LAUC-B Ex Comm Meeting Minutes
3/10/2021 10am-11:30am
Present: Sherry Lochhaas, Ramona Collins, Jianye He, Naomi Shiraishi, Joe Cera, Susan McElrath, Tim Vollmer
Others present: Kate Peck, Lilian Castilio-Speed, I-Wei Wang
I. Announcements
- Spring Assembly set for April 6, 2021, 12-1:30pm
- The recording of the Fall Assembly has been saved to LAUC-B’s Google Drive
- Reminder: DEI research survey from librarians at Mississippi State emailed to libstaff.
- LAUC Statewide election set for June 30, 2021. LAUC-B Nominations Committee is creating a slate to run our election concurrently with statewide LAUC
- LAUC-B Conference is set for October 5-6, 2021
- J. He:
- LAUC-B R&PD Committee - received two applications in the second round, both submitted to LAUC statewide.
- R&PD Committee will develop a workshop for information and procedures on using professional development funds. Date TDB.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer (J. He)
- 2021-22 budget request was emailed to Heidi Hallett on 2-25-2021
- Balance as of March 9th: $17,166.92
- Heidi & the Business Office are finalizing the balance for FY21
B. Meeting with UL (R. Collins)
- Q) Clarification on how professional development funds can be spent during pandemic. UL: Nothing has formally changed for what counts as professional development. Ex: Virtual conferences, workshops, networking events, memberships, certifications, Library Juice Academy, etc
C. LIBR meeting (S. McElrath)
- Discussion about UCB potentially purchasing Mills College. Must be budget positive for this to happen. What would this mean for the library?
- Monday: started Pilot for student study space in Moffitt. Started with users with a disability, will be rolled out to other users after Spring Break
- Potentially reconfiguring the South/Southeast Asia Library reading room space as part of relocating staff from C&MS and Acquisitions departments with remodel of Moffitt. No final decisions have been made. [Update: The Library has since withdrawn the proposal]
D. LAUC statewide conference call (R. Collins)
- Academic Freedom email went out about virtual presentation on March 24th
- R&PD: in process of reviewing applications
- Virtual Statewide Assembly: Will be the week of May 3rd, with a focus on Academic Freedom. The Assembly may be divided over two days. Details to come.
III. Continuing/Outstanding Business
A. Spring Assembly planning
- Speaker lined up to speak at noon. Determining logistics of scheduling business portion before or after the speaker.
B. LAUC-B Committee on Diversity’s Resolution on the Importance of Diversity in Collections: How should we publicize it?
- ExComm endorsed this via email
- Add to agenda for the business meeting in Spring Assembly, post PDF of resolution to website, publicize, possibly solicit comments from LAUC-B members
IV. New Business
- Committee to review and possibly update DLA procedures
- Discuss LAUC-B Ex Comm/CAPA participation in interviews of Academic Personnel Analyst 4 candidates
- Include someone from Affiliated libraries
- Changes to South/Southeast Asia Library
- Beth Dupuis’s email went out March 8th, with a call for comments by April 9th.
- [Update: The Library has since announced that this proposal is withdrawn]
V. Member questions/concerns?
- None.