LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 13, 2010
10:00 am 12:00 pm
303 Doe Library
Present: J. Bolstad, L. Diamond, S. Koskinen, C. Lee, R. Martinez, M. Phillips (Chair), I. Wang.
Guest: J. Eason.
I. Announcements
- M. Phillips commented that the Affiliated Libraries Assembly on May 4 was a success.
The notes from the event will be posted on the LAUC-B blog soon.
- M. Phillips will send out an announcement about the 2011 LAUC-B conference soon.
- Future meeting dates for ExComm were reviewed.
- There will be a meeting between the chairs of the LAUC-B Committee on Research
and Library Administration to talk about the lack of research grant proposals this past
year. C. Lee will also contact the Committee to suggest that they ask the LAUC-LA
Committee on Research how they get their members to participate.
- The official LAUC election day is June 3.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang)
- The current balance is $121,031.10
- I. Wang prepared a report on how LAUC-B members are spending their professional
development funding and shared the results with ExComm.
- I. Wang, S. Koskinen, and M. Phillips will meet with K. Leonardo at Library Business
Services (LBS) to discuss the LAUC-B budget for next year. I. Wang will communicate
with K. Leonardo about when the meeting should take place, and also inquire whether
LAUC-B members can contact her or LBS if they need to know how much their current
professional development funding balance is.
B. Meeting with University Librarian (M. Phillips, S. Koskinen)
- T. Leonard recently attended ARL meeting in Seattle. He was also brought in as a
consultant at UCI, where they are doing a self-study on role of the library.
- T. Leonard mentioned Jonathon Shaws article titled "Gutenberg 2.0, Harvard's
Libraries Deal with Disruptive Change," which was published in the May-June 2010
issue of Harvard Magazine, and is linked from the LAUC-B blog at:
- The Magnus Museum is becoming part of the collection at Bancroft.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of Academic Senate (S. Koskinen)
- Five faculty members attended the meeting. LIBR wants to move forward and make a
policy statement about open access. The goal is to have it done by December 2010.
- LIBR discussed Ivy Andersons draft letter about the negotiations with Nature
Publishing. Currently, negotiations are still underway.
- T. Leonard announced that UCLAs Academic Senate and the Instructional
Technology unit has issued a statement of principles asserting their right to stream
videos for teaching purposes, citing the fair-use clause of the US Copyright Act. LIBR
was supportive of Berkeley making a similar statement.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (L. Diamond)
- The LAUC Executive Board held a conference call on May 4. The LAUC election will be
held on June 3. The SOPAG representative mentioned that there are number of reports
that will be coming out soon. Recently, a few digital services reports came out, and
members are encouraged to go to the SOPAG web site to view them all.
- A resolution supporting school libraries and librarians was approved. M. Phillips already
sent out an e-mail to LAUC-B ExComm about this. Next, the resolution will go to the
State Board of Education and other entities.
- Recently, a regional meeting was held at UCI for the Southern campuses, and there
were over 70 attendees. Results were similar to the State-wide meeting last Fall at UCB.
However, the questions posed were slightly different. Results will appear on the LAUC
blog and wiki soon (both are linked from The LAUC
Committee on Professional Governance will be collecting data and comments from the
blog, summarizing them, and using them to create a resource in the LAUC wiki. By
September, the Committee will have a report ready for the LAUC Executive Board. The
incoming LAUC President will continue this next year.
III. Ongoing Business
A. CAPA Task Force on Special Issues Follow-up (M. Phillips, J. Eason, guest)
- M. Phillips mentioned the possible exploration of the relationship that distinguished
status could have with emeritus status.
- All revisions of the Task Forces report were approved by ExComm. J. Eason will make
the edits, generate a PDF version of the report, and send it to M. Phillips. She will write a
cover letter about the changes that have been made and send the report to T. Leonard
and S. Wong (LHRD), who can then have it put up on the LHRD web site. A paper
version of the report has already been filed in the LAUC-B archives.
- M. Phillips mentioned that any links to the Berkeley procedures on web pages will need
to be located and fixed, and she will work with the web master to fix these links.
- J. Eason will send UCOP a message asking them to not publish the next updated
academic salary scale on their web site.
B. Distinguished Librarian Award (C. Lee)
- An announcement went out and a few intent to nominate candidates have been
received. The web pages have been slightly revised. The procedures for the committee
have been removed and put on the LAUC wiki, and now the instructions state that a C.V.
for each nominee is required for submission. The roster has also been updated. So far,
questions that have come up have included: Can more than one person win? Can
previous award recipients win again? Is a nominee who is nominated while they are
working at UCB and then retires soon after still eligible to win? ExComm decided that the
nominee must be employed at UCB as of the submission date of their packet. In
addition, specific achievements in the librarians career should be major.
C. Statement of Responsibilities (S. Koskinen)
- S. Koskinen, I. Wang, and M. Phillips created templates for the Statement of
Responsibilities and distributed them to other ExComm members to review. ExComm
provided minor edits for both templates. S. Koskinen will make the corrections, have the
templates posted on the LAUC-B web site, and send out an e-mail to the membership
announcing that the templates are available if members wish to use them. S. Koskinen
will inquire with S. Wong about whether we can list her name as a contact, if members
have questions about the Statement.