LAUC-B Executive Committee
June 13, 2018, 10:00-11:30
303 Doe Library
Present: Randal Brandt, James Eason (recorder), Jennifer Nelson, Susan Powell, Brian Quigley (chair), Jane Rosario, Dean Rowan
Absent: V. Shih
I. Announcements (B. Quigley)
a. Reminder: the Library Retirement Party will be held June 19, 2018 3 - 5 p.m. in Morrison Library.
b. Call for advisory team members on UCSF sexual harassment study
A call went out via email on June 14th. This will be an investigator-led research study, acknowledged by COUL and ASAG. When ready , it will go to all library staff and librarians.
c. Election results
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Cody Hennesy
Secretary: Marlene Harmon
Library Representatives: Kortney Rupp & Kiyoko Shiosaki
Affiliated Libraries Representative-Elect: Christina Fidler
All of the proposed local bylaws amendments passed.
Results of the statewide LAUC election should be announced soon.
II. Reports
a. Treasurer (R. Brandt)
Next year’s budget final figures not yet finalized.
b. Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley) – no report
c. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario) – no report
d. LAUC statewide conference call (J. Rosario for B. Quigley)
- SLASIAC: Symplectic Elements (publication harvesting system to support UC’s Open Access Policy) will be funded. UCSF sexual harassment survey (see item I. b. above.)
- Outgoing President Carla Arbagey has discretionary funds left over, and will look at putting it toward LAUC swag. If you have any ideas about items that might be especially useful/appreciated, please contact Carla.
- Discussion of Divisions and their year in review. Finding candidates for office is a problem on some campuses.
III. Continuing Business
a. Confirmation of Nicole Cooke for workshop (travel plans, bookings, etc.)
Considering Cultural Competence: Reframing our LIS Practice and Research.
405 Moffit on July 26, 10:00-12:30, limited to 25-30 people.
b. Social Justice in Libraries Task Group (SJTG) report: finalized report is now linked from May ExComm minutes
c. Distinguished Librarian Awards
Intent-to-Nominate date for Distinguished Librarian awards was Friday, June 3rd. Many thanks to those who submitted names. The DLA Committee looks forward to receiving completed nomination packets by August 3rd.
IV. New Business
a. Follow up to SJTG report (And how are these activities separate and distinct from the conference planning?)
- Discussion with UL needed.
- Ask UL to appoint a committee to work on projects related to bias in metadata and cataloging.
- Determine if Committee on Diversity would like to carry on this work, or suggests a Task Force be appointed, separately.
- Appoint a liaison from the group to the Conference Planning Committee in either case.
b. LAUC-B video camera and tripod
It was discovered that LAUC-B purchased a video camera and tripod in 2012 to record events. However, only recordings made by ETS can be posted to the Berkeley YouTube channel. ExComm discussed whether to retain the equipment or send to salvage.
c. Video of last LAUC-B conference
Discussed options for hosting videos from the LAUC-B conference in 2017 since we cannot post them on the Berkeley YouTube channel.
- Create our own LAUC-B YouTube channel
- Host the videos on library systems and link from LAUC-B web page.
- Investigate hosting them on statewide LAUC YouTube channel.
Videos should also be closed captioned - potential budget implications for future.
Ask LAUC statewide about posting the videos to the LAUC YouTube channel.
Check with 2017 conference co-chair Mary Elings about status of closed captioning.
d. Final meetings of this Executive Committee
July meeting cancelled.
Turnover meeting to be scheduled for after August 22.