LAUC-B Executive Committee
March 8, 2012
10 am 12 pm
Room 119 Moses Hall (IGS Harris Room)
Members present: Lillian Castillo-Speed, Susan Edwards, Dana Jemison, Susan Koskinen, Jeffery Loo (recorder), Jennifer Nelson, Nick Robinson (chair), Kai Stoeckenius, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
- No announcements.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- As of March 6, 2012, the LAUC-B budget balance is $108,303.02.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (N. Robinson, S. Edwards)
- There is a proposed temporary archivist/librarian position under development in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Nick Robinson and Rita Evans have advised Susan Wong, who is advising the hiring department, that if the recruitment moves forward as a librarian series hire CAPA should review the job announcement and interview candidates. Additionally, any new hire in the Librarian Series should receive the full rights and privileges of LAUC-B members, undergo peer review, and receive the associated professional development funding and opportunities
- Additionally, there was discussion on:
- Council of University Librarians decisions from Feb. 2012 (
- UC Path - systemwide initiative to deploy a single payroll system and a single human resources system across all ten campuses. (
- the upcoming LAUC-B Spring Assembly with featured speaker Professor Margaretta Lovell (History of Art Professor and Chair, Library and Information Technology Committee, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate) on April 10, 2012;
- opportunities for LAUC-B feedback on the Re-Envisioning Library Services initiative; and
- the Professional Development Committee Spring Program. (For further details, please review the New Business section below.)
C. Library and Information Technology Committee, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate, of March 6, 2012 (S. Edwards)
- Tom Leonard updated the Committee on the progress of the Re-Envisioning Library Services initiative.
- Tom Leonard announced Stanford Universitys proposal to consolidate their Biology (Falconer), Chemistry & Chemical Engineering (Swain), and Mathematics & Statistics libraries into a combined science library. The proposal is available at
- Chair Margaretta Lovell emphasized the importance of faculty advocacy to campus administration in support of libraries and the role of the librarian. LAUC ExComm discussed this and saw opportunities for LAUC-B to identify strategic interventions that leverage faculty support and for LAUC-B members to enhance our communication to faculty about changes at the library.
- Tom discussed the recruitment of a Librarian for the Japanese Collection to support UC Berkeleys strength in Japanese language materials. (The Starr Library houses the largest collection of research materials in the Japanese language at any university outside Asia.)
- Efforts for both a UCB and a UC-wide open access policy continue to move forward. The University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) is preparing recommendations for an open access policy at the UC campuses, and LIT member and law professor Molly Von Houweling continues to work on the Berkeley proposal as well.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (N. Robinson)
- UCOLASC and the Council of University Librarians met on February 17, 2012.
- Efforts for a UC-wide open access policy were discussed.
- The goal is to have broad OA policies at the system-wide level, with implementation managed by local campuses and libraries.
- In a discussion of the UC Online Instruction Pilot Project, faculty expressed concerns about ownership of the intellectual content of course materials and how this will be protected.
- Planning is still in progress for the May 10, 2012, Statewide LAUC Assembly. A webpage is forthcoming along with an announcement for travel awards to the Assembly at the UCSC Extension Center in Santa Clara.
- SOPAG (Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group), the Council of University Librarians, and CDL held a planning retreat from February 15-17, 2012. Of note, the CDL review was discussed, but the report has not been made publicly available yet.
III. Continuing Business
A. Retention Survey Task Force (S. Edwards)
- The survey has been deployed and the deadline to respond is March 15.
- A report will be prepared shortly after for distribution.
B. Affiliated Spring Assembly planning (J. Nelson)
- The Assembly will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 8:30-10:00 am at the Goldberg Room (297 Simon Hall). Refreshments will be served, beginning about 8:00 a.m.
- The featured speaker will be David Hansen, Digital Library Fellow at Berkeley Law (
- The topic will be fair use and libraries, with specific emphasis on (time permitting) e-reserves, ILL, and the Hathi Trust. The discussion will explore practical implications for frontline librarians.
C. Distinguished Librarian Award planning (S. Koskinen)
- The deadline for librarian nominations is June 1, 2012.
- Details of the award and procedures are at /node/600.
- The faculty representative for the Distinguished Library Award Committee will be Professor Dmitry Budker.
IV. New Business
A. Professional Development Committee Spring Program planning (D. Jemison)
- The Committee is organizing a panel discussion on the librarian skills needed for the future. This will be an opportunity for exploring the future landscape of academic libraries and how librarians may prepare for it.
- The event is scheduled for June 4, 2012, at The Magnes (2121 Allston Way).
- Panelists will include:
- Thomas Leonard, University Librarian, UC Berkeley Library
- Laine Farley, Executive Director, California Digital Library
- Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
- Denise Stephens, University Librarian, UC Santa Barbara Library
- The LAUC Statewide Constituency will be invited to the event.
B. Planning for LAUC-B comment on Re-envisioning Library Services (N. Robinson)
- A reminder to LAUC-B librarians to review the draft documents from the Re-Envisioning Library Services initiative (more details at, to respond to the requested feedback, and to participate in the associated open forums. These are valuable opportunities for LAUC-B members to contribute to the planning of the future UC Berkeley Library.
- When the initiatives final recommendations are shared for review by campus stakeholders (approximately mid-April), the Executive Committee will hold an open forum for LAUC-B members to discuss the recommendations. Afterwards, member comments will be compiled and a formal LAUC-B response will be prepared for Library Administration.