LAUC-B ExComm, Meeting Minutes
1/13/21 10am-11:30am
Members present: Sherry Lochhaas, Ramona Collins, Susan McElrath, Tim Vollmer, Anna Sackmann, Jianye He, Joe Cera
Others present: Kate Peck
I. Announcements
- Congratulations to Jianye He, who has won the I Love My Librarian award for 2021
- UC-AFT Unit 17 Contract Administration Group is meeting with UCOP today to get more information about Reduction-In-Time v. Furloughs. See email from union reps dated 1/11/21 for details.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer (J. He)
- Prior confusion about the financial report, with mixed funds and a larger balance, has been sorted out. In November, funds were temporarily moved around causing the balance to appear larger. The actual balance now is: $17,287.49.
- The new Director of Finance and Business Services, Heidi Hallett, is on top of looking over the LAUC-B 2020/2021 budget proposal.
B. Meeting with UL (R. Collins)
- Q) Where are we in the 2021 budget cycle? UL: The budget was approved last week, and allocations are in progress. They are confirming allocations for professional development funds based on the number of librarians.
- LAUC-B presented the budget request of $8,000 for the LAUC-B online conference, which was confirmed by the UL.
C. LIBR meeting (S. McElrath) - no report this month - next meeting 1/21/21
D. LAUC statewide conference call (R. Collins)
- Statewide executive meeting:
- R&PD Committee: All requests were funded for the first call. There will be a second call for funding, which will go out around the end of January.
- Some Statewide committees are still finalizing membership and charges.
- Academic Freedom Task Force - met for the first time
- Statewide Assembly for 2021: This would be UCSB’s turn to host, and will likely be virtual. If UCSB’s 2021 conference is virtual, they may receive another opportunity to host in-person in 2022.
III. Continuing/Outstanding Business
A. Awaiting progress report from Library Racial Justice Task Force (possible guest appearance in March or April)
IV. New Business
A. Issue statement condemning misinformation and supporting democracy?
- General discussion on the situation at the Capitol, reflections on reporting from campus
B. Appoint DLA committee for 2022 (R. Collins to chair)
- Chair will review timeline for when this committee is appointed
C. Brainstorm re: Spring Assembly (topic, speaker)
- Topic ideas discussion: collection development, DEI & LAUC-B’s role, supporting underrepresented voices in research. Chair will continue topic planning.
V. Member questions/concerns?
- None.