LAUC-B Executive Committee
February 13, 2013
10 am 12 pm
Room 303 Doe Library
Members present: Susan Edwards (chair), Julie Lefevre, Teresa Mora (recorder), Jim Ronningen, Nick Robinson, Hilary Schiraldi, Susan Xue
Guests: Chris Tarr and Jennifer Nelson
I. Announcements
- H. Schiraldi announced that the Committee on Professional Development will host a presentation by Tasha Bergson-Michelson of Google on Thursday, April 25.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- The balance as of February 1, 2013 is $85,320.05
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Edwards)
- S. Edwards reported that there had been a brief discussion of ExComm's presentation to the Commission on the Future of the Library.
- T. Leonard reported on his meeting with the Chancellor designate, stating he would like support in addressing undergraduate needs (Moffitt) and support for the recommendations of the Commission.
- M. Lovell has expressed concern about the long term storage capacity of NRLF.
- T. Leonard thanked LAUC-B for its role in the recent AUL search.
C. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (N. Robinson)
- N. Robinson reported on behalf of the Research and Professional Development Committee that it had received 27 grant applications.
- L. Rowlison de Ortiz reported on the proposed advisory structure for SOPAG and there was discussion of how current LAUC representation will be transitioned. L. Rowlison de Ortiz will be serving on a sub-group of SOPAG to work on transition process.
- LTAG reported on their explorations of video conferencing platforms and will submit a report of all tested platforms.
- The LAUC Statewide Assembly will be held on May 20 at UCLA. The Executive Board meeting will be held on May 21. The primary program will focus on discussion of the Systemwide Policies and Priorities document. LAUC asks that local divisions host discussions of the document and collect written feedback no later than March 29.
D. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate
- No meeting and no report.
III. Continuing Business
A. ExComm meeting with Commission reporting out, other next steps?
- S. Edwards has been asked to share the presentation with the membership.
- J. Lefevre will post on website and S. Edwards will send e-mail to LAUC-B and statewide summarizing the presentation with a link to the powerpoint.
B. Update from Elise/Kris re. travel funding.
- Elise declined to meet with ExComm, suggesting Kris come. Kris also declined.
- LAUC chairs met and discussed making a proposal to the Committee on Professional Development that the committee draft language on the exceptions for distribution to the membership. They also suggest the development of policy to give LAUC-B more control over such expenditures, such as: combining no more than two fiscal years of funds and/or securing permission for rolling over funds before April 1 of each year. They also noted the need to document how to deal with adding personal travel onto a professional trip.
- H. Schiraldi stated that the Committee on Professional Development had noted the need to include all of this information on the LAUC-B website.
- S. Edwards asked that the Committee get a draft to ExComm by May 1.
IV. New Business
A. Update from the Conference Planning Committee Co-chairs (C. Tarr and J. Nelson)
- C. Tarr sent a report to S. Edwards who will forward it to ExComm.
- The Conference will be held at David Brower Center. All presenters have been selected and the website will go live shortly. Registration will probably open in August
- C. Tarr asked about using the video camera and who should run it. N. Robinson suggested exploring cost of professional taping (ETS), as the quality will be better and we won't have to deal with post production issues.
- There was discussion of having presenters sign and sell books at the Conference. It was agreed that this was fine as long as it is done in accordance with risk management requirements.
B. Reschedule March 13th meeting
- Due to a conflict the meeting was rescheduled for March 6 from 10-12.
C. Planning for Spring Assembly (LAUC-B)
- S. Edwards is concerned about inundating the membership with meetings. She suggested doing something more casual and fun rather than another talking head.
- It was suggested we host something akin to the Affinity Group planning meeting which functioned a bit like a mixer.
- There was a discussion of how best to organize such a program and where we might hold it
- S. Edwards suggested we organize the assembly around discussion of the Systemwide Policies and Priorities document but in a more informal manner than usual, breaking the membership into groups for focused discussion. We could then wrap up with more of a reception type of event. S. Edwards will speak with Zsuzsu about possible locations.
D. Request for funding from Committee on Professional Development for Spring Program
- After reviewing the budget and noting that there is no line item for this, S. Xue proposed ExComm allocate $200 for the program. The request was approved.
E. Planning for LAUC Statewide Spring Assembly
- See above discussion of LAUC-B Spring Assembly
- J. Lefevre will post ExComm presentation to the Commission on the Future of the Library on the LAUC-B website.
- S. Edwards will send e-mail to LAUC-B and statewide summarizing the presentation with a link to the powerpoint.
- The Committee on Professional Development will develop a draft policy regarding travel funds and submit to ExComm by May 1.
- S. Edwards will speak with Zsuzsu about alternate locations for the Spring Assembly.