LAUC-B Ex Comm
Meeting Minutes
6/9/21 10am-12:00pm
Present: Sherry Lochhaas, Ramona Collins, Jianye He, Tim Vollmer, Anna Sackmann, Susan McElrath, Naomi Shiraishi
Others present: Kate Peck, Christina Velazquez Fidler
I. Announcements
*Be on the lookout for your LAUC-B/LAUC statewide election ballot
(ballots should go out by June 11 and the last day to vote is June 30)
- See for the calendar and statewide candidate statements
*LAUC statewide DEI committee presentation on July 14, 1-2pm (N. Shiraishi)
*Proposals to present at the LAUC-B Conference are due June 15
(see the conference website for full details)
*The DLA procedures are updated - committee to be formed in September
II. Reports
- Treasurer (J. He)
- July balance $49,092
- April transfer of new fiscal year allocation $63,667
- Total = $112,759
- June 2021 current expenditure in total = $49,266.35
- Estimated balance: $63,492.65
- Meeting with UL (no report - meeting set for 6/10)
- LIBR meeting (no report - last meeting was in May)
- LAUC statewide conference call (R. Collins)
- Re-cap of the Spring Assembly, which had lightning talks from the DEI committee and an interactive session from librarians from Minnesota about academic freedom. LAUC is considering creating an Academic Freedom Ambassador Program (1-2 reps from each campus).
III. Continuing/Outstanding Business
IV. New Business
- Discuss responses to LAUC-B member survey
- Survey results provided ideas for the mentorship program, wrangling issues with the dossier
- Considering how the results of the survey will be organized and shared.
- Discuss response to Good IDEA Task Force report
- Continue to push for the diversity position, and move this issue forward.
- Discuss report from Task Force on Racial Justice
- Will continue to monitor progress, and focus on these issues
- Create action items for FY21-22 academic year
- Potentially prioritize recommendations from the Task Force on Racial Justice report (as far as it relates to LAUC-B) and LAUC-B member survey.
- Discussion of what can reasonably be done by LAUC-B, and how to collaborate with other groups at the library working on similar issues
- To discuss further in July & August meetings
- Strategic planning - review committee charges
- Discuss updating mentorship program documentation (A. Sackmann)
- Will take a look at updates to the documentation in July
- Discuss updating mentorship program documentation (A. Sackmann)
V. Member questions/concerns?
- None.