Executive Committee Minutes 06/24/2023

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
June 14, 2023, 10-11:30am

Present: Jesse Silva, Susan McElrath, José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Lara Michels, Jennifer Dorner, Jackie Gosselar

Guests: Hilary Schiraldi, Jennifer Nelson, Kristie Chamorro, Timothy Vollmer, Anna Sackmann

  • Reports
    • Treasurer’s Report (L. Michaels) Lara has been looking at reports in CalAnswers, but the information isn’t as easy to interpret as the reports we used to get from the Library’s Business. Heidi Hallett will work on the budget after the LAUC-B member headcount is completed in July. Lara has requested a meeting with Heidi in July.
    • Meeting with the UL (J. Silva)  Jeff gave them an update on the Anthropology Library and the status of the occupation. He also discussed the work being done by the Working Group on the University Library, which has a short deadline of the end of June to complete their work. Basically, the group is reviewing and updating recommendations from the 2013 Commission Report on the Library.
    • LAUC Statewide (J. Silva) Discussed what campuses are doing to respond to the APM proposed changes. Some campuses have sent out surveys to their members. There is no coordinated response. The Committee on Research and Professional Development will soon be contacting folks who have reports due. The Committee on Professional Governance is working on a governance guide, providing information about appropriate contacts at UCOP. There was a long discussion about the fact that some faculty members on SLSIAC and UCOLASC questioned the level of research that librarians do. There is a position paper on librarians as researchers that came out about 10 years ago that Statewide LAUC plans to update.  UCLA’s UL is retiring and their LAUC chair wrote to campus administration advocating for LAUC membership on the search committee, and their administration agreed to appoint the chair and chair-elect.
    • EIC (J. Gosselar) welcomed Tiffany Grandstaff as the new Cabinet representative. The committee is considering recruiting another member or two from library staff and also may recruit more students (though that will wait until fall). They continued their discussion about length of terms for conveners. They have a meeting with the UL next week and created an agenda for that meeting. In August they’ll be meeting with Cabinet and will likely discuss the restorative justice process then. They worked on a draft annual report and their objectives for next year. Discussed budget process and hope to get clarity from meeting with UL about the budget. 
    • LIBR (J. Barragán-Álvarez) Jeff talked about the Working Group on the University Library, which is co-chaired by Molly van Houweling. There were comments from faculty about the LIbrary Administration focusing on STEM and the fact there were no real actionable items by the group. If there isn’t any response from campus administration to the report’s recommendations, the Library had little recourse to action. Jeff reported on what he knew about the budget. He’s expecting a temporary dip in fundraising because the Moffitt project is underway and will require no more fundraising.  It will cost about $800K to close Anthro (and move all the books). Although the strategic planning process was delayed because of low morale and trust, Jeff wants to stick to his Dec 2023 deadline. 
  • Continuing Business
    • Set a date for the listening sessions on the Academic Librarian Values Statement  The first one will be Wed, July 12, from 10-11am via zoom. Another session will be scheduled for September and the date will be announced in August. 
    • Feedback on APM 210 changes - Encourage members to submit comments on their own. When we see the LAUC statewide response we’ll do a quick yes/no vote of our membership to determine whether we sign on to that letter. Jesse will send out a message to membership about this.
  • New Business
    • Letter to the Vice Provost on LAUC-B involvement in hiring the next UL - Susan and Jesse will draft a letter with LAUC-B’s recommendations for Library participation in the search. Update: Drafted letter was sent on June 16, and EVCP Hermalin acknowledged the letter the next day.
    • Berkeley Procedures and CAPA - Hilary reached out to Ann Gilbert in APO about the top of range of the non-represented salary scale. Ann was also invited, but unable to attend.  Hilary will write up her notes from her meeting with Ann and ask Ann to verify their accuracy. She will also write an email to  others asking for clarification on this issue. She will write this up as a google doc and will share it with ExComm and CAPA.