Executive Committee Minutes 02/10/11

LAUC-B Executive Committee

Thursday, 10 February 2011
10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library


Members present: Susan Koskinen, Nick Robinson, Monica Singh, Shannon Supple, and I-Wei Wang
Guests: Corliss Lee and Brian Quigley

I. Announcements

Congratulations to Heather Thams for receiving a LAUC travel award to attend the LAUC Spring Assembly.

Goodbye to Bancroft survey archivists Marjorie Bryer, Elia Shelton, and Amy Croft.

The next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in 303 Doe.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang): The account balance is $120,317.26, which reflects usage of funds similar to that during the same period in the last fiscal year.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson)

Sue Koskinen and Nick Robinson met with Tom Leonard and discussed a variety of topics, including the agenda for the Council of Librarians Feb. 16-17 meeting in Oakland with SOPAG and UCOLASC; the BX Recommender Service beginning soon: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/bXOverview; the ongoing Nature publishing negotiations; Alison Mudditt, the new head of UC Press; SLASIAC Library Planning Task Force, Memo 6; administrative shared services and organizational simplification (procurement, IT, and HR in particular); new distinguished status report (see below); and the March 4 deans retreat to discuss campus finances, etc.

Also discussed was a proposal on benefits decentralization currently being considered by the council of deans:

Currently, this is centralized for 19900-funded employees, but locally administered for others. The proposal shifts the administration to be fully local. Faculty may be excluded from this decentralization and, perhaps, librarians, as academic staff, will be as well.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson)

LIBR discussed e-dissertations. T. Leonard drafted a letter to the graduate council chair recommending changing the default from a two-year embargo to immediate access for electronic dissertations, and authors can opt for an embargo on electronic access if they choose. LIBR supports this and may co-sign the letter.

The Bancroft director recruitment is in process and T. Leonard hopes to have a new director in place by spring 2012.

The Doe Centennial Celebration Committee March 23, 2012 is the Doe dedication centennial and a committee is charged to develop and implement a year-long celebration.

LIBR Chair Nick Jewell distributed a funding streams proposal drafted by the systemwide Academic Council and reviewed by UCOLASC. UCOLASC expressed a concern about library central functions receive sufficient support. Historically-based funding from UCOP distribution to various campuses is substantially formula-driven but a tiny percentage of incremental funds is more discretionary and there are questions about how to distribute those funds. This process is currently under review.

D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Koskinen)

The conference call focused on LAUC Spring Assembly logistics. Travel awards were given to members to attend. LAUC President Michael Yonezawa is working on speakers, some of whom will attend virtually via Skype (e.g., Janet Lockwood and Dan Greenstein).

The Distinguished Status working group report: Some campuses are having brown bags to discuss the report with LAUC members.

LAUC sent a letter to Dan Greenstein stating that libraries should be included in developing online instruction programs.

The NextGen Tech Services report: SOPAG will be developing a structure to implement the recommendations of the report.

What is the future for LAUC assemblies? M. Yonezawa sent a draft charge for a committee to work on this issue.

III. Continuing Business

A. Distinguished Status Working Group (S. Koskinen):
T. Leonard approved disseminating the report to LAUC-B. S. Koskinen will send an email to the list-serv, seeking comments and concerns. If there is sufficient interest, we may hold a brown bag lunch to discuss. The Council of Librarians will meet soon to discuss the report.

B. Berkeley Procedures (S. Koskinen): S. Koskinen sent an email to Susan Wong asking her to post the updated Berkeley Procedures, currently sans information about distinguished status. S. Koskinen will alert us when it is posted.

C. LAUC-B Conference Planning Assembly Planning (I. Wang):
The second round of RFPs (Requests for Proposals) for presenters and posters was sent more broadly. The committee met yesterday and has identified additional speakers to invite to discuss library funding and advocacy within universities, online education, globalization, etc.

D. Distinguished Librarian Award committee (C. Lee)

Barclay Ogden and Gary Handman were this years recipients, chosen from a pool of six top-notch nominations. The ceremony was a grand success, with over 100 attendees and featuring a speech by Chancellor Birgeneau. The event was filmed and the video will be posted on the LAUC-B website soon.

The committee included Corliss Lee (chair), Elizabeth Byrne, Marlene Harmon, John Kupersmith, and George Oster (faculty representative). C. Lee thanks the committee members and the many volunteers who helped.

The reception expenses were $1833, so it was within our $2000 budget. This was made possible by the graphic design and photography work donated by Elizabeth Byrnes husband. Thank you, Chuck Byrne!

The Distinguished Librarian Award Committee proposed a few changes to the Distinguished Librarian Award guidelines, all of which ExComm determined were useful updates.

E. LAUC-B Spring Assembly: Likely in mid-April, specific date to be determined. S. Koskinen will ask the new head of the UC Press, Alison Mudditt, to speak.

IV. New Business

A. CAPA update and new business (B. Quigley)

The Current CAPA members are: Brian Quigley (chair), Jane Rosario, Virginia Shih, James Church, Rita Evans, Kathi Neal, and Jenny Nelson.

This cycle, CAPA will review approximately 31 cases (25 from the Library and six from the affiliated libraries), with three ad hoc committees formed for career status/promotions, one special review, six accelerated cases, and one distinguished review.

CAPA has had no job descriptions to review or interviews to conduct since last falls LAUC-B spring assembly.

CAPA Proposal: CAPA proposes a small change to the Berkeley Procedures, stemming from difficulty forming ad hoc committees. Currently, for reviews of librarians in the Library, two members of the ad hoc committee must also be from Library and likewise for reviews for the affiliated librarians. CAPA would like to revise the procedures so that Library librarian reviews must have one member from the Library (rather than two) and affiliated librarian reviews must have one member from the affiliated libraries
(rather than two). This way, an ad hoc committee may review both Library and affiliated librarians and need not be formed for a single review.

ExComm would like to receive a formal response from the Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group (TALAG). S. Koskinen will ask ExComm Affiliated Representative Ramona Martinez to solicit responses from TALAG and affiliated librarians. S. Koskinen will solicit responses from Library librarians via the LAUCB list-serv. ExComm will then proceed once it has heard from the LAUC-B membership.