Executive Committee Minutes 08/24/2016

LAUC-B Executive Committee

Transition Meeting

August 24, 2016, 10:00-12:30

303 Doe Library


Members: David Eifler, David Faulds, Jeffery Loo, Chris Marino, Michele Morgan, Jennifer Nelson (Chair), Susan Powell, Brian Quigley, Dean Rowan, Sam Teplitzky, Emily Vigor, I-Wei Wang; Guests: Charles Macquarie



  1. Announcements (I. Wang)

    1. The 2016 Task Force on Professional Status of Librarians at Berkeley has been formed - thank you to Lillian Castillo-Speed, Lynn Jones (chair), Jesse Silva, and Chris Tarr as well as to other LAUC-B members who expressed an interest in the task force. The charge document is appended below.

  2. Reports

    1. Treasurer (D. Eifler)

      • Balance: $54, 536 as of June 2016.  The final balance will be available in mid-September when all expenses have been posted.

    2. LAUC statewide conference call and transition meeting (I. Wang, J. Nelson)

      • Highlights from two conference calls since the last ExComm meeting include information from the other campuses during the "round robin" portion of the meeting. In July, there was an inquiry from one of the campuses planning to institute librarian recognition programs, resulting in an exchange of information from various campuses about LAUC division-organized staff and librarian appreciation events, "milestone" recognition observances (such as 10-, 15-, 20-year service awards), and other means of recognizing librarians' work outside of retirement or special distinction (such as DLA) events. These traditions and new experiments at other campuses might provide a model for LAUC-B. At the August LAUC Statewide meeting, several developments in hiring/management of librarian series appointees were discussed: UCSF is hiring an archivist in the librarian series; while UC Davis is hiring a Scholarly Communications Officer outside the librarian series, and has created a library fellowship in the series (at Assistant Librarian rank) for candidates without an MLIS or equivalent degree; and UCSC noted a position recently moved out of the librarian series.

      • J. Nelson attended the LAUC Statewide turnover meeting at UC Irvine on 8/22. Dana Peterman (Irvine) is the incoming President of LAUC, Carla Arbagey (Riverside) is Vice President/President-Elect, Angela Horne (UCLA) is the statewide Secretary. D. Peterman announced that the theme for this year will be  “LAUC at 50”; he will be sending out a call for ideas for collecting photos, memorabilia, and oral histories or interviews.

  3. Continuing Business

    1. 2016 Task Force on Professional Status of Librarians at Berkeley (I. Wang)

      1. The task force has met and agreed on a plan of work:

        • very brief literature review

        • interviews of select  peer institutions : UCLA, Davis, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Washington, Stanford, Yale, Austin

        • an analysis of the  trends in hiring and management of librarians, especially in tech services at these schools

        • submit report by the LAUC B Fall Assembly, and be available to report results if requested

    2. Budget update: Professional Development funding for FY17 (D. Eifler)

      • I. Wang, J. Nelson and D. Eifler last met with Kris Leonardo and Elise Woods in July and reached on the budget. This year, funding will be supplied for four assemblies and member programs, candidate lunches, and for the 2017-2018 LAUC-B Conference. Professional development funds mandated by the AFT contract includegroups: librarians working for the library, affiliated librarians no in Law, and and affiliated Law librarians. The AFT contract specifies a specific amount of funding that must be made available to librarians. Unspent funds from the last fiscal year will be carried forward to the current year. This year Administration  agreed to allow professional development funding to be spent by librarians over two years. Although we don’t yet know the amount of the carry forward, librarians will have two years to spend a minimum of $1500. At the end of two  years, individual’s funds will be zeroed out and the budget for the next period renegotiated.. As in the past, librarians working for the Library will also have access to $600 Barry funds to be spent in a single year.

    3. Year in review, welcome incoming ExComm & transfer the gavel (I. Wang)

      • Report attached

    4. DLA (Distinguished Librarian Award) ceremony

      • Invitations have been extended to interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Carol Christ and Vice Provost for the Faculty Benjamin Hermalin to speak at the ceremony. The tentative dates for the ceremony are November 29 or 30.

  4. New Business

    1. Transition and fall events (J. Nelson)

      • Fall events - The DLA ceremony will be this fall, and the LAUC-B Conference will take place in fall 2017. Other fall events this year include the fall assembly, which will be planned in the coming months.

    2. Committee appointments (J. Nelson)

      • LAUC-B and Statewide committee appointments were discussed and approved

      • Possible Brown Bag this September for presentation on research funds (R&PD) from Statewide

      • J. Nelson discussed conducting a review of committee bylaws by committee chairs

      • LAUC-B Conference on Digital Humanities - happens in Oct. 2017, but committee will be reporting to ExComm during this FY as their work progresses.

      • First review cycle under new UL has concluded; J. Nelson will meet with Julie Lefevre (CAPA) to discuss themes that emerged.

    3. Budget process preview (D. Eifler)

      • D. Eifler will continue on as Treasurer and support the  budget process next year. The review will start in early February and include the LAUC-B Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer and K. Leonardo and E. Woods.

    4. Lunch and meet with incoming ExComm members