Executive Committee Minutes 1/12/22

LAUC-B Ex Comm - meeting minutes- 1/12/22 10 am -12:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 984 2479 6697
Passcode: 603374

In attendance: Susan McElrath, Celia Emmelhainz, Michele Morgan, Ramona Collins, Lara Michels, Jennifer Dorner, Ann Glusker, Sine Hwang Jensen, Kate Peck

I. Announcements


II. Member questions/concerns 

  • Suggestions for questions for upcoming meetings with the UL:
    • Discuss vacuum in LHRD staffing - places more HR burden on chairs/members of search committees
    • From later Fall Assembly debrief: Ask for clearer priorities for Library that librarians can use to right-size their own work (affects burnout)

III. Reports

  • Treasurer (L. Michels)
    • December expenditures: $1902.00
      • Employee development and training: $0
      • Conferences: $1091.00
      • Memberships: $811.00
      • Out-of-State Travel: $0
    • Total expenditures FYTD: $5,553.86
    • 2021/2022 budget still awaiting approval
  • Meeting with UL (S. McElrath)
    • Will follow up with UL on survey results as he did not have enough time to review results summary
    • Question: did the topic of clarifying scope/purpose of existing listservs come up? No
    • Libstaff is now an announcement-only listserv
    • Process of surveying LAUC membership highlighted need for channel for staff to communicate/be reached, not just members of LAUC
  • LIBR meeting (C. Emmelhainz) 
  • LAUC statewide conference call  January meeting cancelled (S. McElrath)
    • P. I. status - Do we have any questions for Jeff about P. I. status at UCB?
      • Can UCB choose to extend PI status if other campuses do not? Answer: yes, it is up to the university librarian.
      • At UCB librarians can request PI status, and requests are often granted
    • Would we like a channel in the Statewide Slack workspace? Not needed for Berkeley alone
    • Statewide Assembly 2022 - Would anyone like to attend the Statewide Assembly at UCSB in March? Do we want to host a mini-assembly at UCB? (see email from R. Green)
      • Idea: instead of hosting local assembly to view together, set up a post-assembly gathering to discuss assembly
    • RLF allocation for Jan-Jun 2022 (see email from C. Busselen)
      • Question: how are affiliated libraries connected to NRLF allocations? Part of UCB’s allocation? Separate allocation?

IV. Continuing/Outstanding Business

  • Fall Assembly Debrief
    • Suggestions for high level recommendations to CAPA, library admin, or other groups
    • Ideas for conversation with UL:
      • Ask for clearer priorities for organization that librarians can use to right-size their own work (affects burnout)
      • Changing how we work also takes effort and time
    • Feeling that unclear whether opinions or thoughts expressed actually have impact
      • Is it effective for LAUC to only speak to UL? Do we need time with AULs?
      • LAUC on other campuses do not consistently meet with their UL
  • Survey on Town Hall comments
    • Discuss summary report (Document will be shared with members once ExComm approves.)
    • How should we respond? Next steps?
      • Need to finalize summary report and share with LAUC-B membership
      • Awaiting response from Jeff 
        • Should we wait to share with LAUC-B until we have a response from Jeff and can share both together?
      • Agreed:
        • Set a deadline for comments on draft report from ExComm: end of business on Tuesday, January 18
        • Abby will add final report link to minutes before sharing with membership
  • Critical Librarianship Reading Group
    • Item pushed to future meeting

V. New Business

  • Nominate/approve members of Distinguished Librarian Award Committee
    • Ramona Collins is chair
    • Anna Sackmann
    • José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez
    • Mark Hemhauser
    • Kristie Chamorro (affiliated rep)
    • Richard Buxbaum (faculty rep)
    • Vote unanimously approved
  • Spring Assembly
    • Theme: Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Diversity Committee
    • Logistics - Timing; Virtual?
      • Nominees for statewide office needed by start of May, aim for April
      • Location: Zoom
      • Susan will move forward planning for April assembly
  • Library decision to open Doe 321 (CAPA office) for general library use
    • CAPA business is now conducted online, library looking for more general meeting space
    • CAPA requested to keep the office through May, request rejected
      • Need: space for private Zoom conversations
    • Doe 321 will be available general use, which includes CAPA
    • Proposal: ExComm return to this issue when Moffitt reopens and space is less impacted across libraries
      • Recommendation: compile list of issues faced by CAPA in the meantime
  • LAUC-B Getting to Know You Mixer
    • One purpose: representatives from the various LAUC-B committees/groups available to highlight their group for members 
      • Best to do this in person
      • Question: should this be LAUC-B specific or for all staff
    • Next steps: aim for May event and discuss again at February ExComm meeting