LAUC-B Executive Committee
Thursday, 9 June 2011
10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Members Present: Lucia Diamond, Kathleen Gallagher, Sue Koskinen, Ramona Martinez, Margaret Phillips, Nick Robinson, Shannon Supple, and I-Wei Wang
I. Announcements
LAUC-B Certificates have been delivered to departing colleagues John Gallwey and Kendra Levine to thank them for their service.
Nick Robinson is reviewing LAUC-B position papers from past decades. Look for further discussion on this going forward.
Margaret Phillips created a page on eScholarship that includes papers from the Library undergraduate prize and from the Librarys new faculty lecture series: LAUC-B members and other Library staff are encouraged to deposit their research papers as well. Submission guidelines are available on eScholarship.
The ExComm transition meeting will occur on Wednesday, August 17 at 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in 303 Doe Library.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang): The account balance is $87,868.39.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson)
Sue Koskinen and Nick Robinson met with Tom Leonard on June 1st. T. Leonard talked about the Bancroft Director search; S. Koskinen will work with Susan Wong to schedule a meeting with the new director.
The LAUC resolution on budget cuts was approved:
The Council of University Librarians is meeting in Oakland on June 16-17th. They will be discussing, among other things, next generation technical services, negotiations with Nature, print on demand for ebooks (partnering with Amazon, HathiTrust, U Michigan, Hewlett Packard), Googles continuing digitization projects (rate of 3000 books/day), June 24th Next Gen Melvyl rollout, interinstitutional collaboration on ILL, storage, and more, and the ongoing review of the California Digital Library (CDL) services report. There is no news on librarian distinguished status at this point.
Summer school enrollment is up at UC Berkeley.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson): LIBR has not met since the last ExComm meeting.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Koskinen)
Divisions currently are sending their voting tallies for the LAUC Statewide elections. The winners will be announced soon.
LAUC has a one-year account with Survey Monkey, so any LAUC member can use that account if needed.
LAUC divisional reports are on the LAUC website:
Nominations for representatives to statewide committees: Dan Suchy will continue to represent LAUC on LTAG and three names each were sent to HOPS and SLASIAC. HOPS and SLASIAC will choose amongst the names submitted.
LAUC President Michael Yonezawa tabled the idea for a LAUC awards task force.
III. Continuing Business
A. CAPA Proposal Discussion (S. Koskinen)
CAPAs updated proposal to make more flexible the make-up of the ad hoc committees: CAPA Chair Brian Quigley and S. Koskinen drafted a sentence to be added to the Berkeley Procedures after the requirement that there be two ad hoc committee members with the same Library/Affiliated Library affiliation as the reviewee: If these requirements cannot be met after reasonable attempts, then they may be waived. In these cases, at least one member shall be from The Library and at least one member shall be from the Affiliated Library units.
Some ExComm members expressed continued concern about the vagueness of the term reasonable and what would happen in situations in which the ad hoc review committee membership requirement would conflict with the goal of having more than one case reviewed by each ad hoc committee.
ACTION: ExComm voted unanimously to accept the added text to the Berkeley Procedures.
B. Fiat Flux, LAUC-B Conference (I. Wang, M. Phillips)
Stephen Brint, a sociologist from UC Riverside, has been added to the speakers list.
A site visit is coming up soon.
The committee will soon be recruiting greeters and other volunteers. Contact I-Wei Wang and Margaret Phillips if you are interested in helping at the conference.
C. LAUC-B Election Results: Congratulations to
Vice-chair/Chair-elect Susan Edwards, Secretary Jeffrey Loo, Treasurer Adnan Malik, Library Representatives Dana Jemison and Kai Stoeckenius, and Affiliated Representative-elect (and Affiliated Representative 2012-2013) Julie Lefevre.
IV. New Business
A. LAUC-B Nominations & Elections Committee (S.
Koskinen): John Gallwey is retiring, so ExComm must find an Affiliated Libraries volunteer to complete the remainder of his term (through September 2011).
B. Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC)
Library Planning Task Force Interim Report (S.
Koskinen): S. Koskinen, N. Robinson, and M. Phillips will work together to highlight
concerns and issues affecting LAUC-B in this report over the next few weeks. T. Leonard shared his own comments with LIBR about the report. S. Koskinen is also planning a brown bag meeting to solicit additional comments from LAUC-B members.
C. Professional Development Funding (S. Koskinen, I. Wang)
S. Koskinen, N. Robinson, I. Wang, and incoming treasurer Adnan Malik met with Kris Leonardo of Library Business Services to discuss professional development funding for fiscal year 2011-2012. The amount will be announced soon.
The Special Libraries Association (SLA) meeting is next year in July, leading to problems with two conferences in one fiscal year, but Library Business Services will work with people who attend SLA.