Executive Committee Minutes 01/13/11

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Thursday, 13 January 2011
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library

Members present: Kathleen Gallagher, Susan Koskinen, Ramona Martinez, Margaret Phillips, Nick Robinson, Monica Singh, Shannon Supple, and I-Wei Wang
Guest: Armanda Barone


I. Announcements:

  • Bernie Hurley posted on the Collections Blog an update on the University of California Libraries, Priorities for Collective Initiatives, 2011-2014. View the report here: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Staff/CDP/UC_Libraries_Priorities_2011-2014_100915.pdf. The Council of Librarians endorsed the report in September 2010.
  • The CAPA roster on the LAUC-B website is now up-to-date: http://lib.berkeley.edu/LAUC/rosters/capa.html. CAPA Chair Brian Quigley will begin attending ExComm meetings in February.
  • The LAUC-B ExComm March meeting will be moved to Wednesday, 16 March 2011 at 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon to avoid conflict with the LAUC Statewide Assembly.

II. Reports:

A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang): The account balance is $127,814.00.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson):

  • Sue Koskinen and Nick Robinson met briefly with Tom Leonard. They discussed the Distinguished Status task force report, which was just sent to the Council of Librarians (ULs), who will discuss the report at their February meeting. S. Koskinen will send a message to LAUC-B list-serv updating the membership about the Distinguished Status issue.
  • S. Koskinen updated T. Leonard on the LAUC-B conference, Fiat Flux. T. Leonard noted that he met with Nick Jewell, the incoming chair of the Faculty Senate library committee (LIBR). He also noted that there are budget concerns, given potential mid-year cuts under new state Governor Jerry Brown. They also discussed the new initiative, Working Smarter: Administrative Efficiency at UC with library efficiencies listed in report:
  • http://universityofcalifornia.edu/sites/ucopnews/files/2010/11/Working-Smarter-Package_2010-10-01-v3.pdf.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson): No meeting since the last ExComm meeting. LIBR will meet again next week.

D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Koskinen):

  • Conference call on January 6: LAUC President Michael Yonezawa reminded all about serving LAUC Statewide.
  • M. Yonezawa submitted a LAUC budget, which was amended with additional cuts and returned. This budget will likely affect next years professional development funding.
  • The LAUC Spring Assembly will be held on March 10, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Delegates and other attendees must register online and make their own hotel reservations. Delegates will be reimbursed for one night. Potential speakers include Dan Greenstein and Gene Lucas (current chair of UCOLASC). For more information, see http://lauc.library.ucsb.edu/assembly2011/.
  • The Distinguished Status working group has sent their report to the Council of Librarians. LAUC will wait for their response before sending its own.
  • The Online Instruction Pilot Project, the NextGen Technical Services report, and the Statewide Advisory Groups and Committees were also discussed.
  • LAUC will pay attention to the upcoming union negotiations. M. Yonezawa noted that the numbers of UC-wide librarians are dropping: 582 librarians (in 1987) 506 (2003) 493 (2007) 470 (2010).
  • The Council of Librarians meeting schedule can be found on the UC Libraries website: http://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/about/uls.html.

III. Continuing Business:

A. LAUC-B Conference: Fiat Flux (M. Phillips, I. Wang):

  • Will be held at the David Brower Center on 21 October 2011.
  • Two speakers for morning panel (Brian Schottlaender, John Willinsky) have been secured with two additions to come. Keynote speaker Chris Edley and Welcoming Speaker Tom Leonard have also been secured.
  • The first round RFP to UC is complete, with four proposals accepted two for a panel, one for a poster, and one to be either a panel or poster (to be determined). The committee will send an RFP out more broadly, outside UC, soon.

B. LAUC Spring Assembly (S. Koskinen):

  • M. Yonezawa asked each campus to send information about how delegates are traveling to UCSB and back. Note that United flies directly between SFO and Santa Barbara.
  • The assembly is on Thursday, 10 March at 9:30 a.m. The Executive board meeting will take place the following day.

C. LAUC-B Spring Assembly (S. Koskinen):

  • S. Koskinen will contact Nick Jewell about speaking. She will aim for an assembly post-Spring Break, likely the first or second week of April.
  • Ramona Martinez noted that the Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly will be around the same time. She asked for speaker suggestions.

IV. New Business:

A. CAPA Special Issues Task Force Report: Next Steps (M. Phillips):

  • Task force chair James Eason submitted the report, focusing on distinguished status, degree equivalency, and review period, in spring 2010. ExComm and LAUC-B membership discussed and endorsed it. T. Leonard and Susan Wong also reviewed it.
  • Two of the three topics were endorsed: Degree equivalency and review period. These can be set in the Berkeley Procedures. We should be poised to have resolution to the third issue (distinguished status) once the current working group completes its work and the Council of Librarians approve.
  • We can issue now the revised Berkeley Procedures with only a change in date (Jan. 2011) and deletion of mention to distinguished status, which is not yet resolved. M. Phillips will ask J. Eason to make final revisions and then S. Koskinen will send the revised document to Susan Wong for posting, since Berkeley Procedures live on the LHRD webpage. The goal is to get this done by the next LAUC-B ExComm meeting.

B. NGTS2 (A. Barone):

  • Armanda Barone discussed the Next Generation Technical Services report. It is unclear what the impacts on UCB will be, nor do we yet know what next steps will be taken. Bernie Hurley and cataloging managers have discussed it with regard to its impact on UCBs technical services. A. Barone encouraged groups to talk about it and to think about its impacts. More discussion is needed on some of the recommendations. The Council of Librarians looked at all recommendations coming out of three teams and prioritized the recommendations, not endorsing some. This list is available on the website. Now developing a plan for implementing high priority recommendations.
  • Potential new organizational structure and reporting lines may raise issues for LAUC/LAUC-B. It is focusing on reducing redundancies and creating efficiencies. Some staff may work for UC (the system) and not a specific campus, raising issues about which LAUC the person would be a part of and how to hire them into the appropriate series, etc. Will CDL hire librarians, or create peers for review, etc.? Shifting personnel systemwide is one model. Cooperative cross-campus projects already exist.
  • CDC and HOTS: In-person meeting for CDC on March 11 to discuss. SOPAG may be called in to coordinate the whole thing, with steering committee members involved. HOTS will take on some activities.
  • How does this affect the Affiliated Libraries? It is unclear.
  • Maybe an early bird or road show should be offered at UCB. This is a complex process that may have tremendous impact.

C. Website: Next Steps (N. Robinson):

  • N. Robinson will work with LAUC-B Webmaster Julie Lefevre to determine who should be given access to the website to post directly: LAUC-B ExComm chair, vice-chair, and secretary, and one member of CAPA will get access. Meetings, conferences and other events, deadlines, open presentations, and other items of interest to LAUC-B members could be added to the calendar. The calendar is still in process, and multiple people will be able to add to it members of ExComm and committee chairs perhaps?

D. Other:

  • ExComm briefly discussed the open access publishing statement that the Academic Senates Committee on the Library is developing. LAUC-B may pursue a librarians statement in the future. M. Phillips also suggested a departmental account for LAUC/LAUC-B or the Library on eScholarship where we can ask our colleagues to post their articles.