LAUC-B Ex Comm
Meeting Minutes
9/8/21 10am-12:00pm
Present: Susan McElrath, Ramona Collins, Kate Peck, Lara Michels, Celia Emmelhainz, José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Ann Glusker, Abby Scheel
I. Announcements
- In order to give more time for new business, reports will be submitted 48 hours in advance of the meeting and attached to the agenda.
- CAPA Standard Merit Review Taskforce
- Taskforce convened to examine standard merit review process. Will look for efficiencies that don’t require procedural change and identify ideas for procedural changes (Taskforce Members - James Eason, David Eifler, Kate Peck)
- LAUC Statewide hosts a Slack instance that statewide committees can use to facilitate communications. All LAUC members may join the LAUC Statewide Slack. Some committees have chosen to have private channels to conduct their business
II. Reports
- Treasurer (L. Michels)
- July expenditures: $577.91
- Employee development and training: $162.00
- Conferences: ($5.09)
- Memberships: $421.00
- August expenditures: $665.24
- Conferences: $335.24
- Memberships: $330.00
- Total expenditures FYTD: $1243.15
- 2021/2022 budget still awaiting approval
- May not be approved until spring
- Rolling over almost full budget so we may not get new allocation
- July expenditures: $577.91
- Meeting with UL (S. McElrath)
- Question about timeline for HR position: no timeline available, position description still under review
- Where does Monica Aiello fall in HR hierarchy? She will report to the LHRD Head, she is responsible for Academic positions
- Intent to rely more on central services for staff position because these are consistent across the University, LHRD will focus more on academic positions
- Send questions for the UL to Susan and Celia for inclusion in this meeting
- LIBR meeting (C. Emmelhainz)
- No LIBR meeting held
- LAUC statewide conference call (S. McElrath)
- Do we have any interest in having LAUC host our website?
- Need to check in with Julie Lefevre (webmaster)
- Who would have ability to update?
- Need to continue linking on our staff page
- What are benefits of moving to statewide platform?
- cross- linking events across local LAUC groups
- Consistent “branding” for LAUC statewide
- Where would funding for hosting come from? Paid centrally or we pay?
- If we pay, this would be a new budget item for LAUC-B
- Response: we want to see a proposal first for statewide website (no dissent)
III. Continuing/Outstanding Business
- LAUC-B member survey follow-up
- Finalize tasks and seek volunteers
- Minutes from August Meeting
- Survey results
- Themes: onboarding, reviews, mentoring, addressing burnout
- Over the summer, Monica spoke to ExComm about onboarding
- Idea to create standard onboarding procedures for all library
- Idea to hold brown bag development sessions
- Next step: research phase, how can ExComm address these themes?
- Idea: at Fall Assembly do a round-robin to generate ideas (and volunteers) to address these themes - idea accepted without dissent
- LAUC-B Conference
- Status report from Co-Chairs (C. Lee and S. Kealey)
- Conference planning committee:
- Conference website:
- Dates for conference: 10/5-10/6/21
- Opening speaker: Clara Chu
- Closing speaker: Lalitha Nataraj
- JMM will open conference and there will be a land acknowledgement
- Registration opening today
- 100 tickets reserved for UC people
- 218 tickets for everyone
- Sharing Google doc for those to receive links if they can’t attend conference live
- All sessions are booked
- Reminder: LAUC Conference traditionally held every 2 years in the fall, LAUC-B conference/assembly should not coincide (Spring 2021 conference postponed due to pandemic)
- How was platform selected? Subcommittee examined options
- Status report from Co-Chairs (C. Lee and S. Kealey)
IV. New Business
- Fall Assembly
- Abby (Secretary) will handle Zoom logistics with LCO (Amber) to use library account
- Timing
- Not October
- Week of Nov. 15 - avoid library town hall
- Action Item: Abby will set up Doodle poll for ExComm to choose best date
- Brainstorm topics and potential speakers
- 90 minute agenda
- Breakout session: Brainstorming session about themes from members survey - how to deal; have groups create shared notes document
- Discussion leaders:
- Burn-out: Celia
- Onboarding: Kate
- Mentoring: Ann
- Reviews: CAPA Taskforce members
- Discussion leaders:
- Business: reports from CAPA, typically provided in writing
- Virtual or in-person
- Virtual (no dissent)
- ExComm Meetings
- Discuss scope & branding
- These meetings are open, but not often attended by non-ExComm members
- How to bring more member participation: rebrand as a member forum? Make this second agenda item after announcements
- Hold listening forums 1-2 times a year for issues to bring up with UL
- Agreed to plan for first session in February
- Discuss scope & branding
V. Member questions/concerns??