LAUC-B Executive Committee
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Members present: Lucia Diamond, Kathleen Gallagher, Susan Koskinen, Ramona Martinez, Margaret Phillips, Nick Robinson, Monica Singh, Shannon Supple, and I-Wei Wang
Guest: Kendra Levine
I. Announcements
The LAUC-B Committee on Diversity will host a panel called Learning How a Library School Intern Can Help You on April 5, 2011 at 1:00-2:00 p.m. in 303 Doe Library:
The Berkeley Procedures have been updated (sans the distinguished status information) and posted on the LHRD website.
Margaret Phillips is setting up a library home on eScholarship to host scholarly work (e.g., research reports, working papers, articles, postprints) conducted under the auspices of or sponsored by the University Library. LAUC-B members are encouraged to submit their research papers to the Library-sponsored eScholarship site when possible. An editorial team is being established. Stay tuned for further details in the next few months.
Bruce Miller, the University Librarian of UC Merced, is retiring as of July 1, 2011. UC Santa Barbara has hired its new University Librarian.
The next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be on April 14, 2011.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang): The account balance is $112,259.94.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson)
Sue Koskinen and Nick Robinson met with Tom Leonard on March 2nd. The Bancroft Director position has been posted; it is an internal search from amongst the tenured faculty at UC Berkeley. There are two librarians on the search committee.
The Council of Deans met with Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost George Breslauer.
They discussed the budget, Operational Excellence, and a need to move slowly with changes to shared services on the Berkeley campus.
Brief update on the Distinguished Status task force: T. Leonard said that the Council of Librarians have endorsed the proposal and are leaving decisions up to individual campuses as to the terminology Distinguished Librarian or Librarian with Distinction. Further discussion will happen about the salary scales document. The Council of Librarians has not yet formally announced its decision.
There will be a HathiTrust convention on December 9, 2011. It is growing in members and resources. UC3, the UC data curation group, is also ramping up.
Alison Mudditt of UC Press has stated that she is not interested in taking over eScholarship.
A federal documents shelf space management proposal will help de-duplicate federal documents throughout the UC system. The Government Information Bibliographers Group in UC (GILS) will be heading that project.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson)
The Committee on the Library (LIBR) met on March 8th. LIBRs future name and makeup is still in process.
Discussed the dissertation embargo: LIBR wrote a letter to graduate council supporting default switch to no embargo (currently default is 2-year embargo). A dissenting voice has been raised regarding a concern about plagiarism rampant in some fields. LIBR decided to recommend to the Graduate Council that there should be no default such that students may choose to embargo their dissertation or not on an individual basis. (M. Phillips noted that students may need more information to inform their decisions.)
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Koskinen)
Dan Suchy of UCSD agreed to represent LAUC for LTAG, replacing Char Booth.
LAUC Statewide has convened a new ad hoc committee on the future of LAUC assemblies.
LAUC President Michael Yonezawa would like to create a LAUC Service Award, but no budget line for it yet so still in preliminary stages.
III. New Business
A. LAUC Spring Assembly (S. Koskinen and delegates)
The LAUC Spring Assembly occurred on March 10th, beginning at 10:30 a.m. UCSB coacting University Librarians gave opening remarks. Janet Lockwood, Associate Director of Academic Personnel, presented via Skype and introduced Susan Carlson, the new Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, and noted that a new Employee and Labor Relations Manager will be arriving soon. J. Lockwood also introduced Jesse Bernal, the new UCOP Diversity Coordinator who is working on the presidents council on campus climate.
LAUC Committee reports are posted at
Mitchell Brown discussed the presentation and professional development grants.
Dan Greenstein attended via Skype. He discussed the online instruction pilot project, which will be focusing on gateway courses for crowded majors. Thirty courses have been chosen instructors and classes are listed on website:
D. Greenstein detailed setting up this UC-wide program; logistics complicate it because some courses will be across UC, while others are campus-based. The goal is to have at least some courses up and running in fall 2011. Greenstein also discussed funding streams, which may be changing so that general funds could be disbursed to campuses.
Two memorial resolutions were passed, one for Locke Morrisey and another for Patti Schifter Caravello, for their service to LAUC. Attendees discussed the possibility of LAUC setting up a website to allow members to post memorials in the future.
UC Riverside submitted a resolution on the budget, but withdrew it to rework it.
UC Merced University Librarian Bruce Miller spoke next. He discussed the budget as well as the Next Gen tech services reports action items from the Council of Librarians. The selected action items were sent to SOPAG for implementation. Three new subgroups were charged to work out the implementation process. Librarians will have opportunities for input with SOPAG and the new subgroups. If you are interested in being involved in these subgroups, send an email to the SOPAG chair Diane Bisom:
Gene Lucas, Executive Vice Chancellor at UCSB and Chair of SLASIAC, spoke about the budget, sharing resources and systemwide issues, space concerns, and the UC working smarter initiative (
The Spring Assembly concluded with seven breakout session groups. Assembly minutes and summaries of breakout sessions will be posted at
B. LAUC Executive Committee Meeting (S. Koskinen)
The LAUC Statewide Executive Committee met the following morning, March 11th. They discussed Assembly logistics and the program.
Mitchell Brown mentioned that a small group will be discussing the future of the LAUC assembly. We currently hold one assembly per year, trading off between southern and northern campuses; we previously had two assemblies per year.
LAUC representation at UC committees: More updates from the committees are needed.
LAUC Position Paper review: Papers are dated and a committee had previously reviewed them and recommended actions, upon which no action has been taken. A group of three has been charged to work on this.
Updates around UC: UCSC may be laying off library staff. UCSD is closing and combining libraries. UC Riverside has a new medical school program and now houses WRCA. UC Merced is going through their accreditation program and the library has been deemed excellent.
C. LAUC-B Professional Development Committee update (K. Levine): The LAUC-B Professional Development Committee is working on a spring workshop, perhaps for the first week of May. The committee is not sure what is most needed by the LAUC-B membership and wants to offer the workshop on a topic of use. Potential topics include time management, doing more with less, and project management.
D. Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly (R. Martinez): The Assembly will be held on April 4, 2011 at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Goldberg Room (Boalt Hall). Linda Vida will talk about weathering major upheaval and moving the WRCA (now, the Water Resources Collections and Archives) to another campus.
IV. Continuing Business
A. LAUC-B Spring Assembly update (S. Koskinen): The LAUC-B Spring Assembly will be held on April 12, 2011 at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Morrison Library. Alison Mudditt of UC Press will speak.
B. LAUC-B Conference updates (M. Phillips, I. Wang): The RFP for papers and posters closes today and the committee expects to fill the speaker slots soon. Speakers currently include Chris Edley (UCB Law School Dean), Brian Schottlaender (UCSD University Librarian), Chris Newfield (UCSB English Dept.), John Willinsky, and Maria Elena Cortez.
C. CAPA Ad Hoc strategy (S. Koskinen): Now that the updated Berkeley Procedures are posted on the LHRD website, S. Koskinen will alert LAUC-B members to the latest news at the LAUC-B Spring Assembly on April 12th and will then send further information to the LAUC list-serv.
D. Website update (N. Robinson)
There is now a password-protected area that the LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee is using to place their documents. (They are considering a bSpace site in lieu of this.) LAUC-B Webmaster Julie Lefevre thinks that it is possible to have additional password-protected spaces.
J. Lefevre and Harrison Dekker now both have full management access to the website.
S. Koskinen asks that each LAUC-B committee review their own web pages on the LAUCB website to be sure that the pages are up-to-date: