Executive Committee Minutes 03/08/2023

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting minutes 

March 8, 2023, 10:00 am - 11:30 am


Present: Susan McElrath, Jennifer Dorner, Jesse Silva, Lara Michels, José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar, Sine Hwang Jensen


Guests: David Eifler, Michael Sholinbeck, Kristie Chamorro, Kate Peck, I-Wei Wang, Timothy Vollmer

  • Announcements
    • JS will be away for the May meeting. José Adrián will run that meeting.
  • Reports
    • Treasurer (L. Michels) There is still no business analyst assigned to our account, but Lara did receive a statement from the business office, although it is not in the format we are accustomed to. There also seem to be some errors. She is working on next year’s budget. 
      • Professional Development: $22,348
      • Distinguished Librarian Award/Assemblies: $2191
      • Member Programs: $0
      • Total of $24,539 spent (out of budget of $70,025)
      • Missing candidate lunches; Distinguished Librarian Award expenses in wrong budget line
    • Meeting with UL (J. Silva) Discussed primarily the space plan and the Anthropology closure. There are a lot of misunderstandings out there about what the closure means. Jeff asked us to do our part to communicate accurate information in our discussions about this and help dispel the inaccurate rumors floating around (such as the Library’s decision to close the space means we’ll stop collecting in the field of Anthropology).
    • LIBR (J Barragán-Álvarez) Minutes of LIBR meetings.  Jeff laid out the revised plan for Moffitt, which is less ambitious than the original plan, because of fundraising shortfalls and increased construction costs. There was some discussion about the space plan and also the role of LIBR. As LIBR is only an advisory committee, it doesn’t have any real authority. ExComm had some discussion about what purpose LIBR had, if this was the case.  
      • Students from Berkeley YDSA drafted a letter to the Chancellor to save the libraries; it had over 1200 signatures.
      • As of Feb 9th, DIVCO’s task force on the library has not yet come together.
      • The Committee would like to see the Chair’s letter to CAPRA/DIVCO distributed to department chairs for wider dissemination.
    • LAUC Statewide (J. Silva) Amy Roberts (UC Riverside) is the new co-parliamentarian. Dean Rowan (UCB Law) will still be a parliamentarian as well.The election calendar has been set. April 17th is the date for the statewide assembly at Santa Cruz. Let Jesse know by Friday if you want to attend. SCLG minutes will now be available on their site. Shared Library Facilities Board, which oversees the RLFs, will be increasing deposit costs. This will increase costs to deposit items at NRLF and exceptional deposits beyond the annual allocation.  
    • EIC Update (J. Gosselar) The committee welcomed Jay Lomeli, the new Director of Human Resources/Chief Diversity Officer. Most of the meeting was focused on evaluating funding proposals that were solicited from the committee. The committee has a yearly allocation of $25K, which will be rolled over this year.
  • Continuing Business
    • Research Librarian Values. Susan, José Adrián, Jesse and Lara met to further the discussion from last month’s ExComm meeting. They collected values statements and will examine them at their next meeting. ExComm discussed the possibility of using the Spring Assembly to flesh out a statement.. 
    • Planning Spring Assembly
      • Will likely happen in early May
      • Research Librarian Values might be a topic for this. 
      • Try something different: 3 short meetings over 3 weeks, each on a different topic to take a deep dive? Or spend all three weeks on one topic?
      • Jesse will reach out to LAUC-B members to solicit discussion ideas.
  • New Business
    • No new business.
  • Future Business
    • 2025 LAUC-B Conference and volunteer form