LAUC-B Executive Committee
May 9, 2018, 10:00-11:30
303 Doe Library
ExComm: R. Brandt, I. Knabe, J. Nelson (Recorder), B. Quigley, J. Rosario, D. Rowan, V. Shih
Guests: F. Echeverria, C. Lee, K. Neal.
Absent: J. Eason
I. Announcements (B. Quigley)
A. Welcome new librarians:
1. Nicole Santiago (Environmental Design Archives Processing Archivist)
2. Lucy Hernandez (Bancroft Library Digital Project Archivist on Japanese American Confinement Sites grant project)
B. Considering Cultural Competence workshop with Nicole Cook (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) tentatively scheduled for July 26th. Time and place TBD.
C. New(ish) UCB librarians event TODAY May 9, 3:30-4:30 pm in 303 Doe.
D. LAUC-B Happy Hour TODAY at the Faculty Club immediately following the New(ish) Librarians event.
E. Distinguished Librarian Award call for nominations deadline is June 3rd. Guidelines for nominating at this link.
F. LAUC election (statewide and local) is May 18-June 8.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer (R. Brandt)
Balance: $66,149
III. Monthly UL meeting for April and May (B. Quigley)
A. April meeting
- UL has committed to fund the LAUC-B 2019 conference.
- Discussed library equity & inclusion efforts, Position Paper 5 review, and questions for Paul Alivisatos for the Spring Assembly.
B. May meeting
- Reported back about LAUC-B Spring Assembly and speaker.
- Draft campus strategic planning report: UL stated importance of Library being involved in implementing the strategic plan particularly in the areas of Discovery Experience and Signature Initiatives.
- Discussed proposed UC Libraries sexual harassment survey based on a study done by UCSF librarians.
- Discussed the Principles for Publisher Agreements document from UCOLASC
IV. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario)
A. AUL Dupuis asked for advice on how to get faculty to return books.
B. Follow up from April meeting with Alivisatos.
C. LIBR may produce an end of the year report.
D. Dan Blanton (Dept. of English) will continue as chair next year.
V. LAUC statewide conference call (B. Quigley)
A. UCSF Library reported on a sexual harassment survey they had conducted to assess the extent of sexual harassment within the library. They propose expanding this to all UC libraries and will approach CoUL for support. Discussed the Principles for Publisher Agreements document.
B. Working on a fix for the LAUC website.
VI. New Business
A. LAUC-B archiving practices (K. Neal)
1. LAUC’s archiving policy will soon be posted to the Statewide website.
2. LAUC Statewide and LAUC-B files are archived by University Archives (UARC) and are available for consultation at the Bancroft Library (call number for LAUC Statewide collection is CU-12.8; call number for LAUC-B collection is CU-12.82).
3. Archiving policy needs to be updated slightly to reflect current practice.
4. Highlights of archival policies and procedures are:
a. UARC archives non-current records (five years for paper; annual transfer for born-digital items)
b. Section B describes what to transfer (e.g. org charts, annual reports, position papers, agendas, minutes; DO NOT transfer anything considered private, sensitive, or confidential, like bank statements or mailing lists)
c. Instructions for transferring documents to UARC are found at this guide.
VII. Task Group on Social Justice (SJTG) in Academic Libraries (C. Lee/F. Echeverria)
A. B. Quigley thanks the task group on behalf of ExComm for their excellent work on the environmental scan and for completing the report.
B. Task group charge can be found here.
C. Task group final report can be found here: SJTG Report - Public.pdf.
D. Top line summary:
1. Research conducted via survey of academic libraries via instruction, reference and cataloging focused listservs; following up by phone with responders whose institutions did have initiatives; lit review.
2. Discovered that not many institutions are working on this.
3. Focused on two areas: 1) cataloging and metadata bias; 2) search engine bias.
4. Recommendations:
a. ExComm to approach UL about charging a library-wide committee to explore ways to mitigate cataloging and metadata bias.
b. Hold events (talks, brown bags) on such topics as “decolonizing metadata,” search engine bias and on how best to educate users about these issues.
c. Chair will talk to Diversity Committee about whether they will handle follow-up or whether a new Task Group should be charged.