Executive Committee Minutes 02/14/2018

LAUC-B Executive Committee

February 14, 2018, 10:00-11:30

303 Doe Library


Present:  Brandt, Eason (recorder), Knabe, Nelson, Quigley (chair), Rosario, Rowan, Shih.

Guests:  Becky Miller, Jeremy Ott.


I. Announcements (B. Quigley)

  • Maria Gould started as Scholarly Communication & Copyright Librarian.
  • Nominations are open for the Distinguished Librarian Award. Notification of intent to nominate must be submitted by June 1, via email to Jennifer Nelson. (Complete nomination packets due August 3).

II. Reports

a. Treasurer (R. Brandt)

Current balance: $79,833

Quigley reports that budget request for next year will be needed by mid-March.


b. Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley)

January meeting: reported on results of 2-year professional development survey. Any funds remaining in this year’s budget should be able to be rolled over to next year, as part of the collective budget to raise the base amount for all.

The DLA Committee will work with Jeff to have campus administration send an email to faculty soliciting nominations for Distinguished Librarian.

February meeting was cancelled.


c. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario)

Feb 1 meeting:  Jo Anne Newyear Ramirez guided the committee through the collection cuts, and lively discussion ensued.  Jeff Mackie-Mason presented next year’s budget, including a $1.4 million reduction. Some fundraising success reported.


d. LAUC statewide conference call  (B. Quigley)

Statewide Assembly plans for March 23 at UCSF reported on further.

A second call for LAUC Presentation Grants was made via email, with deadline of Feb. 17. 21 research and presentation grants totalling $14,000 were awarded in the first round. Berkeley had the most applications. Approximately $10,000 remains for the second round.

Nomination Committee is seeking candidates, particularly for LAUC President.

Elections calendar approved.


III. New Business

a. LAUC-B 2019 Conference

Kendra Levine and Melissa Stoner have agreed to chair the committee.

Appointments approved.

Theme: Intersection of Social Justice, Critical Librarianship, and Digital Literacy.

Committee members will be sought in Spring.


b. Professional Development Survey (B. Miller/J. Ott)

Member survey proposed. Discussion of communication and coordination with Research Committee and LHRD.


c. LAUC-B Spring Assembly

Will be planned for April or early May, at least 2 weeks before election. Quigley will look for possible dates during the following weeks:

April 2-6

April 16-20

April 30-May 4

Discussed and ranked possible speakers. Quigley will reach out to our top choices to schedule a speaker.


IV. Continuing Business

a. Task Group on Social Justice in Academic Libraries

3 staff volunteers and 3 librarian volunteers

Appointments approved: Angela Arnold, José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Fernando Echeverria, Jackie Lang, Corliss Lee, and Naomi Shiraishi. Chair or Co-Chairs to be determined. 

b. Bylaws revisions (B. Quigley/D. Rowan)

Ongoing review of proposed changes, to be voted upon during Spring elections. Rowan and Quigley will finalize the changes and rationales to share with the membership in March for feedback before putting them on the ballot.