Executive Commitee Minutes 06/08/2022

LAUC-B Ex Comm - meeting agenda - 6/8/22 10 am - 12:00 pm

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Meeting ID: 984 2479 6697
Passcode: 603374

Present: Susan Edwards, Celia Emmelhainz, Ann Glusker, Sine Hwang Jensen, Susan McElrath, Lara Michels, Kate Peck, Abby Scheel

I. Announcements

II. Member questions/concerns

  • Suggestions for questions for upcoming meetings with the UL
    • Question: How are topics/questions for UL determined? Answer: They come from this forum! The Chair, Past Chair, and Vice Chair meet to plan questions based on member questions and topics raised during ExComm meetings. Meeting with UL does not usually result in specific outcomes, more sharing perspectives of LAUC-B librarians on issues and getting insight into leadership conversations
    • Comment: the staff survey results were noteworthy as the Library is an outlier in trust in leadership. We are struggling with agreement on philosophical questions about what our purpose is as a research library. Until there is agreement on this, any strategies/actions have potential to create a lot of negativity as it inevitably conflicts with someone’s idea of our purpose
    • Comment: Communication is also a big challenge. Inconsistent communication between different groups (e.g. librarians and staff) or an overwhelming amount of information can lead to muddled messaging and lack of clarity/prioritization.
    • Idea: LAUC-B sponsors a conversation on values open to all library to jump start identifying values
    • Comment: It’s most valuable to share specific issues, such as when someone misses message that a proposal has been approved and is moving forward to implementation
    • Idea: Hold informal conversations around the libraries about what the future of the libraries should be. (Challenge is how to do this in cooperation with rather than in conflict with the strategic planning conversations already planned by leadership)
    • Comment: general values are nice, but we need to have a conversation about what practical values are. For example, our job is to preserve everything or do we need to focus on access vs. ownership
    • Idea: ExComm offers to facilitate conversations and survey to gather feedback on future of the library. People might express different things to LAUC-B than they would to library leadership.
    • This idea is well supported here. What is the best timeframe to do this?
  • Next steps:
    • Form subgroup to plan questions for Susan Swarts, UL, and possibly other leaders. Volunteers: Celia E., Kate P., Abby S.      

III. Reports

  • Treasurer (L. Michels)
    • May expenditures: $4,157.63
      • Employee development and training: $0
      • Conferences: $1221.25
      • Memberships: $219.00
      • Out-of-State Travel: $1,359.89
      • In-State Travel–non-air fare: $65.52
      • Foreign Travel: $1286.97
      • Course Materials: $5.00
    • Total expenditures FYTD: $15,325.10
  • Meeting with UL (S. McElrath)
    • Comment: There are doubts among staff/librarians that members of Cabinet are not consistently and effectively filtering views of their units up to Cabinet discussions as Jeff assumes.
  • LIBR meeting (C. Emmelhainz)
  • LAUC statewide assembly   (S. McElrath)

IV. Continuing/Outstanding Business

  • Library Worker Listserv
    • UL supports implementing the pilot. Next step is to get in touch with LCO to launch and publicize it. Susan M. will take the lead on working with LCO.
    • Need staff representative for pilot moderation team. Kate P. will reach out to SDC to ask for suggestions.
  • Election: will start next week and end June 30. After results, ExComm will plan August transition meeting.
  • Spring Assembly wrap-up: ExComm will review to generate recommendations for next year’s ExComm. [Abby link to Spring Assembly notes!]

V. New Business

  • CAPA response to the Standard Merit Review Task Force Recommendations (original TF report and summary report of recommendations)
    • Original task force members: Kate Peck, David Eifler, James Eason
    • Recommendation: provide sample narratives for new librarians to get an idea of what is expected
    • ExComm approves for CAPA to procede
  • Proposal to organize Librarian’s coffee - every other month - alternate months with New Librarian coffees (J.Sherwood)
    • Yes, but not sponsored/led by LAUC-B
  • LAUC/CAPA Laptop - Do we want to keep or turn over to LIT for repurposing?
    • There is also a laptop for LAUC-B Secretary that is not used
    • Abby will get CAPA laptop from Susan M. and coordinate returning both laptops to LIT
  • Summer meeting schedule: No July meeting, business will be conducted over email, including sharing UL meeting and LAUC Statewide meeting notes