LAUC-B Executive Committee
August 12, 2015
10:30 am - 1 pm
251 Moffitt Library
Members present: David Eifler (incoming Treasurer), Rita Evans (outgoing chair, incoming past chair), Lynn Jones (outgoing past chair), Kendra Levine (outgoing Affiliated Libraries Representative), Jeffery Loo (incoming Library Representative), Chris Marino (incoming alternate Affiliated Libraries Representative), Michele Morgan (incoming Library Representative), Jennifer Nelson (incoming vice-chair/chair-elect), Lisa Ngo (outgoing Treasurer), Liladhar Pendse (outgoing Library Representative), Jesse Silva (outgoing Library Representative), Elliott Smith (outgoing Secretary), I-Wei Wang (outgoing vice-chair, incoming chair)
I. Announcements (R. Evans)
- Welcome to incoming members
II. Reports
a. Treasurer (L. Ngo)
- Current balance: $52,221
b. LAUC Statewide conference call of August 6, 2015 (R. Evans)
- Shared Facilities Board - LAUC received five nominations (three from Berkeley) for the seat on the Shared Facilities Board and will forward those to UCOP to select the LAUC representative.
- APM Working Group – AFT issued a cease and desist letter asserting the group is in violation of Article 2, section 5, and is interfering with the MOU in defining the librarian series. LAUC has referred the matter to UCOP counsel and until LAUC hears from them, the group will continue its work.
- Year in Review – LAUC discussed membership, reviewed Position Papers, launched the webinar series with UCLAS, issued two newsletters, and drafted revisions to by-laws. Two live Assemblies and two remote Special Assemblies were held. Research and Professional Development Committee implemented a new fund disbursement system and re-emphasized need for divisions to require End of Year funding reports. Diversity Committee initiated a research project on LAUC demographics and contributed to the new Meet Our Members newsletter feature. Website Revision Ad Hoc rolled out the new LAUC website August 4.
c. LAUC Statewide transition meeting of August 17, 2015 (I. Wang)
I. Wang will attend as LAUC-B representative. Notes from the meeting will appear in the September ExComm minutes.
III. Old Business
a. 2015 LAUC-B Conference (L.Ngo)
The Conference Committee is now meeting every two weeks. For details about the 2015 LAUC-B Conference, Open Access: Reclaiming Scholarship for the Academy, please see the conference website:
Registration for the conference will open:
- for LAUC-B members: at the end of August
- for LAUC members: in early- to mid-September
- participants outside of LAUC: late September to early October.
b. Transition to bCourses (E. Smith) 10:50-10:55
All LAUC-B committee chairs have been contacted regarding the transition to bCourses.
ACTION ITEM: E. Smith will follow up with responding committee chairs on outstanding issues.
c. New LAUC Statewide website
The new LAUC Statewide website was rolled out August 4: see
The new website includes a Meet our members page linked from the home page, which will spotlight two LAUC members from different campuses each month.
d. Berkeley Procedures update
The Academic Personnel Office (APO) has received the draft Berkeley Procedures, which await approval before they become official. It was noted that the CAPA workshop will take place on Oct. 13, and it would be helpful to have the draft procedures approved before that date.
ACTION ITEM: I. Wang will follow up with Library Human Resources and Interim ULs Beth Dupuis and Erik Mitchell.
e. Diversity Committee membership, proposed bylaws change (R. Evans)
R. Evans will develop language for a proposed bylaws change relating to the membership of the Committee on Diversity.
f. Meeting with Jeff MacKie-Mason – next steps (All)
The timing of an invitation for incoming University Librarian J. MacKie-Mason to meet with ExComm and with LAUC-B membership was discussed, as well as potential issues to be raised during those meetings. Spring 2016 dates were favored for both meetings.
It was noted that the ExComm chair and vice-chair will be meeting with J. MacKie-Mason on a monthly basis, and also that he has been invited to the CAPA workshop on October 13 and will give the opening remarks for the LAUC-B Conference on October 16.
ACTION ITEM: D. Eifler and J. Loo will plan a brainstorming activity for the next ExComm meeting to identify key areas of interest for future discussion with the new UL.
IV. New Business
a. Welcome incoming ExComm members and transfer the virtual gavel (R. Evans, I. Wang)
R. Evans gave concluding remarks thanking outgoing ExComm members for their participation and support, and passed the virtual gavel to incoming chair I. Wang.
b. Transition and fall events (I. Wang)
I. Wang gave introductory remarks highlighting the impact of ExComm over past year and looking forward to addressing issues proactively in the coming year.
c. LAUC-B hosted lunches for non-librarian candidates, e.g., Scholarly Communications Officer (I. Wang)
LAUC-B has agreed to host candidate lunches for the Scholarly Communications Officer (SCO), even though the position is not in the Librarian Series, because the SCO will be working closely with librarians. Hosting candidate lunches for other positions outside of the Librarian Series will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
d. Standing Committee nominations (I. Wang)
The following LAUC-B standing committee appointments have been approved:
Committee on Professional Development
- Lee Adams
- Chris Marino (Affiliated)
- Shannon Supple
Committee on Research
- Liladhar Pendse (Townsend Fellow)
Nominations & Elections Committee
- Lynn Jones
- Kendra Levine (Affiliated)
Nomination to Statewide Committees
- Committee on Diversity - Corliss Lee
V. Transition lunch
a. Discussion of officer duties and responsibilities (all)
A general discussion of duties, responsibilities and strategies was held over lunch.
Next meeting: September 9, 2015, 10 am - 12 pm, 303 Doe Library