceived trend towards amalgamated/hybrid positions;
- NRLF (how to advocate for/communicate importance of maintaining "legacy" print collections);
- Scholarly communication/open access/future of publishing (how LIBR can participate in continued formulation of OA policy);
- Shared governance between faculty and Library admin vis a' vis the Library;
- "Real estate": How do decisions get made regarding library space (either reconfiguring or ceding), and how can LIBR stay informed about such matters (e.g., reorganization of Moffitt, BIDS);
- Rethinking the library: Getting away from oppositional "print vs. digital" paradigm. There is a place for both and users are omnivorous in their research; how to best articulate the benefits of both. Related to this: how can subject-specialty libraries assume a more active role as loci of teaching and learning.
d. LAUC statewide conference calls (I. Wang)
LAUC statewide transition meeting/conference call of August 17: I. Wang attended the Statewide transition meeting, via conference call. The main topics covered were:
- The APM Task Force (consisting of representatives from LAUC Statewide's Executive Board 2014-15 and from the Council of University Librarians) discussed next steps for finalizing its recommendations (if any) to the UC Office of the President for revision of the Academic Personnel Manual, section 360-4 (definition of the Librarian Series)
- LAUC Website redesign - Web administrator J. Lefevre demonstrated the new structure and functionality, including the "Meet our Members" page which will feature profiles from each campus. Berkeley's turn will be coming up soon, and the divisions will need to be active in maintaining up-to-date content.
- D. Mizrachi (UCLA), the incoming President, announced that her theme for LAUC Statewide is "celebrating LAUC members' scholarship & achievements," including via the LAUC website, LAUC participation in social media, a LAUC journal on eScholarship, and promoting a culture of visible celebration at the divisional level.
LAUC Statewide conference call of September 10, 2015: I. Wang attended the Statewide monthly conference call. Highlights:
- D. Mizrachi (UCLA) reported to CoUL on the feedback to the APM Task Force's recommendations about APM 360-4 (defining the Librarian Series). She noted that the most prominent issues about the draft proposal in the APM Task Force report—inclusion of language about working in conjunction with non-Librarian Series professionals and removal of language about Librarian Series appointees' role in library management and administration—were not met with any immediate objections. Statewide's Executive Board input is finished; the Task Force will decide what to do with the executive Board's input from the divisions, and any final recommended language will be submitted to UCOP; if UCOP undertakes to revise that provision, the document will be submitted to systemwide review similar to the review of the APM revisions this past spring.
- Statewide solicits from the divisions "interesting job titles" of LAUC membership (for example, the archivist at Santa Cruz who is responsible for the Grateful Dead Archive, the "wine librarian" at UC Davis). Profiles of such individuals might be appropriate for featuring via the LAUC website's "Meet our Members" page.
III. New Business
a. Facilitated Brainstorming Session (D. Eifler, J. Loo)
In order to identify key areas of interest for future discussion with UL J. MacKie-Mason, a brainstorming session was developed and facilitated by D. Eifler and J. Loo. Questions were posed on important issues confronting librarianship and public higher education, critical trends in the profession, and strategic priorities and initiatives for the library.
D. Eifler gathered individual responses to each question and led a group discussion to identify common themes.
ACTION ITEM: J. Loo will summarize the themes that emerged from the discussion and circulate the summary to those present for additional comments and further action.
b. Fall Assembly Planning (I. Wang)
Possible formats and topics for the LAUC-B Fall Assembly were discussed. A potential topic to be further explored is Library support of the pilot Data Science Education Program being developed to integrate data literacy as a core element of undergraduate student learning.
ACTION ITEM: J. Loo and D. Eifler will take the lead on finalizing and organizing the Fall Assembly program, assisted by R. Evans and J. Nelson.
IV. Old Business
a. 2015 LAUC-B Conference (D. Eifler)
- AUL E. Mitchell will provide the introductory remarks for the conference in place of UL J. MacKie-Mason, who is unable to attend.
- Registration invitations have been sent to allusers and to LAUC Statewide President Diane Mizrachi for forwarding to divisional chairs.
- Volunteers are needed for the hosting committee, which provides on-site staff and handles setup for the event; contact Susan Powell if interested.
- At the direction of ExComm, questions about attendees' willingness and ability to pay to enable the recovery at least some of the costs of the event have been added to the survey of conference participants which will be distributed and collected at the conference.
b. Transition to bCourses update (E. Smith for E. Vigor)
Migration of content from the CAPA bSpace site to bCourses is continuing. Issues relating to the ownership of separate sites for LAUC-B committees were briefly discussed.
ACTION ITEM: I. Wang will contact committee chairs.
c. Diversity Committee membership, proposed bylaws change (no action this month)
d. Berkeley Procedures status – see II. b: Monthly UL meeting of September 8
Next meeting: October 14, 10:30 am - 12 pm, 303 Doe Library